A satisfying and useful little make, combining things I love and using up what I have - this scissor fob is keeping my scissors safe!
I have been so enjoying a lot of hand stitching time recently and my cross stitch obsession is growing. Counted cross stitch is so relaxing, I have to concentrate enough so that my mind is not engulfed in worries or to do lists (as it often is) and the patterns mean that even though you are repeating the same stitch over and over it doesn't get boring. Also you can create little projects like this one or work on much bigger pieces, so there's variety. The rabbit hole that is FlossTube (search flosstube on YouTube) led me to discover the website Tiny Modernist Cross Stitch and I fell in love with the Vintage Red Sewing Set pattern. I will stitch the pincushion at some point but as I kept loosing my scissors down the side of the sofa, I bought the pattern to make the scissor fob.
Stitched on an offcut of linen from my current big cross stitch project (Modern Folk Embroidery SAL), it was a quick stitch and I spent some time thinking about how to finish it off. I know a lot of people use the little glass seed beads beads but I don't have any and didn't want to buy anything new. I searched though my boxes of stuff and found these wooden beads from AGES ago - my mum has saved them from when I was a teenager (I was obsessed with the bead shop in Affleck's Palace and the bead shop in The Lanes in Brighton, where we spent holidays). She had given me a bag of beads and these wooden ones are such nice colours.
I picked out the beads that coordinated with the cross stitch to use as decorative trim round the edges. I knew it wouldn't look as neat or 'finished' as using tiny seed beads but that's ok. I actually adore the texture of them and the sort of boho look it gives to the fob. I hand whip stitched the linen pieces together, left a hole for stuffing and sewed it closed, and then hand sewed the beads through every other hand stitch. It was fun to make. I also love that one little yellow bead, like a lemon!
I did however have an issue making cord from floss. I tried and totally failed. It wasn't even fun trying and I don't want to do it again. As an alternative, I went back to what I know and made a 'friendship bracelet' cord by knotting the floss. I used four of the colours used in the cross stitch and it worked perfectly.
This scissor fob makes me smile, little bits of my childhood, sewing stuff, my blog, the colours and it just feels so nice. It can be used as stress relief; holding and squishing and fiddling with the beads. The larger bead and some of the small ones have seen some wear but it doesn't bother me and actually I like it more, the imperfect charm of reuse.
It holds memories and the fact that it's not pristine gives it life and I don't need to be precious with it - even though it is precious in a way. I make things to be used and if they get worn out, I can try to fix it or make another!
I stitched the Tiny Modernist pattern for the sewing side, just changing the date to my initials:

I like that it's stitched on both sides rather than using fabric on the back. I did fuse woven interfacing behind the stitching to strengthen it and to stop the stuffing coming out.
The cross stitch and knotted cord was made with Aurifloss:
#2530 #4020 #2930 #2350 #6722 #2606 #2785 and Aurifil Brillo #752
And now I have a cute scissor fob and no longer lose my scissors - hurrah!
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Absolutely adorable. x
Super cute! I need something like this and it didn't even dawn on me until I saw yours. Thanks for the idea! ;-)