sew organised
shapely rope basket

handmade stitching extras
These are extras but could be deemed necessities. Each project is contributing to helping me stay neat and organised while stitching. I have been down the rabbit hole of flosstube videos on YouTube and decided to make a thread catcher mat and also try making a 'grime guard' for my new 11" Q-Snap frame. My 2021 cross stitch project needed a project bag to house the larger frame too (it would also be perfect for storing quilt blocks) so that's where it started. The slippery slope of making things to prepare to make things!
super tote

I hope you are all staying safe and well. A reminder that I co-host a weekly craft along on instagram every Saturday night - if you fancy joining us to show what you're working on or just get some inspiration, please do! It's a wonderful and very encouraging community, find more info in this post.
Today is my 41st birthday! Obviously it's going to be quite low key, hoping to spend a nice relaxing evening with my family. To celebrate I am having a giveaway on my instagram, click the photo below and leave a comment to enter. Open worldwide / ends 15th January 2021.
the sewing box (after)
You're Capable
stitching stash
I recently got a few stitchy bits and bobs to help set me up for stitching projects this year. It's custom for me to share, mostly to document the details of things for my own record but also to give recommendations. I'd also love for you to share what items you have tried / use / love in the comments because there's nothing better than word of mouth!
First up is this lot from Lakeside Needlecraft. An 11" Q Snap frame, I already have an 8" that I love and I plan on having a couple of cross stitch projects on the go this year so another frame was needed. I went slightly bigger as I plan on using this for the Modern Folk Embroidery SAL. The silk thread is Waterlilies by Caron in #308 Italian Ice which I plan to use stitching another Modern Folk Embroidery pattern, on to the 32 Belfast Linen in Mushroom you see below. Finally I got some more Aida band because I love them and want to incorporate them into projects somehow, also I fancy making a bookmark.
I've been putting all my stitching projects for this year into bags and organising the patterns, fabric and thread so I am ready to stitch and switch between them as I please!
My quilty list has yet to be tackled but I do plan on making my way through old unfinished objects (again) this year!
What are your sewing plans for 2021?