Friday night quilt

I'm so fortunate to be able to work with such beautiful fabrics and some of the best! Here's a little round up of a couple of makes I did for Sewing Quarter recently...

Liberty fabric The Cottage Garden

Liberty is one of my favourites and I use quite a bit of tana lawn in my own projects. I also have some of the lifestyle cotton prints they did a few years ago for quilters. The new Cottage Garden Collection prints from Liberty are quilting weight cotton and lovely to sew with. I cut them up into lots of pieces to make the Friday Night Quilt from Three Patterns by Pam & Nicky Lintott.

fabric pieces for quilting

The book has patterns to use with the Creative Grids Double-Strip Kaleidoscope Ruler, which makes cutting much quicker! It's a pretty design, with a nice sized scrappy border. I went back to basics for quilting, using a plate and my hera marker to mark a curve across the corner. 

marking lines for quilting with hera marker

After stitching a few lines, with my walking foot and guide, I realised it needed something more, so I went back and marked another curve on the corner diagonally opposite. It gives lovely movement to the quilt and I like seeing the lines intersect.

friday night quilt and quilting lines

Thanks to my little helper for holding the quilt - she had the most horrible allergic reaction that day and was covered in hives :( We still don't know what she reacted to!

friday night quilt

There was also fabric folding fun, making up a Cathedral Windows cushion using a pattern by Jo Avery. Despite there being a fair bit of preparation in making up these squares, which seems daunting, I actually enjoy it because it's meditative and can be done while watching tv. 

folded squares for cathedral windows

The windows feature Bees, All Stars by Tula Pink and Blackbird, Hello Love by Heather Bailey. Rather than place the squares in an alternating pattern I played about and settled on this arrangement:

preparing fabric for catherdral windows

Then the pinning begins!! My least favourite part, and probably why I would prefer to hand sew (I would just fold the edges over as I went), it is important to pin if sewing the edges down by machine and helps keep them more even.

making cathdral windows quilt

 Here is the finished cushion hanging out in the studio green room:

cathedral windows cushion quilting

The past week has been a bit of a blur, I have had big deadlines so non stop making as I get ahead with projects. You will see them here soon! I knew that I would be pushed and would need to force myself to take a day off. I actually scheduled it in my planner!! So today I've done nothing, no sewing (so far, I might end up doing some epp tonight) and just been lazy really. I wore the most appropriate t-shirt too! haha!

lucy charm about you

I do like having a laugh and one show I think is hilarious is Schitt's Creek on Netflix, series 4 has just come out. Catherine O'Hara is a total star and the whole cast cracks me up. It's just brilliant. Are you watching it?

I'm off to binge on that :) Happy weekend everyone!

linking up to finish it up friday at crazy mom quilts