I'm writing about a day spent with my family... scroll down to fabric pictures if that interests you more :)
It has been an emotional day. Before the London attack last night we had already planned to go in to the city centre of Manchester today, it was made more poignant after another tragedy. I wanted to attend Quaker meeting, the girls decided they wanted to come too (for the first time). It was something I really needed and the testimony people spoke was moving. The children gave a short performance at the end and I was so proud that my girls got involved and they did brilliantly.
We met up with my husband and son outside the town hall. We walked through town (that's what we call the city centre!) and made our way to the tributes at St. Ann's Square. To be honest I wasn't really prepared for how I would feel.
The scale of it was beautiful. So much love, sadness, grief and so many heartfelt notes and tributes. I stood and cried.
We went and spoke to some armed police officers, they had come up from Wales, the children thanked them. There were people having their pictures taken with them, I suppose because it's so unusual. Then we went into St. Ann's Church to light some candles. It's a beautiful church. St. Ann's has long been one of my favourites areas in the city, I would often go and sit outside the back of the church when I was in town. It's incredibly peaceful.
Joan high fived a police officer then she continued giving high fives to every officer she saw! Their reactions were awesome, one had never been given a high five and was very happy about it! We took the kids to buy a book each and walked back past the tributes to sit in Exchange Square to have some lunch. It so happened that a Pipe Band began playing (my husband is Scottish and we all love the sound):
I did a bit of shopping alone then met back up with the family to go to Manchester Cathedral. My husband and I had never been inside it before. There was a service taking place so we stayed for a prayer and lit more candles.
As a family we don't go to church, today I went to three (well three places of worship). The girls want to go back to meeting and I would like to start attending again. Faith isn't something I talk about much, and I don't really plan to, but it is important to me. Tonight we watched the One Love Manchester concert on tv and it was brilliant. Not all my usual musical taste but I enjoyed every minute. You could really feel the love, compassion and unity.
Earlier in the week I made these hexie blocks for the Manchester Quilting Bee, they are collecting blocks to make quilts for the families affected by the attack. To get the details click here.

Recently I have had some lovely new fabric additions {I will be including the info about each print when I have time, please check back!}
Lovely Chris kindly offered to send me a Wefty needle, I really can't wait to try it because all the projects I've seen made using one look stunning. Anyone tried it? Any tips?
And she also sent all these amazing goodies!! She totally spoilt me. Thank you so much Chris! ❤
Also this past week my wonderful Nan turned 99! We had a lovely lunch together and our youngest loves borrowing her bling, she strikes an adorable pose:
Wishing you all a wonderful week full of love xx
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Sounds like a very special day. The pictures are truly overwhelming. I'm glad your family is safe!
It sounds like a wonderful uplifting day. So heartwarming to see people coming together to support and strengthen one another.
It must have been so moving to see the flowers etc in St Anne`s square. I have never been to a Quaker meeting but have attended services at both St Anne`s Church and the Cathedral when e lived in Manchester Dad was an honorary canon at the Cathedral. Did make one hexie bit not sure if I did it right have sent it with my email address but not heard back if I hear it is okay will make more. Some lovely fabrics yu have added to your stash
Happy birthday to Nan. It has been a difficult few weeks emotionally as a country . I've never actually been to a Quaker meeting but I have always admired them and their peaceful ways , they set an example others should follow
Sounds like a day well spent, time to reflect and time as a family. Love your new fabrics additions, the library stamps are great especially as we have machines at our library now and no more stamping :-(
Wonderful day you had! Happy birthday to your Nan! You're so lucky to have her still. And that beautiful NYC subway map fabric?? Swoon!
Heartfelt post..love your nan...I had a mom and a nan like that...always in my heart xxxoo