**Giveaway now closed**
I am delighted to welcome Bobbie Lou's fabric factory as a new sponsor! Full of gorgeous and vibrant fabric, this modern online shop is the perfect place to discover fabulous prints. The owner Chelsea finds fun, bright fabrics for endless beautiful creations.
You will find lots of the popular fabric designers and quality manufacturers in the shop, like Art Gallery Fabrics, Cotton & Steel, Dear Stella, Cloud 9 and many more. Chelsea has amazing taste and all the products chosen for the shop are really beautiful! There are lovely dress making patterns and these incredible embroidery kits by Kiriki Press:
The site is easy to use, with excellent menus to help you pick out fabric by brand, designer or colour, as well as style - which is really usually if you want to search for a particular type of print. I would like everything in the Polka Dot section!
Bobbie Lou's fabric factory also sells fat quarters, which means you can get smaller cuts when you need them or buy more variety easily! It's nice to be able to get fat quarter cuts of any print.
I encourage you to go and take a look at all the ranges she stocks but here are just a few of my favourites...
This pretty moon print is so striking and I love floral designs:
There are lots of fun prints and fabric perfect for children's projects too. These are the cutest penguins and I can't resist a great text print:
clockwise from top left: Alphabet in Gray, Type by Julia Rothman; Silly Chilly Penguin in Red, Christmas Time by Alexander Henry House Designer; Lions and Tigers in Gold Organic, Happy Drawing by Ed Emberley and Mono Butterfly in Blush, Whisper by Victoria Johnson.
It is a great time to visit the shop because from tomorrow there is 20% off the entire shop, from 25th November - 28th November 2016. The sale will be both on the shop website as well as the Bobbie Lou Fabric Etsy shop. The code is: SweetPotato20
And even better the discount can also be used on sale items! Definitely check that out!

As if that weren't enough, Bobbie Lou's fabric factory are offering you the chance to win a $50 gift certificate to the shop!
4. Spread the news - share this giveaway on facebook, instagram, blog, twitter, pinterest etc - then leave a comment letting me know how you shared (optional entry)
The giveaway is open internationally and ends 29th November 2016. A winner will chosen by random.org.
For the love of luck please please leave your email address in the comment - the last couple of times I picked winners that I could not contact so they missed out!!
Good luck :)
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Hi Lucy! Your new sponsor shop looks fantastic! Great celections of beautiful fabrics! Thank you and them for a great give away! x Teje
I follow both of you in IG.
We don't do thanksgiving but I am thankful for my family.
I follow both of you on Ig. Thanks
I'm thankful for the good health of my family. Thanks to both you and Bobbie Lou's for the giveaway.
I am thankful for family, friends, good health, and a job that keeps me busy. I also have a hobby that keeps me sane and makes me happy!
Sandy A
I am thankful for family and good health! Thank you both for the lovely giveaway! Anneli
I follow both of you in IG. x Anneli
I am thankful for my beautiful grandaughters. jennylarking at gmail dot com
I have many friends and colleagues in the US - I am thankful for their support and friendship especially today on Thanksgiving. sodonoghue3 at aol dot com
I am thankful for so much especially my family and friends for being supportive and encouraging me to make my wishes come true!!
It is raining buckets here in NW Oregon, and so very windy, and I'm thankful for our warm, cozy home, safe against the storm.
I pinned this giveaway: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/491525746815219966/
I follow you and Bobbie Lou on Instagram, where I am @wordygirl11.
I receive Bobbie Lou's newsletter, at my wordygirl at earthlink dot net email address.
I can't sign up for the newsletter, that window is not opening up. But I do promise to keep trying!!
I shred via twitter: https://twitter.com/firesidequilts/status/801916396959596544
Thankful for your friendship, Lucy 💖
HELLO,so thankful for my loved ones! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank You for a neat Giveaway too! msstitcher1214@gmail.com
signed up for newsletter
Shared this neat Giveaway with my quilty friends:
I am thankful for family, friends and good health.
I signed up for the newsletter.
BobbieLou's is a great place to shop for fabric and Chelsea packages every purchase like it's a gift. It's so sweet and so much fun! This year, I am thankful for my hard-working husband who just retired after 38 years with a major company. Now we can both enjoy more time together!
I follow both bobbieloufabrics and charmaboutyou on IG. username: _duchick_
I am thankful for the extra minutes of some alone time this morning before the havoc comes with two little kiddos. Morning like this saves me from being tired, grumpy and basically set the mood for the whole day!
I am thankful that my twin sister is well again...
I am thankful that I can stay home and enjoy some peace and quiet. Thank you, peterstankovich@comcast.net
I signed up for Bobbie Lou's newsletter. Some beautiful items there! Thank you, peterstankovich@comcast.net
I have been a newsletter subscriber to Bobbie Lou's for a while now...great sales!
I am thankful for my husband and my family.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I follow Charm About You on Facebook, and I follow Bobbie Lou's Fabric on Facebook and I signed up for her newsletter.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I'm thankful for my husband, family and friends, my freedom and my fabric stash!
I have shared the giveaway by Facebook to my friends.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I follow you and Bobbie Lou fabric on Instagram
I'm thankful for my family. Especially my hubby and adorable 3 year old son.
I am thankful for having my kids all at home for thanksgiving!
I signed up for the newsletter! thank you and happy thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for having my family close by. Thanks grinnie1961 at gmail dot com
I receive their newsletter - it arrived in my inbox today
bollygosh at bigpond dot com
I'm thankful for my family and having a roof over our heads. Thanks! Mcstellen @ g mail dot com
I follow both of you on IG. :) @mcstellen
I tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/mcstellen/status/801995194254196736?s=07 thanks for all the chances to win!
I'm thankful the power came back on in time to cook Thanksgiving dinner!
I am thankful for my health and my family! :)
I'm thankful for my life as is right now.
I am very thankful for my family and friends.
I receive the newsletter.
I'm thankful for my family. But in particular my three amazing daughters who really stepped up and helped our family business out this past apple season. It's not an easy time for any of us but they really helped to make things smoother.
I'm thankful for my family including the furry ones and friends.
I am thankful for a day of rest. We celebrated Thanksgiving early this year. Today was a quiet day, uninterrupted by distractions and responsibilities. Rest for the soul.
I'm thankful for a nice warm house. grecomara at gmail dot com
Signed up for the newsletter
Follow you both on IG @mara.creates
And I will repost on IG
I am thankful for my family.
I signed up for Bobbie Lou's newsletter.
I follow both of you on Instagram, @notqnot
I shared the giveaway on Instagram.
I am thankful for my family and our health.
I am a new newsletter subscriber.
I follow you both on Instagram as raina_delrio
Shared via Pinterest:
I am thankful for my family & all their support & understanding through a very trying time for me. Thank you!
I am thankful that we had a big, wonderful family Thanksgiving yesterday and that now our son (who lives 900 miles away) is here to visit for a few more days.
I am a newsletter subscriber!
I am an Instagram follower!
I shared on FACEBOOK!
I m thankful for so many things. I would say that I am most thankful for my husband and two children. They make my life full.
I follow both of you on IG.
I am thankful for all the lovely people I am allowed to be with everyday (husband, family, friends). It is such a gift and honor to have them in my life. :) I am also thankful for sewing and embroidery-they keep me sane and happy. Thank you for a great giveaway! peeper@maine.rr.com
I follow both of you on IG. :) Thanks again.
I am always thankful for family and friends. Linda on ashworth.linda1@gmail.com
I'm so excited about this giveaway thank you for offering it fallow on if
Today, I am thankful for all my friends in the sewing community, particularly two who sent me vouchers/points to spend in a UK shop and which enabled me to buy a couple of dressmaking patterns I've had my eye on.
I follow both of you on Instagram.
I've signed up for their newsletter.
I tweeted
Today I am Thankful for the wonderful day yesterday...and for the whole week Sun-yesterday..that my Daughter was able to here from NC!! :D
Thank you for chance to win your give-a-way too!! :)
I get Bobbie Lou's Newsletter too :)
Already follow you thru Email & Bloglovin :)
(Sorry I had to delete my previous 3 comments. I forgot to add my email). I am very thankful for my beautiful family and good health.
I signed up for Bobbie Lou's Fabric factory newsletter.
I am following @bobbieloufabric and @charmaboutyou on instagram.
I shared this giveaway on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/lotusearthlight/status/802221240576516097?lang=en
I am thankful for my kids who just make my world a better place!
I follow you and bobbieloufabric on IG with @myfabricobsession
I'm thankful for my husband's continuing good health!
I signed up for the newsletter
Shared on facebook
My mom came to visit me this weekend, love that!
Also love bobby lou, already got some fabric from there once. :)
jolien_848 (at) hotmail (dot)com
I am thankful for my family and really good friends.
Hi Lucy, I am thankful for my little boy, born this year (corny, I know!)
I already followed you on Instagram, but am now also following Bobbie Lou
I am thankful for my health and family and friends - both real life and virtual x
I follow you both on Instagram
Follow both by email
I am thankful for My dear granddaughter who is learning to read. She read a book to me today!
I follow both of you on Instagram. Thanks for all that you share!
I signed up for Bobbie Lou's newsletter. Thanks again!
This is the first time I have visited your website. You have such cute things!
Elaine at ehloughlin@gmail.com
I follow both of you on Instagram.
I shared your Instagram post.
Super thankful for friends and family.
Follow both on IG @karries3
Signed up for newsletter ksmith8@emich.edu
Tweeted here https://mobile.twitter.com/KarrieSmith3/status/802373384050970624
I'm thankful for family, health and quilting. rmgsummers at yahoo dot com
I am thankful for a cool home on a very hot day!
I am thankful for visitors and people to share with
I already receive the newsletter :-)
I follow you both on Instagram!
I am so thankful for my God and family! :)
I signed up for Bobbi Lou's newsletter. :)
I follow both of you on Instagram. :)
I twitted about the giveaway. :)
After bypass surgery I am just happy to be here.
I'm thankful for my family and friends!
I subscribed to her newsletter!
I'm following both of you on IG!
Shared on FB!
I'm thankful that I worked on Thanksgiving for the 1st time as an RN. My Mom cooked me a turkey on Friday! My son came home home from college. & my sister, brother & several of my nephews came & joined me on my Friday Thanksgiving. My cup runneth over.
I am very thankful that my family got to fly in and eat with us on Thanksgiving! theindigoshelf at gmail dot com
I am already following through email! ^^^
And I follow you both on Instagram! :D
Always thankful for wonderful family and friends. Thank you for the giveaway
Thankful for a warm home, and a roof over my head! Thankful for love in the family too!
Yes, I have pinned you onto pinterest!
and, yes I have signed up for the newsletter!
I am thankful for family and friends that I have in my life.
I am reading the newsletter
Everyone is safe back from their activities today
I am so very thankful for the gift of my faith, for Christ's presence in the Eucharist, and for my wonderful family.
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I am thankful for my mother teaching me how to sew and quilt today. I have found a new hobby! Xsurgery@gmail.com
I am thankful that I have a day for myself, full of sewing and relaxing.
ehodasz at yahoo dot com
Signed up for bobby lue's newsletter.
ehodasz at yahoo dot com
I am thankful for family, friends, and giveaways! Garvey56@gmail.com
I'm thankful I got to see lots of family this break
I'm thankful for my family not onl today but for the rest of my life:-)
I follow you both on instagram.
Your work has been in my vision already - love your creative look on many things. I am "Thankful" for all the choices we have with our Global society -to share -to witness -to embrace different views -to learn from one another
I am thankful for good health
I already get bobby lou's newsletter
Love the Birch Fabrics Wildland collection in the shop. I've also signed up for Bobby Lou's newsletter.
Thank you.
Lucy I'm thank ful for you and your blog, it's fun! Even when you are down in the dumps or not feeling so great, you still share. Also for a healthy family, whom are all successful in love and work.
NOw following you and BobbieLou on IG> Thank you again.
I am thankful for my eyesight to be able to enjoy the beauty of quilts.
I'm thankful for my family and good health! I am also thankful for my great sewing machine!
Signed up for the Bobbie Lou's fabric factory newsletter.
Following @bobbieloufabric and @charmaboutyou on instagram: minibea123.
shared this giveaway on twitter:
Today I am thankful for my health, and my family and especially our health service.
I follow both you and Bobby Lou on Instagram
I am thankful for my little family and the support and love they give to me.
I'm thankful that my boy was well behaved today because I have a stinking cold!
I follow you both on ig already 😊