My favourite fabric prints are the ones that make me smile, a pretty print can give you that 'feel good' vibe. Bari J. has created a beautiful collection that is rich and still playful, at the same time both dreamy and striking.
Today's giveaway from Fat Quarter Shop is the stunning Hivernal Cloud Bundle of 10 fat quarters from Joie de Vivre by Bari J for Art Gallery Fabrics.
Through Joie de Vivre, an exuberant enjoyment of life, Bari J. paints the essence of her style - abundant with vibrant gem colors, and in this case, surrounded by pugs, butterflies, striking geometrics, and an all around eclectic feel.
I am smitten with Bari J.'s gorgeous bouquets and the way she mixes them with bold and modern geometrics. This bundle would make a great addition to anyone's fabric stash!
The winner has been contacted
⟡ Open internationally, a winner will be chosen on Monday 4th July 2016.
⟡ Please make sure you leave your email in the comments so I have a way to contact you if you win! No reply blogger, no chance.
Good Luck!
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This is a fabulous fabric range. I love how the modern and traditional play so nicely together. What a fab quilt they'd make. Lots of little things make me happy. Being outside engaging with nature and flowers. Walking home from work and not getting wet through. Going on mini adventures with Chief and of course playing with fabric!
My almost 3 year old is the best! He definitely keeps me on my toes and brings me mostly joy.
Little things like a warm quilt on a cold night, a cup of tea in bed, laughter with my family and giving my handmade things to friends are things that bring me joy. There are some pretty joyful fabrics in this bundle!
Sunny days make me sparkle, as well as finishing projects!
Love these fabrics, not seen them before and will definitely have to add some to my collection - they are in my favourite colours
Bari J has such wonderful designs! Most of my joy comes from my family and friends who are the very best anyone could ask for! thank you!
Pretty photos on IG!
michelle (at) coleandtaffy (dot) com
Beautiful collection and I love the name for it!! It's the little things that are important to me... A cup of my favourite tea, the song of a bird, the smell of fresh laundry on the line, the warmth of the wood stove on a freezing night... I could go on and on...
My grandchildren give me endless joy with their smiles and words - it is truly the little things that bring joy and I feel lucky enough to have always appreciated that. Simple flowers give me great pleasure - I spent hours roaming fields and hedgerows as a child in the 50's looking for wildflowers. I still search for them, especially as a passenger in the car. Fabric gives me pleasure too and sewing has always been a joy to me. Being able to create beauty with a needle and thread - to make a few scraps into something beautiful pleases me. Well before I start to hear violins I will stop right now. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous fabric - now that would bring me joy! ha ha
perry94022 at Hotmail dot com
Things that make me happy.... A few moments with my kids, a cuddle from my hubby a kiss from my puppy And a nice meal with friends
My email timandmichelle@iprimus.com.au
I shared the giveaway on Twitter and my twitter name is Sew1ngMeme
perry94022 at Hotmail dot com
My husband, my family, a good book, and some chocolate dipped strawberries make me happy.
I shared on IG, under rodandi14
It makes me happy to create something for someone or help someone out. I believe "Love Travels" so its my job to send it out.
I shared on facebook.
It makes me happy to sew charity quilts for the long-term ill children at my local hospital, and know that these quilts can be comforting and take their mind off their illness for a little bit.
My little granddaughter Hazel just makes me smile! She's exuberant and sparkles with life and discovery!
Shared on Instagram!Anita.Sharp@gmail.com.
My little granddaughter Hazel just makes me smile! She's exuberant and sparkles with life and discovery!
Sewing for my family and friends..And sewing with my grandson...Love giving gifts of love... happyness04431@yahoo.com
i shared your page on facebook..... happyness04431@yahoo.com
Beautiful summer days make me sparkle. 24Tangent@gmail.com
My 7 year old daughter - she's the smiliest person I've ever met!
Watching my ten year old granddaughter sew and see her light up with joy at her accomplishments, as I teach her to quilt! Gorgeous fabrics!
Funny clouds, fabric, coffee, smiley babies. Love this line!
My husband catching my eye and smiling across a busy room; my little boy telling me he loves me more than space; the way my little dog can't contain his excitement in seeing me when I return from the village shop. Sunshine diamonds sparkling on water and cherry blossom petals falling like confetti in the breeze. All these and so many more. Such a lovely thing to do to think about joy at such an unsettled time - thanks for the amazing giveaway opportunity but even more, thank you for helping put my head back into a joyous space! poppy@cuckooblue.co.uk
reading books to my children all snuggled up in bed, barbecues with family and friends, and sewing!! Thank you for the chance to win. Jumicreations2@gmail.com
My husband and our two cats, my little family is a constant source of joy!
I'm sharing your giveaway on Instagram.
Friends, grandson, my garden-a sunny day!
Lovely prints in this collection!
My grandson and his family!!! I just love him to the moon. He is my sunshine! (his mom & dad aren't too shabby either)
I shared on FB (Bobbi Dougherty)
My little grands live in AZ but it is so fun when they visit me in NC. They love to catch lightning bugs , dance and run in the rain, and are fascinated by all the green.
Little smiles, butterflies and happy children. Love the colors in this fabric line.
Having conversations with my almost 4 year old granddaughter, Nellie, brings joy to my life and sparkle to my life.
Fabric brings me joy but my grandkids bring me even more joy. I love to make them quilts!
I shared by tweeting!
My kids! They also make me angry, tired, and worried, but they bring me the biggest joy there is!!
I shared on pinterest
The rain stopping just as I decide to take Archie out to his preferred sniffing spot. Not needing sun cream on a day when I thought the sun would be splitting the pavement. Realising the weather lady got it wrong and we're not going to have weather in the mid twenties all summer. Watching the fret roll in. Hmmmm, seems people are right when they say we Brits are obsessed with the weather!!!
My two little grandsons, ages 6 and 2, definitely bring joy and sparkle into my life. I am blessed!
Just shared on IG😊
michelle (at) coleandtaffy (dot) com
Spring and first flowers, fun times with my family, craft, beautiful fabric and yarn.
Of course my children and family brighten my day!
Spring and first flowers, fun times with my family, craft, beautiful fabric and yarn.
I tweeted
Reposted on IG
My 22 month old grandson is the joy of my life
His smile and laugh melts my heart
i shared on fb.
cool, sunshiny days; family and friends; and my crazy dog all make me smile.
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
I am 17 weeks pregnant and this is bringing me joy and sparkle to my life x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
Such a pretty bundle! I'm so happy to see a dog print in there!
My sweet 9 pound Morkie gives me constant joy. Sophie is always happy and loving and ready for cuddles. I also have a wonderful husband of almost 33 years who brings me great happiness! I am blessed.
I like my kitty snuggling in bed. and both of us watching the birds at the feeder.
My baby girl laughing is what bring me joy everyday
Cooking and sewing and playing with my six year old granddaughter brings me joy!
I shared this on Twitter. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric!
Spending time with my hubby brings joy in my life. Our kids are grown, but he still runs a busy business, so having a little get always brings sparkle to my life. Thanks for the beautiful giveaway.
I have to say OOOH LALA oh this fabric, it is simple great. I have 12 grandchildren 14 yrs and under that bring joy to my step when I'm with them. Their is nothing better then family I say. thank you for the chance at winning this great looking fabric!
sewfabrics at outlook.com
Right now, seeing all the flowers in bloom brings me joy, especially those that were my grandmama's!
I tweeted! @QuiltedBlooms The bundle is beautiful! Thanks!
My husband bringing me coffee in bed each morning is one of my greatest joys at the moment :-)
Baby's kisses.
Quiet moments with a cup of coffee either in the morning or afternoon before the chaos of 3 boys begins! Love the boys, but need some quiet moments :)
Shared on FB
My puppy curled up on my lap
I shared the giveaway on Instagram, notqnot.
taking a ride for no particular reason, sitting with my kitties, visiting on the phone with one of my kids...
Thanks so much for a chance to win! Drinking tea from a lovely cup is making me happy :).
cottonpaperflowers at gmail dot com
What really makes me sparkle is a nap in the middle of the day.
My grandkids make my life sparkle - best thing ever!
What a fun, interesting line of fabric. What makes me sparkle? Well, completing a quilt does it for me.
I love hearing my chickens after they've laid an egg; The flowers blooming in my pots make me smile as the colors relieve the dreary desert browns. I love seeing a project come out better than i thought it would. These are wonderful fabrics. Thanks to you and Fat Quarter Shop.
rmgsummers at yahoo dot com
Spending time with my "little old lady" friends--the octogenarian and nonagenarians in our neighborhood always made me especially happy. Moving away from them when we went to live in the country was very hard, but I treasure those memories and everything I learned from them.
I shared this giveaway on Pinterest.
Watching the humming birds feed in my yard my dog content and dreaming next to me hubbys excitement about new job after 20 yrs service in the military watching my kids grow into caring compassionate young adults and Free fabric 😏
Working/playing with fabric brings me joy and I try to spread that around by gifting many of the things I make. Things given randomly and for no reason are sometimes the best. For example, the other day I took some homemade potholders to the girls that work at my local bank and let them each choose one to take home. A small thing, but they all seemed very happy with the unexpected gift.
This fabric is delightfully colorful and rich! My sparkle comes from petting my puppies and playing with my grandchildren! Love your blog!
Love Bari J. I have a quilt all planned out in her Anna Elise fabric. These look equally as beautiful. Right now, my three little babes bring me joy and make me sparkle. I love every minute with them. I guess I shouldn't call them babes with them getting so big. And the few minutes of sewing that I sneak in make me really happy!!
determineddebby at gmail dot com
My grandchildren top my joy list! Followed by new fabric, sunsets and flowers. Love this new Bari J fabric collection!!!
Playing with my kids gives me such joy. Especially when they play in my sewing room! :)
I reposted your giveaway on IG (@myfabricobsession)
I absolutely get the most joy from my family. Thanks for the chance to win! sarah123quilt {at} gmail [DOT] com
grands and great grands
posted on facebook ! barbara dillard smith woods
My Pugs bring me joy - i LOVE that Pug fabric! <3
Giving my sewing projects to people and watching how excited they get...that is what gives me joy and makes me sparkle!
Sharing on fb. ccpmcsusmom@att.net
Thank you!
My 2 kids bring me so much joy and knowing they are doing so well makes me sparkle. Love this new line of fabric by Bari J. It also makes me happy! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Being newly retired (early)lol.... makes me happy because it gives my and husband and I more time together....we are loving being together whilst also being able to do our 'posh' things. This seems to be 'our' time which is very much appreciated..... the BariJ fabric is gorgeous😀 thanks for the giveaway ... hugs Sue xx
Oh I love this topic! So many little things bring me joy, good to remember to focus on them... today I am finding joy in a new pack of paper pieces that was just delivered to my door as I imagine the possibilities of the fabrics I will use for my new Smitten pattern! Also the sun is shining AND I'm off work the next few days :)
Puttering in my garden brings me great joy.
I shared on IG (@winkowl)
This bundle is awesome! Beautiful fabric and reading a good book are two things that bring me happiness. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Swimming in the pool in the morning brings me lot of joy and cools me down so wonderfully for the day, lol!
Reading a good book, sewing when I would like to. That brings me joy.
ehodasz at yahoo dot com
My children! Thanks so much for the chance!
Lovely fabrics!
Playing board games with my family, cuddling our little dog, (a pug, Chihuahua, Jack Russel mix), working on my quilts, and reading, are the things that bring a sparkle of joy to my heart.
My email is: bestbelle2010@aol.com
A sunny day, a surprise in the mail, a walk on the beach, a good book, all give me pleasure!!
Beautiful fabric range, and somewhat fittingly, one of the little things that brings me joy....just a simple cheap bunch of flowers from the supermarket plunked in a vase above my kitchen sink. Beautiful blooms, with a view to the trees outside, makes me smile every time I see them. This week, I have lisianthus and irises.......gorgeous😃
This is a gorgeous bundle with beautiful colors. I absolutely love the darker fabrics.
The little things that make me sparkle are my 3 young grandchildren. They make my heart shine when they come to visit us. DO they count as little things? LOL On top of that spending time alone, away from any distractions with my husband. He is my one true love and soulmate!
Each year I look forward to our row of lilacs blooming in the Spring. They fill my entire home with that wonderful scent. I could write an entire list of little things that make me sparkle.
vburr at charter dot net
What gives me a little sparkle?? I'd have to say the random little love notes and drawings that my girls make me. Even when I have had a bad mummy day they will surprise me with a "you're the best mummy ever". Or fabric. One or the other ��
I have also shared this on my FB page. (My page is private, but this post I made public)
My dogs bring me so much joy, oh and all my fabric too!
I shared on Instagram @pauline_crameri
Sitting on the back porch drinking my first cup of coffee. We enjoy looking at our garden and listening to the birds sing.
Spending time with my kiddos in general and spending time at the beach and garden :)
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
Shared on Twiiter :)
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
My daughters give me so much joy. They always manage to surprise me and make me laugh. Lately I am receiving lots of sparkle through the letter box too thanks to friend's snail mail!
I shared on IG.
Receiving a compliment on something I did or made makes me smile and sparkle!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A
My two boys and husband bring me joy! I'm so thankful!! jarvenpa1ne(at)gmail(dot)com
being with my grandchildren and my family makes me happy.
Finding a little time in my day to squeeze some sewing in makes me sparkle, and a much nicer person! Absolutely love this line 😍
waking up in the morning to another beautiful day gives me joy!
I heard a willie-wagtail singing first thing this morning and it has set me up to be cheerful for the rest of the day.
Sunrises over the valley across from my house! I love starting winter days with a bright sunrise. Love this line- such lovely colors!
Every spring, my Grecian windflowers make me smile and bring me joy. I planted a flower garden about 30 years ago, all different kinds of bulbs etc. I no longer have it. But every spring, there are still a few windflowers that show up in my grass; pretty pink, purple, white, and blue ones. They don't last very long, and I make sure my husband doesn't mow that part of the grass until they are done! I really should plant some more of those flowers, as they obviously take no upkeep at all!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful bundle.
kakingsbury at verizon dot net
A good book, a can of Pepsi, a hot shower, making & creating -- those are all things that make me happy! annesimonot@sasktel.net
Shared on IG. (annsim64) annesimonot@sasktel.net
I shared on Facebook.
I love seeing Humming birds at the feeder, my daughter and grandsons, a ripe peach and a juicy slice of watermelon.
My grandson who is a wonderful & happy little boy.
Oh, so many joyful things! My kids, my cats, the hubs, flowers, work I love and definitely fabric and thread! Bethastrand@gmail.com
Thank you for a great giveaway. Apart from my family and dog my favourite things to make me smile are new fabric, a good book, chocolate, and homemade cake. x
Love this fabric, one of the current best lines. As lots of others have said, it's the small things that bring me joy- family and friends, my garden, food and wine(!!)and sewing.x
Shared via Pinterest. Thank you.
Small joys I witness frequently in my grown children, how strong they are in their relationships w/significant their other, the small holidays/trips they plan together to relax or visit a natural wonder, stitching of course, grand parenting for the first time...now that's a true joy and has made my heart swell with many trips down memory lane. Lucy, thank your for this question. We need to stop and smell the roses daily and recall these joys and blessing.
Some of the little things that bring me joy in life and make me sparkle are the smiles and laughter of my children and grandchildren, our little lovable dog, orangutans and gorillas, most baby animals....so many things. Also, good chocolate and coffee.
Shared on Facebook
Thank you for the giveaway.
I agree, it really is the little things which give joy, such as the sun coming out (perhaps not such a little thing really!). Sorting through my coloured scrap baskets is very cheering and there is nothing like designing a new quilt top in one's head! Thank you for the giveaway and the chance to win that enchanting bird!
Joy - waking to a new morning (thank you!) and hearing the little pug sounds next to me of Tula, my one year old gumby-pug! She makes me laugh with her comedy and jolliness. You can understand why I ADORE this giveaway!!! But more importantly, thank you for asking about joy. We need to look for it each day and be grateful for whatever form it takes.
A cup of coffee brought to me by my husband while I'm working. A cuddle with my dog.
My dogs, sitting outside when it's NICE (not much in the summer! LOL!),
being with hubby and friends, my kids
Shared on Facebook (goonybird)
I love this fabric line and have some to make a Makers Tote. Hearing my kids play nicely together makes me sparkle! Thanks for a fun give away!!!
My grand baby and my dog are the two things that make me sparkle most! Thanks for a chance to win, beautiful fabric line!
I shared on Facebook! Thanks
Gosh, a lot of little things bring me joy! "Nose kisses" from my sweet hubby...fireflies in June ... hummingbirds...new blooms on my flowers... Thanks for making me remember the joys...this has been a very rough day. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at) aol.com
Also, I shared this giveaway on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Artists4God/status/749066240002580480
Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at)
My boys make me happy! Michalathake@gmail.com
Shared on Facebook x
Hearing my boy laugh, which is not so common with teenagers ...
The first cup of tea of the day : )
Beautiful fabric, thanks for the chance to win.
My grandchildren add lots of sparkle and fun to my life. Couldn't have imagined what joy they'd be before I was a grandmother.
I love walking and stumbling across a frgrant plant - I found a jasmin plant the other day and it was truly gorgeous!
Chatting to my daughter on FaceTime, she lives in Australia gives me so much joy, especially when the grandchildren chip in
Looking out my window at the beauty of nature makes life great!
Shared on my Pinterest board Great Giveaways, calund47
I love Bari J's fabrics; her florals are always vibrant. Mint choco chip ice cream brings me lots of joy lately during this hot summer! Thanks for sharing a giveaway!
I love Bari J's fabrics; her florals are always vibrant. Mint choco chip ice cream brings me lots of joy lately during this hot summer! Thanks for sharing a giveaway!
Reposted on IG and tagged you!
My joy comes from watching my g-kids play. Their sense of wonder and amazement from little things.
Re-posted on IG
The little everyday things make me happy - a hug & a kiss goodbye from my husband on his way to work, a cuddle with my dogs, a text from my friend, petting (organizing) my fabrics, and a bit of chocolate!
Ok so this may sound crazy, but I just reorganized my entire dresser so that all of my clothes are side-by-side, not one on top of another - if that makes sense? I'm getting a ridiculous amount of happy from it!
Pinned it! (@teaandbrie on Pinterest)
When my little boy randomly gives me hugs -- I hope he never stops!!
Hearing my girls playing together and giggling, especially when I hear them saying they are best friends. They are 21, 5 and 3 years old :)
What beautiful fabric to give away!
So many things bring me joy but this weekend it has been watching the hummingbirds come to the feeder!! I love to see the gifts God gives us in nature!
The world I live in gives me joy- you just need to take the time to notice- I look at the beauty of a flower, a sunset, clouds, smiles, eye contact- anything really, but don't forget listening and smelling- listen to the birds, the rain and smell that fresh air, or bread baking, or great coffee.
Little joys for me are fresh strawberries, meeting wildlife in nature, having just enough of a fabric, and sharing laughs with my family. thanks for the chance to win some beautiful Bari J. Fabric!
Shared on Instagram @sewjoycreations
I just finished a batch of heart blocks for Pulse. I am also working on a kid's quilt top for charity. This kind of thing brings me joy, and I decided today that all of my Sunday sewing will be for good causes.
Things that bring me joy - kitties, lizards, flowers, cicadas singing in the trees, phone calls from my sons, giggles with my husband, snuggling my great nieces, stories with my siblings ...
I'm so glad you asked as now my heart is singing with the thoughts of so many happy things.
Such lovely fabrics! What makes me sparkle is every beautiful sunset, birdsong, and loving on my dog and cats. And my kids. :)
Since my kids are teenagers now, it brings me joy when they say those three little words: You were right. Bliss.
Shared via Facebook.
Shared via Facebook.
What makes me so happy is seeing my kids, who are 16 and 12.5, do things together and get along. Apurrenhage@gmail.com
Love these fabrics. Seeing our teens blossoming into young adults gives me great joy these days.
Days spent with family and good friends make me sparkle!
I would have to say that my kids bring me the most joy (even though they drive me crazy too) and my husband makes me sparkle. He makes me feel beautiful, loved and precious everyday.
Karen Street (aka QuiltyStreet on Instagram)
karen.k.street@gmail.com :)
I reposted your instagram giveaway announcement to my QuiltyStreet instagram account! Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric!!!
Karen Street (karen.k.street@gmail.com)
When my babies tell me they love me, that makes me sparkle for sure!
My children laughing together.
I shared on Instagram under bjpics23
These are a few of my favorite things: birdsong while I'm gardening, watching fireflies dance on a summer night, and hugs from my nieces and nephews.
These are a few of my favorite things: birdsong while I'm gardening, watching fireflies dance on a summer night, and hugs from my nieces and nephews.
Shared on Instagram as mumbird3! ��
happy-making things: the sound of waves washing ashore.
This is tmi but it's the 1st thing that came to mind. When I go to the bathroom, and actually go, it definitely makes me sparkle...and want to dance and sing! Thanks for the chance to win this stunning collection!
This is tmi but it's the 1st thing that came to mind. When I go to the bathroom, and actually go, it definitely makes me sparkle...and want to dance and sing! Thanks for the chance to win this stunning collection!
Children's laughing.
I shared as urska.z on IG.
I shared as urska.z on IG.
Oh - my daughters make me sparkle. Love!
What's bringing me joy at the moment is cycling up a really steep hill without getting off! thanks for the giveaway
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/MaryEmmens/status/749921999351414784
My kids' laughter. Watching them squirting each other with water guns. Hearing my son's voice after years of being unable to talk.
My son - especially when he laughs.
Making things for my daughter who is completely worthy. She receives with a loud gasp: "It's bootiful, Mommy!"