The good:

I finished my class sample projects and am utterly thrilled with them. I will show them all fully when my class schedule is announced. There's a really fun quilt design I created and managed to finish sewing the binding on that last night. I also finished up a super pretty and useful make that I embroidered:

Can't wait to show you them all in full!

The kids and I have been baking. First some courgette muffins that Lois managed to sneakily devour (that's what happens when mummy is sewing and not paying attention. Oops!) :

And then we made some really yummy homemade granola, I use Lily Pebbles 'Breakfast and Dessert Oats'. It is quick, with simple ingredients and you can add whatever you like into it. I don't grind the almonds, I just use sliced ones and sometimes smush the bag up before I open it so they aren't so big. I add raisins after cooking it. 

The kids love this just as a snack on it's own, with yoghurt for pudding or breakfast. They aren't usually big fans of cinnamon and there's a lot in this recipe but somehow they still love it! They have told me they like it more than the shop bought granola. I also use organic ingredients and it's still super cheap. Healthy and easy to make :)

The bad:

I was attempting to make another project as a class sample and I failed epically. Yesterday evening I just gave up on it (and then funnily read this blog post by Angie, so good to know I'm not alone). It was stressing me out, my ideas weren't working, I ended up in tears. I had a chat with hubbie and realised if I'm not even enjoying making it why would I want to teach it?! So I just gave up. It felt so good. It was a relief and now I can concentrate on other things without worrying. Sometimes giving up is not a bad thing.

The exhausting:

I have a horrible summer cold and three energetic children at home ALL day. Enough said.

Now I'm going to try and relax and enjoy some other wips, like my green tea and sweet beans :)

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced