**If you're looking for my giveaway click here! (ends 1st March)**
I was given a box of adorable baby girl clothes and had a lot of fun cutting them up (though it felt a bit wrong). I enjoyed focusing on pretty details and tried to create lots of interesting elements, like keeping this ruffle:
Little popper detail of the baby grow (I hand stitched it closed) and cute pockets:
More fun ruffles and a peek of my hand stitching in the top corner:
I couldn't resist this sweet bib top:
You can see it was a total mix of fabrics; denim, cotton, jersey, knit. The bits of the clothes I wanted to use were cut out using pinking shears and I fused everything except the denim with lightweight interfacing. I then rotary cut the pieces to the size I wanted and used a superior topstitch 90/12 needle to piece them. I hand quilted some of the plainer panels and around the poem (printed on photo fabric), added a little embroidery and then hand tied the quilt with perle thread.
Although that is a quick summary, it was a lot of work and I struggled with the layout but got there eventually and I am so thrilled with it. It is such a rewarding job to be able to save these memories and create a pretty quilt in the process! It was very well received by the lady that commissioned it and I know it will be treasured.
This is my second finish from my FAL list - I'm glad I kept it realistic, it feels good to only have one project left to finish (despite my actual mountain of WIPS!!).
Linking up:

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This is precious. I have a big smile on my face. Thanks for sharing.
Well tackled. I often think of hacking up my rowing t-shirts from uni for a memory quilt, but then keep bottling it!
That turned out really cute! What a great idea for all those clothes that have just a touch of a stain or a reason they can't be passed on. ( or are just too special to let go of for any reason)
That is so cute Lucy. What a great way to save a memory. You did a fantastic job.
Well done! Full of memories, for sure!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
What a great finish. It's turned out really well - so lovely to utilise all the old clothes. My finish this week was a quilt from my girls' old brushed cotton pjs! Well done on completing your 2015 FAL project aswell!
It's gorgeous!
my daughter still has all her old band t shirts and I have been keeping the very expensive shirts my husband has a penchant for - 100% cotton and locally made but the collars and cuffs wear out so quickly. I will make a quilt ...... but......Do people still turn collars and cuffs?
forgot to add the quilt is beautiful
That is stinking cute!
So cute!
This is so precious, Lucy! I wish I had thought to do something like this before I donated all of my girls clothes. Donating is good but there were definitely some outfits that had special memories. What a wonderful idea!
The quilt is gorgeous! I love that you included all the special details.
Teresa x
This looks great, I may come to you for tips- my sister in law wants one of these doing...
Oh my goodness that's the cutest quilt ever! I love that preserved the detail in the clothing. It makes this finish really special!
You put such great care into creating this memory quilt. I love all the details of the clothes and how you worked them into your design. My Mom passed away in 2013 and she was a great machine embroiderer and had a whole collection of tshirts and sweatshirts that she created and loved. My sister wants us to make memory quilts from them all someday, so I love to see inspiring ideas on how others handled their different fabrics. Thanks so much for linking up with TGIFF this past week.
It's lovely Lucy - fantastic job!
I'm normally not a fan of the memory quilt, but this is cute enough to win me over!
Thank you for this post. I have struggled with the issue of letting go of the kids' things with memories attached, while keeping a handle on the clutter. This project is a wonderful solution and brought tears to my eyes. :) Keep up the wonderful work!
Cute. I wanted to do something similar but I gave up and gave the cloths to charity instead :)
I've kept my favourite outfits from the girls' first years. One day I plan on turning them into a memory quilt. Hopefully I'll do half as good a job as you've done with these :0)
Amazing job!
Thank you for sharing with us and giving us a few tips along the way.
Hello again, what did you back the quilt with? Thanks.
Beautiful quilt!