I have made some good progress with the projects I'm doing but still have a lot to get on with!
Another quilt top finish this week, one I will be teaching at work. It's a Japanese + x quilt made with gorgeous Arizona by April Rhodes. It's not often I make a quilt using all one fabric line but I really do love Arizona. The colours are so beautiful and I love the Southwestern American theme.
Apologies the picture was taken in weird light - I'm so busy this was the best I could manage! I will get better pictures once it's all quilted. I really like how the navy plays with the paler colours and the wonderful scrappy effect this quilt has. Oh the mint Triangle Tokens print, which has gold metallic triangles too, is just so gorgeous!
Arizona is available online here and here, or if you're in the Stockport area pop into Patchfinders.
Have a great weekend!
*just a note, I really do have my hands full at the moment - preparing for back to school, lots of sewing, general life - so although I'm grateful to the people that have already asked me to be part of the Around the World Blog Hop, can I please ask everyone else playing along not to consider 'tagging' me because I will have to say no. I enjoy reading people blogs about why they sew etc but I have a full plate so I've decided to be a spoilsport. Thank you. I'm getting back to my WIPs!
Linking up:

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Looking good Lucy, look forward to hearing how the class goes. I know that feeling of being busy, my youngest starts school in Sept, there seems to be so much to sort out!
You're awesome! No need to do it all :) I love how the Arizona placement made the shapes disappear in the x-plus blocks. Really lovely!
visiting from crazy mum quilts. Well done getting it all done
Top looks amazing! I really love that fabric line... :-)
Very cool that you're teaching too. Enjoy
You do get a lot done Lucy, with your young family! I was asked three times in three days about that bloghop! And had to say no too! So I totally understand!
Really looking great there, Lucy. Well done for taking the decision to give yourself a break! Life just gets too busy at times.
Like the look of your classes there, too, on that list. Well done you!
The Arizona fabrics are beautiful and I love how you have used it in these X and +blocks!
what a gorgeous quilt, it looks wonderful.
Looking good, I'm still trying to decide what to do with my Arizona bundle
I'm with you on the blog hop! It's nice to be asked, but I could never do that and do it well given what else is going on in life. Twin spoilsports :)
Enjoy the class!!
P.S. I'd also be turning down the blog hop thing!
Beautiful job on the quilt top! Have fun teaching the class. Thanks for linking to TGIFF.
I wish I could take you class the quilt is beautiful!
Beautiful quilt top! By FAR my favorite item I've seen made out of that line. Not to be a meanie, but I couldn't even picture that fabric in something I'd like but you sure proved that notion wrong!
OMG, I do love that fabric line... I am not sure how I have managed not to buy some!
Thx for pic......gorgeous!
Love quilt choice, colors!