I finished my rose star quilt top...
It will need trimming along the sides and of course I will be hand quilting it. I have a quilting plan and Aurifil thread ready to go!
There's 5,467 pieces in this quilt top... ok kidding I haven't got time to count them!! But it's a lot. All the papers were cut out from printer paper, then hand basted and hand pieced with Aurifil 50wt 2600 and 2610.
All done by hand and all done by me, except for one beautiful block made by my wonderful friend Nicky - she made the one on the bottom right in the picture above and she also made me about 5 of the 'alien' connecting shapes because she's awesome :)
I haven't quite finished taking out all the papers but I'm just pulling those basting threads by hand and it comes out easily, most of the time I took them out as I made each block but some have remained from connecting them together.
There was very little thought put into this quilt. In the sense that I decided to use solid colours (orange, pink, mint, grey and beige) in the centres and I used a stack of fabrics I liked but I just put them together one by one in combinations that I liked. There is very little fussy cutting, I tried it and I love the effect but for the most part I just cut totally randomly. I didn't play around with the layout, I just started sewing them together. Then I realised you can put them in rows so that's what I did. Putting them together is much faster when you work in rows - one rose star, two alien shapes, one rose star, etc.
To finish it off I decided to have the rose stars almost floating by using kites and half hexagons to get to the point I could just use full hexagons. I was going to do more hexagon borders but honestly this quilt top is big enough as it is and I like how the rows of rose stars look like they're stacked on top of each other, kind of higgledy-piggledy.
It's random, eclectic and all mine!
The rose star tutorial is by the amazing Clare - my love of English Paper Piecing is all down to her and this brilliant pattern. This was the very first English Paper Piecing I attempted, I have finished other projects along the way but this quilt holds my first block. Is it weird that fact almost has me tearing up?! I adore this quilt top so much. I totally recommend going and visiting Clare's inspiring blog selfsewn, she also has an English Paper Piecing tutorial if you'd like to start doing some yourself.
You can see more fabulous rose star blocks and quilts in the Flickr group.
Linking up:

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OMG what an epic quilt! I'm fascinated by all the handwork that went into it! Well done!
Thanks hun and I think it is really beautiful! Glad to have made a contribution and glad to have yours - must get closer to finishing that quilt! I think it will look fabulous hand quilted - it will be a really special piece of handwork!
Wow! Stunning!
Wow! One of a kind!
It's magnificent!
Oh Lucy, it's INCREDIBLE! I can only imagine how it will look all quilted up. Well done!
Oh wow - what am amazing quilt!
That is so beautiful! I have only quilted one quilt by hand, while I was nursing a very needy baby. It was so relaxing to sit in my E-Z boy recliner and nurse and quilt and nurse and quilt . . . month after month . . .
It is glorious! Even if I finish my current hexy project, it will not be anywhere near this amazing.
Wow! This is such a beautiful quilt top. Congrats on finishing it!
Its a stunner Lucy. I love it
Stunning indeed!
it is beautiful. :)
Ooo so fabulous.. Great work and i love the fabric choices..
What a journey! Hand quilting will finish this quilt into the family heirloom it will become! Stunning! (And it's on the Aurifil Facebook page with likes and comments too! )
Congratulations, Lucy! This is fantastic :D
Oh my stars! What a magnificent achievement. I am so impressed with you right now. This will surely become a family heirloom to be treasured forever. Congratulations and thank you for being such a dynamic inspiration. (By the way, I did see some David Butler Parson Gray fabric in there!)
It's fabulous, Lucy!!
Well worth every single stitch. It's just perfect. Well done Lucy
oh wow, this is beautiful!
Simply stunning Lucy and wow to the work involved - Chris :D
Just beautiful. No doubt this will become an heirloom. x
Absolutely stunning! Hand pieced? Amazing.
Good grief! It is beautiful and just. ...epic. What a work!!
It's amazing, such a lot of work. Great job
oh WOW! Lucy it's completely amazing, well done you! what a fantastic finish, and to complete with all your other deadlines at the moment!? you're doin' good! ;-) can't wait to see what you have planned with the quilting. xo
so SO beautiful! I really must finish mine - I just need to do the edge bits :-/
It is absolutely stunning Lucy!
Whew! That is one gorgeous quilt! You make me want to dust mine off and get going again. Isn't that sweet of Nicky to add to your quilt....very sweet.I can't wait to see your quilting. A stunning finish, Lucy!
Just awesome, Lucy :-)
Wow, this is beautiful! How big will the flimsy be after you trim it? I am totally amazed by all the hand work. Wow!
Beautiful! I know how you feel...I am plugging away on my first EPP quilt top, too, and I am in love with it. There is just something...empowering...about making the entire thing by hand, no sewing machine involved. Wow! Smile.
so stunning! love love love. Kx
I Totally love your quilt....outstanding
it is great Lucy, the colour combinations are lovely and it is just gorgeous. I love EPP too, though have only done hexies.
Cannot properly express how much I love this. It is totally beautiful.
After jumping over the tutorial link and seeing all the pieces involved in one star...GASP I am so impressed! It is beautiful but now that I see all the work you out into the hand piecing! Epic to say the least.
It looks fab, though can't believe you let grubby feet on it outside, I might have died at that point!
I love it lucy!! all of the fabrics and colors are so so amazing and gorgeous. wow!! ♡♡
This is beautiful. Love everything about it.
This is so gorgeous! Love it.
Looks fabulous and the hand quilting will enhance it beautifully.
I have enjoyed watching your progress with this quilt top so much! It is beautiful! I really am looking forward to seeing the quilting!
its beautiful, I should really plan one, I make small stuff right now.
This is beautiful!!! Congratulations on making such a wonderful top :)
Yay for finishing! It is amazingly gorgeous.
Oh well done you, you know I've admired this all the way through it's creation...
It is gorgeous.
It's totally gorgeous Lucy! No wonder you're chuffed. And it's going to be amazing when all the hand-quilting is done x
This is phenomenal, and it's going to be even more so after you quilt it. In honor of your finish, I'm going to make "higgledy-piggledy" my word of the day. Or does that count as two words? Speaking of counting, I got a chuckle out of your piece count. I'm glad you didn't actually figure it out. Your time will be much better spent English paper piecing. I think the random approach really worked out for you in this top. Thank you so much for sharing!
wow, that is fabulous! Well done for getting it finished. If that were me, i'd have chucked it after the first motif so you clearly have an affinity for EPP!
EEEE!!!! It's amazing! I can't believe you let a child put their feet on it!
Gorgeous! Hand quilting is perfect for EPP!
Your quilt is wonderful, so pretty. I'm still struggling to decide how to piece mine together. Enjoy the quilting.
What a special quilt! There's no way my first block could have ever been that spectacular!!!! I thought this must be a Sarah Feilke pattern. Your friend Clare is one talented designer.
Hiya Lucy! I'm dying to see your quilting on this! I've got mine pieced and have an idea for the quilting but wanted to see where you went with yours. :)