I managed to finish machine sewing the first English Country Garden Block. I love it and am looking forward to doing the next two I've downloaded.
I've also completed the last appliqué block for my daughters butterfly quilt, it will be set on point with the other three blocks. This one is a free pattern from McCall's Quilting website.
I had planned to try and lay out all the butterflies and flowers and take a quick picture to show you but then I got a call from school...
Mr Bump here ran into a table and cut his head open. The first aider did a great job with the bandage. I am sparing you the picture of the A&E staff glueing the gash, which I took so he can show his class on Monday!
Having kids is traumatic and exhausting (and wonderful obviously)! Luckily I am taking a little break and going to the Minerva Crafts Meet-Up on 14th June, so that gives me something to look forward to!
A whole day filled with workshops, guest speakers, lovely people and prizes, held in a fabulous craft shop? Yes please!
The event is at the Minerva Craft Centre in Darwen, Lancashire. If you're nearby or fancy a fun day trip then come along. It's right next to Darwen train station and there's free parking if you choose to drive. I can't wait!
Linking up:

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Oh no! I hope his head doesn't hurt too much from the bump. Lovely blocks; applique has always intimidated me!
I love your two blocks!! The English Garden block has a wonderful depth to it. Poor Mr Bump! At least he'll have impressive show and tell for Monday.
Lovely blocks, scary bandage! Hope he heals quickly and has a wee scar to show off for a while for the glory of it.
You make such pretty blocks Lucy!
Poor little Mr. Bump. :( Is that blood on his shirt? He doesn't look too distressed - kids bounce back so quick! If only that was true of us old ladies. hehe
awww wee man! should be an awesome wee scar tho and we all know chicks dig scars :-)
Ouch, poor little fellow!
Your two applique blocks are looking great.
I am sure he will bounce back... They do, thank goodness!
That meet up could be fun.. shame I am working... again.. or as usual! perhaps.. We'll see!
ouch! hope he is feeling better soon. and I have to agree that motherhood is traumatic :) your flower blocks look great, and I look forward to seeing them all laid out when you get the chance for photos :)
Ahhh, show and tell in the digital age... Hope you have plenty of Vanish on hand for the shirt!
When life throws you a curve ball, it's always nice to have something to look forward too! Your blocks are lovely! What lovely shapes in that first one!
Your blocks are amazing. You certainly have a talent for piecing . . . they are beautiful!
I do hope that your little fellow is feeling better by now :)
Poor little bug! Glad to see he's taking it in stride though. Love the blocks!
Hope your little guy is going ok!
Love love your flowers.....
I am sure he will love showing off his war wound...glad it was not more serious
Oh! Mr. Bump! Ouch! He is too cute to go around hurting that dumpling head! Poor guy. I love those blocks! Have fun and enjoy the break.
Ouch indeed but a definite Ninja look so not all bad! Love those blocks and looking forward to a group shot of those butterflies and flowers! Hint hint!
Oh that was a sore one! Glad he's ok. Enjoy your day on the 14th.
Bless him! Your applique blocks are so pretty. I try to have some hand sewing in a little pouch for those times I am waiting in hospital or clinic or the car. It may be the binding on a mug rug or it might be some cross-stitch to add to a little project. I just grab the pouch and go. I hope he is fully recovered and telling his friends all the grisly details!
Awww poor little man! Head injuries are so scary. But he lloks like he'll be fine. :-). Great looking blocks, as always!
Great blocks! I'm pretty sure there's nothing boys like more than showing off their injuries (after the fact), so that picture should come in handy.
Oh no about the gash! Love the first block of your English Country Garden, and the Minerva trip sounds FANTASTIC, enjoy your time away from the kids!
Oh no, hope he is OK! Wish I was nearer to attend the craft day
Lovely blocks and oh, no!!
Those blocks are great! I hope your son's head is okay...
Your blocks are stunning! The butterfly block will look amazing with the blocks you've already collected. Your English Flower block pops against the dark background. Two gorgeous makes! Hope little fella's feeling better today!
Cuts to the head are the worst. I remember when we were kids camping in France and my little brother was standing on a chair playing pinball. The chair slipped, and he hit his head on the corner of the pinball machine. A.lot.of.blood Anyway, your blocks are amazing and you always find the best things online!!
Oh dear, you can tell it was nasty from the blood on his top! Yey for finishing the first block :D
that bandage is hilarious - like something I would fashion up. Hope the little soldier is ok. Loving your work though x
I'm late catching up with reading my blogs (nasty chesty virus) and only just noticed the English Country garden blocks. I'm going to give it a go I think. Love your fabric choices, very effective.
Hope Fred is ok!
Fred looks rightly proud. Head wounds are scary. They bleed so much! Joe crashed onto a wooden lounge arm when he was four and cracked his head. Of course husband was away on school camp! So I called my brother to help me assess the severity, and either stay with the other two or accompany us all to ER. Luckily it didn't require attention. It was more of a graze than split skin. Still bled heaps and he was screaming and we were all crying! except calm brother of course.