So my stall at the PTA fair didn't make me or the school a fortune but I sold a few little bits, had lots of admirers (of the stall not me - although one parent said she thought I was a student teacher not a mum and is now my new best friend!!), questions about commissions and just generally enjoyed the sunshine.
I was disappointed I didn't sell the baby dresses I had made because I think they are too cute. Lots of people loved them but I guess we've all had our babies (since we are at a school fair!) so I've listed them in my Etsy shop.
Now there's some EPP and a sofa calling to me...
Linking up:

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Ah cute dresses, shame you didn't make a fortune but experience tells me school fairs are good to do because folks now know where to go for handmade fabric goodness!
They are the cutest baby dresses ever!! They'll be snapped up on Etsy!
Ah too bad. School fairs are a tough crowd!
You ought to go link up these adorable dresses at Fort Worth Fabric Studio's "Oh Sew Baby" linky! The dresses are adorable : ) And congrats on the compliment - it's always nice to shave off a few years ; )
Oh my gosh, those are adorable dresses, Lucy! I'm really surprised they didn't sell, but I'm sure they'll go quickly on Etsy.
Just cute dresses! What's wrong with people- they are a steal! They would have been snaffled up downunder!
you are on our blog roll. and when we saw this...I had many saying look at those dresses..LUCY...omg lol
I don't think you'll have those lovely wee dresses for much longer.
Super cute Lucy! And so summery - I'm jealous. ;-)
My mom makes little dresses like these from pillow cases, but they are so much cuter made from designer fabrics! Well done, Lucy. Love the addition of the bows. They are so pretty!
Cute wee dresses, hope you're relieved of them soon!
I hope they sell in the Etsy shop as I think they are really cute.
Cute dresses! Difficult to make money at these fairs as everyone expects to get things for very little!
What a shame they didn't sell, they are so cute
I love these dresses! I hope they sell :)
Cute dresses!!!
The dresses are beautiful! Maybe a church fair would have better luck selling them (all the Nannas at church)? Did they sell on etsy? Hope you're enjoying summer with the kids. Are they on holidays yet?