Times are hard for some of us and money is tight but I heard this on the radio the other day and it really made me smile.

So I had to share this YouTube video and I EMPLORE you to watch it. A couple of reasons why:

1. It's a great feel good song. I'm not a big fan of 80s music and I probably love it because of Back To The Future but even so it is just awesome!

2. Live is better than the recorded version, though that's good too.

3. The bands hair. Seriously 80s! And that's enough to make you smile laugh.

4. Guitar solo looks cleverly like Michael J. Fox's in the above mentioned film.

5. Huey dancing, the band dancing, you'll be dancing!

Zoot and Rowlf
6. One guy in the band actually looks like Zoot from The Muppets.

Live A Colorful Life