So that curtain (?) fabric I wasn't sure about did me proud and I made myself a cute top using Portia's pattern on The Daily Stitch.
I was lacking any grown ups to take pictures so you'll have to make do with selfies and photos taken by little minions, it's the best we could do (and excuse the wet hair)!
I love that the top can be worn with either neckline at the front or back.
Though I do like how the slit shows off my tattoo!
I added some lace trim, which I think works nicely with the pale blue for a pretty vintage vibe (also makes me look a lot less pale!).
I love that the top is super comfy, slightly roomy (great for nursing!) and best of all when my husband got home he looked at me and said 'that's a pretty top!'. Success.
I spent the rest of the day humming 'the hills are alive...'
**If you're interested in sewing your own clothes check out my Simplicity pattern giveaway open until 22/08
(UK, Europe, Australasia only)**
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it's cute! Love the tat :-D
Oh hey, missus, how cute are you?!? And I think the minion taken photos are super - did you need about 100 to get that few, though? I usually do. *g* Nice finish though, and not a lederhosen in sight!
Awesome top!! The lace trim is an excellent embellishment! It's fun to see lots of photos of you.
Oh you proved us all wrong - clever you!
Looks great and always a result when other half comments favourably!
Don't you look pretty!? You've done a wonderful job of this! Congratulations!
Great work Lucy it's gorgeous and really suits you ~ Sarah x
Score! It's lovely - I like the slit in the back too. The lace trim is a really nice bonus. Success all around :)
Looks so cute on you. Great job! :-)
The top looks lovely on you, and your minions are great little photographers.
Hey! It worked out! Fantastic, so glad you gave it a whirl. :)
It worked out beautifully! Well done! Neat trick about the white trim, too - I didn't know that! :)
Cute! Cute! Cute! And the top is too!! :o)
Lucy, you are adorable! Well done on a lovely finish!
You look amazing in that top Lucy and what a comp from your husband. I don't think the little ones did a bad job of photographing you at all either! Oh and a bit of news, Tracy Chevalier is coming to The City Quilter, NYC (where I work) to do a talk about The Last Runaway, just can't wait - but really have to get around to reading it before I meet her!!! :)
Cute top on a lovely lady !
Oh you are just so cute! -Letty
Hey, you did it!! And that SO does not look like curtain fabric. Certainly not like the hills-are-alive outfits. :) I think I like the slit in the front, but I also do like your tattoo!!
I am so glad it worked out, it does look cute on you. And your minions are pretty good with the camera, the pictures are cute.
Love the top, aespecially with the opening at the back! Well done you and the photographer!
Weyhey, it worked! well done you! Very pretty.
First off, you are so stinking cute!! And secondly, the top looks great! I do love that slit neckline and it does look great in the back--like a surprise to whoever is behind you.
Cool. So glad it worked out. I love the lace you added :)
Yay for success! It looks a lot lighter than I was originally envisaging :o)
So cute, well done!
Fabulous top, looks great on you
You are a stunning girl and the top is better for you wearing it Lucy! A David Bailey in the making!?? Yeah minions!
Yay for clothes that our husbands like - and handmade too - extra special :-) It looks lovely.
Very cute top!
Very pretty Lucy. You and the top
So pretty!
So sweet! You need some pearls and glasses to go with that top and that bun ;)
This is an awesome top! I especially love the lace :) Thanks for linking to TGIFF!!
It looks great!
Turned out really nice! Whilst it does look great with the slit at the back, I think it works better at the front. It makes it a bit less boxy looking. Sorry if that sounds so blunt it comes across offensive. It isn't meant that way! I find as a top heavy girl I actually look better in a top that shows more chest (not to be confused with cleavage!) than one that covers me up to the neck.
Great top, love the lacy touch! And husband know that says something. Very flattering.
I tell need to shop with me. You always seem to find such great patterns. I look and think there is nothing there. This is darling. I guess I will be off again to find a top pattern.
I love this and it looks very nice and comfy on you! I hope this isn't too forward of me, but you are very beautiful, Lucy! Love that you can wear it with the slit in the back. Well done, you!