I have no finishes and haven't been up to much, except a little bit of stitching on this lovely:
It keeps getting folded up and moved around but, for those of you that wanted to know, the hera marker has done me proud and the creases are still there. I'll let you know if they remain when I'm finished too.
Also just wanted to share that Fluffy Sheep Quilting has Simple Style, Technicolor and Nordika in stock now
You might want to stock up on Aurifil thread at great prices! (I have succumbed to some myself).
So now the bit where I'm hoping one of you smarty pants helps me out...
I have some fabric that I know nothing about, I have failed to take any pictures of it today so I'm going to try my best to describe it. It feels like brushed cotton on one side and more of a light canvas on the other. I'm pretty certain it is meant for curtains or sofas or something but I want to make a top out of it - a very simple top. Is this possible? Am I mad? Will I end up looking like this...?

It is a pretty pale blue solid though and so, so, so soft to stroke! Should you only use lightweight fabrics for clothes? Is there a reason for that (as in it looks better, hangs better, is created for clothes making and no you should not use curtain fabric to make yourself a top silly Lucy?!)?
*oh and check out Le Challenge tomorrow for an announcement*
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Wish I could find my hera marker...
Sorry, can't help you with the top because I am not a garment person at all. But love the Sound of Music photo. haha
It probably won't work. It'd be too heavy for that little top. I could be wrong and you could give it a try; not too much fabric or time invested to see if it works.
I don't sew clothes, so really can't give you a definitive yes or no, but why not? As far as creative endeavors go, rules are meant to broken, or at the very least bent pretty hard ;)Like the lady above me said, not much invested if it doesn't work out, & if it does you have a cute little top.
Honestly? It won't work. It will be too stiff to drape on you, so you'll end up embracing seriously 80s rectangular shoulders ;o) You could probably get away with using it for a skirt though, they're rather more forgiving than tops.
I don't really know much about garments, but here's my honest and true opinion.. why not just give it a try?? It might completely fail. If it does you'll learn more from that than any successes. It might also work beautifully and be your favorite new thing. What about trying it American Girl doll size first to really see what it does with seams and stuff?
By the by - I think unexpected materials are great. I'm getting prepared to make something from upholstery fabric that is not a couch! Success of failure, I'll be a better artist for it with new tricks in my toolbox!
~Susan @ theboredzombie.com
Loving the hand quilting Lu - I just love that quilt. I'm not an expert at all, but I agree with Katy - an a-line skirt would maybe work, but it sounds too stiff for a top.
haha!!! I just love the addition of the Sound of music picture! Love how pretty and bright the quilt you're working on is.
I agree that it's a matter of drape and fluidity. If it is too stiff it won't move on your body right.
I once decided that I'd try breaking the rules and make a hexagon flower out of some beautiful home dec scraps I had from pillows. The problem was that the thicker fabric made the seams too bulky.
That said, if you've got the fabric and the time you could always try!
Your quilt is so pretty. I say go for it with the fabric, you won't know unless you try.
I'd say it wouldn't drape right using this pattern. I have a little vest top that I bought from Laura Ashley years ago which is in a similar sounding fabric. That works fine, because its short and square (ish) without sleeves.
Keep quilting!
I made the first Staple dress out of actual dressmaking cotton and that still hangs like it is made of cardboard, only the voile worked. I would think of something else, sorry xxx
Yep, I concur with my stitchy sisters :) The WiP is seriously gorgeous!
I love the colors you used in your quilt Lucy, and the pattern. LOVE !
Is it ultra suede? I just love your quilt Lucy
I think that top is very simple and you should make it an see. If you don't like it, cut it up a bit and turn it into a pillow and maybe applique something onto it if it is too plain. Clothes made out of unusual fabrics are great, but there is always a chance you won't like how they look. I hope you will experiment.
As said above make an A-line skirt with it and it will be fine but not that top! Unless it is fancy dress ?
Great quilt though!
No, Lucy, just use it, as long as it feels soft enough, it will be fine! My children had lovely clothes made from 'curtain' fabric. and never a problem. It will be fine!
Does it sound kind of like this
I think you should try it out, the shirt pattern you have picked out looks great.
I remember as a kid that I loved how she made so many different clothes out of her curtain material. I liked the eldest the best as she had the puffy dress!
Woo hoo! Thanks for the shout out! The shop is filled with such beauties I am just soaking in the gorgeous colors :)
You have me nearly crying with laughter thinking of you swirling around the top of a mountain singing show tunes. Oh, happiness.
Well, I, for one, always loved those outfits from SofM! :) But it would probably make a better skirt. Or maybe lightweight jacket of some sort?
I see meadow dot in mint!!!! Happy memories.
No idea on the top (sorry!) but HAD to say that the quilt is looking fabulous! Looking forward to another amazing finish. x