you can find me over here: Go read it, I think it's funny and I might just convince you to join in :) ...
a quick word
The hand quilting is going well. Most of my time, however, is now being spent trying to think of ways to STOP Lois from walking!! She's only six months old and this is her new trick,...
keeping my crossed fingers busy with sewing
I have my fingers crossed and am chanting 'everything happens for a reason', believing positive things must be on their way after a bout of crapness. Head down sewing time is good therapy...
I've been relaxing working on putting my rose star blocks together. There needs to be a bit less chillin with EPP and a few bee blocks made before this month is over. I've...
goodbyes and good buys
Yesterday was my son's last day at Reception so of course that meant gifts for the teachers. For his class teacher I made this cushion with a bit of hand stitching And then we...
Archity or Libertextures cushion
Neither of those sounds right does it?! I have finished my EPP cushion using Liberty and Architextures fabrics and it's a tick off my FAL list. The Liberty Tana Lawn...

Like most of the UK, including our roads (!!), I am melting. There is less sewing going on here as a result of the hot weather - I also now have new found respect for those of you who...