owl love you
31 May 2013
Welcome to my round of TGIFF, if you're new here please stay and have a look around!
I'm also linking up to Quilt Story:

My finish is one of the most special quilts I've made - in a way each one is special - but this is extraordinary for a number of reasons...

I'm also linking up to Quilt Story:
My finish is one of the most special quilts I've made - in a way each one is special - but this is extraordinary for a number of reasons...
Primarily because this quilt is for my sister and her husband - they are getting married today!!
It is also my first collaboration. The top was pieced by me, sent to my amazing cousin Jackie in California, who made the back and long arm quilted it. She sent it back to me and I bound it.
I was so pleased when I finished the owl, it is the Hootenanny pattern from the book 'Dare To Be Square' by Boo Davis. The fabrics in the owl are all from My Fabric House - they do seriously cute bundles!
The eagle eyed amongst you might have spotted an error though...
OH NO!! The owl is missing part of it's claw! I pieced a section of the blocks upside down and only realised when I had already put the quilt top in the post to Jackie. DUH!
Thankfully she is that awesome that she fixed it. phew.
Here is the 'Owl Love You' quilt:
Yes Jackie is totally awesome... look at the 'back' she made:
beautiful, traditional wedding rings.
She quilted such fabulous patterns that really show off the owl but also work amazingly well on the rings too:
The icing on the quilt, the newly weds names and date of their wedding:
If you want to see more of Jackie's long arm skills, or would like to contact her about her long arm service or custom quilting please see her Facebook page - Bar XX Quilting
Here it is draped over our double bed so you get an idea of the size and scale of it, sorry the room isn't even big enough for me to get proper shots:
I adore every part of this quilt and know that Jackie and I have poured love into it.
I am so proud to have Chris be my brother-in-law and (official) Uncle to my children.
I hope the quilt will be a wonderful reminder of their special day, how much their family love them, and help keep them warm throughout their happy marriage.
My baby sister is a 'Mrs'!!
This was the quilt I have been calling the May quilt and it is another check off my FAL list:
So now it's your turn...

the one where I go far enough
29 May 2013
Before the baby I started the How Far Will You Go? QAL.
I loved making these blocks and I've been meaning to get back to it for some time but my WIPs are growing and my 'one day' list is getting too long so in an attempt to see how far I'd gone I laid out the blocks I've done:
And would you look at that!
I think that I've gone far enough and will be sewing these together as they are.
There's one little Tippecanoe block I made that will make a nice quilt label:
I feel bad that I didn't make them all but I think I'd feel worse leaving it and feeling guilty about it and I know that's not the spirit of the QAL.
I am happy to have gone this far!
If you have any finishes this week be sure to come back on Friday because I'm hosting TGIFF!
Linking up:
bear with us?
28 May 2013
The wonderfully creative Janine of Rainbow Hare totally inspired me the other day with talk of a Bear Paw quilt.
I have always wanted to make one, so has she, and so I jumped in.
We are both going to try to make one by next summer.
I found some fabric (from my Pink Castle Stash Stack Club FQs and my Low Volume swap hosted by Rebecca):
And got to it:
I'm making paws. Just paws. Not a full bear paw block though I might try that next!
Want to bear with us?
Make a bear paw quilt, traditional blocks or more modern interpretation?
Have you already?
If you like, grab a button and join the Flickr group, where you will find lots of inspiration.
This is NOT a quilt along, there's no prizes or giveaways... so really no incentive to make anything except for the fact that bear paw blocks are so beautiful!
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/groups/2205846@N20/" title="Bear Paw" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z475/Lucy_Brennan/bearpaw_zpsde0dcfbb.jpg" alt="Bear Paw" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
bank holiday
27 May 2013
Happy bank holiday to my English peeps. Happy Monday everyone else!
I finished up my gnome for May's Woodland Sampler.
It's looking super cute so far:
I've done some other sewing that I'll share throughout the week but the rest of my weekend was spent tickling little toes:
and galavanting in the local park with my family:
dancing matryoshka
24 May 2013
I finished my quilt for Cindy to display at a quilt festival next month.
The pattern is a smaller version of Dancing Daisies.
My photos were all bombed by my little girl, I think because she loves the quilt!
The fabrics are all from Fluffy Sheep Quilting:
Kona in Plum for the back and binding
Hand quilted using DMC perle cotton no.8
colours: 601, 740, 996
I loved the process of making this quilt and thanks to Cindy for trusting me to create something for her and for having such a great shop with beautiful, modern fabric.

23 May 2013
That's the baby sorted, I'm just hoping my son will want to wear the tie I'm making. At least it's looking the right sort of shape... just a bit of slip stitching to do tonight and then it is done.
I really like this song, the sentiment of it and the beautiful video - it makes me want to write on books and records:
Linking up:
22 May 2013
So I've been busy... yes with my 3 kids... housework boringness... but more importantly sewing the blues away! There's nothing like starting a new project to lift my spirits:
They'll be more on this at some point but it is the most brilliant cheater print I've ever seen!
Other fabric I adore is Geekly Chic, available here at the Fat Quarter Shop
and those glasses were my contribution to the fabulous Low Volume Swap brilliantly organised by Rebecca - these are my beautiful 10" squares:
and if that wasn't enough she sent me some (can't get in the UK) Denyse Schmidt fabric:
Rebecca is a total star and the gal knows me well! Thanks so very much chica!
In other yummy fabric news...
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