Just back from the school run and sitting with a nice warm coffee trying to resume feeling in my face. It seems which ever way I was walking the snow and cold, cold wind were trying to attack my face. Can you get some sort of face snow guard??!!

Thankfully my gloves did the job of keeping my fingers warm and so I can work on some of these WIPS. I'm keeping the list short, trying to prioritise the things that need finishing, the ones that are fun and the ones I can easily pick up and put down!

in progress

- what I'm temporarily calling the May quilt, blocks are in progress:

- Bloggers BOM, binding sewn on - just needs hand sewing - nice project for today if I get a chance:

- Woodland Sampler, working on the frames before the real fun begins. I'm finding cross stitch very therapeutic:

- Rose Stars, still adding them on whenever I fancy a bit of EPP

no progress

- Braid quilt, still needs borders
- tooth fairy cushion, still all cut ready to go, sat in a nice pile just waiting
- HFWYG QAL, love this one but not rushing it as it will be for a dear friend.

So if my brain is still working that is seven projects on the go. I'm sure there are others but this will be my focus for the next few weeks at least. And that's fine by me :)

Off to read some blogs quickly while the baby sleeps and warm my face with more coffee!

Linking up:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
