you might see creatures like these:

Ok not likely here in Manchester but I once lived in Boulder, CO and there was lots of lovely wildlife there! Probably partly why this Monthly Woodland Sampler appeals to me so much, plus they are so very cute.

I caved already and outlined the pale 'January' with a dark brown. I'm much happier about it now.

I'm so looking forward to doing one of these a month and it's exciting waiting to see the new patterns.

Already I'm thinking that individually they would be so great as birthday gifts, you could stitch the birthday month of the recipient and make it into a cute little cushion or hanging.
That would require some fabric wouldn't it?! And these gorgeous ones I spotted would work so perfectly!

Woodland Adventure by Camelot Design Studio, Woodland Pals by Ann Kelle, 
collections available at the Fat Quarter Shop

Recently my auntie came for a visit and gave me these copies of The Quilter magazine. I'm looking forward to putting my feet up and having a read of them when I get a chance. I will let you know if they contain any gems.

Linking up:

Live A Colorful Life
