A while ago I made myself a travel sewing case, which I love but it's quite small and I wanted something a bit more secure - so I was thrilled to see Kerry - of verykerryberry - had posted a tutorial for a sewing portfolio organiser. Her organiser is beautiful, with a lovely pieced outside but since I can't spend long at the machine (bending over the baby bump is too hard!) I chose instead to embroider it. The only other thing was I didn't make a handle, I'm happy with having it as a clutch case but I may go back and add one as it does seem practical.
The embroidery patterns are all from Sublime Stitching - a combination of Craftopia and So Stitchy patterns (I intend to do this one completely at some point!). I'm so happy with how it turned out. I wanted something that would make me smile every time I sewed and this colourful organiser definitely does that...
It has a place for everything and since I've been doing so much hand sewing it is perfect. My son was amazed when he realised the embroidered scissors on the outside matched my pink scissors (available here - I got mine as part of a kit). I love every part of this case, it feels very 'me' right now.
Huge thanks to Kerry for creating such a brilliant tutorial!
I couldn't stand the thought of botching more bias binding when making it myself so I bought some. It's from the lovely Karen's shop Blonde Design, highly recommended!
And then funnily I realised I've seen this binding somewhere before...
It perfectly matches the one on the changing mat my fabulous friend Emily made me! Oh I will so be a coordinated mummy... not that I intend to sew while changing nappies, that would just be silly ;)
So now I just need a baby to change! (currently due date +8)Linking up:

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that's fab!
that is one awesome sewing organiser I love it! hope you are hanging in there :)
Awesome Lu! Superb stitching as always :o)
Good to see you are filling your waiting time! Can't you clean the house, or start painting? That usually works!
that's beautiful, are you eating pineapple curry, pinching nipples while bouncing on your ball and doing the naughty with your dh :)
work's a treat lol, how much longer are they going to let you go ?? here in frogland 41weeks is normal and u get induced at 41+2, luckily ds was dead on 40w and dd was induced at 35+5
Love the sewing kit, but would you have that baby! We are all dying to know if it is a boy or a girl. But I can't say anything as I went to 10+ with one of mine.
I saw that tutorial and loved it. Your fabrics are PERFECT! ! And embroidery, too? Clever clogs.
the germans say, when the baby is far too late, it's going to be a girl and she is staying in to make up, do her hair and be really pretty...girls are always late when somebody is waiting! your sewing kit is really pretty, love the colours! greetings from heidelberg, germany!
So cute Lucy! Love it!
I really need one of those, it looks amazing, great job, and thc for the heads up on the pattern. Now you just need to get the baby out, it's obviously far too comfortable in there! ; )
Lovely happy kit. It's a great pattern....just need a long enough zip. Fingers crossed baby charm arrives soon x
This really is the loveliest sewing case ever :)
Oh that is so funny that your bindings match. Very nice/pretty case. I need one so thanks for sharing the tutorial too.
Very awesome. I love the little phrase.
Any swimming down yet?
Great that you are keeping busy and so productive, fab make.
Stunningly good Lucy, love the orange binding and the orange stitching inside, nice touch and your embroidery is amazing- also wishing you a quick delivery sometime very soon indeedy !
Looks fabulous, especially with the orange binding. Now stop sewing and go and have that baby!!!
gorgeous Lucy!! i just love it. Perfect touch with the embroidery :) xo
Wow! You were so fast at recreating this! I loved Kerry's tutorial and bookmarked it but Wow! Yours is lovely - the orange binding is gorgeous (and thanks for the tip on where to buy it!). It is the most useful sewing case I've seen around - enjoy your new creation :)
I love the "I stitch stitching stuff"!!
my husband teases me that I only ever sew sewing accessories ("ANOTHER pin cushion?!?!").
Can't believe neither of us have babies yet-- I'm 39w 5d and running out of things to sew while I'm waiting.. I've started one new quilt (hand pieced tumblers), but thinking of cutting up a bunch of scraps to do hexagons, just to have around in case I'm waiting another week...
Here's hoping we both go quickly.
The baby's name is Elsie. It just came to me. Xxx
It's lovely. I've saved this tutorial to do AFTER I finish some WIP's, well that was the plan before I saw yours... The binding is great - on all your co-ordinating accessories ;) come on baby, give your mama a break.
Too cute! I would like to make one some day. :)
Well really, I think you're totally slacking on the multi-tasking front if you can't stitch and change the wee one at the same time... ;o)
Lovely! Have you got a pile of hexies ready for between contractions!?
Maybe baby is thinking he/she is going to be neglected with all this busy-ness! 'May as well stay put; at least they are still talking about me! All mummy does is make pretty sewing stuff!"
Beautiful. Keep bouncing! Di x
Beautiful. The embroidery work is awesome!
They match because my binding was from Karen too! And not only are we both working on our rose star tops but I've also done that sew stitch embroidery! But I am not working out a baby, that's one you can do on your own ;-)
Your embroidery work is always so gorg! Still sending positive baby thoughts your way...can you feel them? :)
love your revamped sewing case. you crack me up. you also must work so very quickly!!!!
That is such a cool organiser. Your stitching is so perfect.
Love Emily's comment! Bounce harder then Lucy or maybe the bouncing is too much fun!
But the stitching is fabulous! As always!
Beautiful, Lucy! It's so divine, love how it matches your changing mat. Hope the wee one comes quickly!
Ooh! I really like the idea of holding your thread in place. Great thinking, miss!
This is such a great little organizer. And your stitches are just beautiful!
Okay Lucy. I'm thinking ' no news ' from your end means ' good news ' .
I'm thinking baby has arrived, but recently, so Mommy Charm is a bit tired to blog it. Pray tell, Lucy!
I'm coming to this post 4 days late so I'm hoping that the baby has been born NOW? Are you sure it's not an elephant? ;0)
Lovely sewing case, now go and push!