40 weeks today.
Admiring my new wall paper on one wall of our living room - pattern based on a doily (hard to get the colour right, it's a white lace pattern on a gorgeous, fresh pale green).
Stitching - pattern is Craftopia, available here by Sublime Stitching
Linking up:

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Still sending 'get out QUICK' thoughts your way :D
Keep on bouncing!
Great stitching in the meantime Lucy - I feel for you!
Keep bouncing like Nicky said!
Oh sweetie do be careful with those embroidery needles, you actually do look like you could pop... hugx
I've been sending 'get out!' thoughts all day. Hope it works soon! Both of mine were a week plus overdue. I wish I had some magic tip to share. I don't, but I will say that I loved that block you made in your last post.
Awww happy due date! I loved my bouncy ball when I was about to pop, and it was great for soothing a collicky baby too :)
LOVE your wallpaper!
Soon, that baby will be in your arms soon.
It won't be much longer! Hooray! :)
Blessings on your big event. Save your energy some. Perhaps a nice walk, but no floor scrubbing....
love the t-shirt! Eat a pineapple - my midwife swore by them. It's the enzymes or something.
Love the shirt!! Soon Lucy. :)
I'm hanging in there with you.....love your shirt!
Bounce faster! Di x
Ha ha, love the t shirt
Lol, love the t-shirt, hope it does it for you!
Can't be long now.....rest up!
Your shirt is perfect for today! So cute!
Cute shirt! I was just thinking of you wondering if the baby is there yet - I guess not ;-) Cant give you any smart advice though, but I'm sure it will come out eventually ;-) My thoughts are with you! xo Sana
Please tell me you won't be blogging between contractions!
Love the shirt! Is your suitcase by the door?!
Hope you don't go overdue by much. Best wishes :)
Oh you sounds so fed up! Hopeyou are ok!
hoping your little one arrives soon! i remember how tough it was to do things at 40 weeks! thinking of you.
Good luck! I'm two days overdue at this point, so I feel for you!
Unforgivably late in commenting. Love your t-shirt. Sending warm thoughts your way.