I asked him why and he said 'because it is green'. I mean really, *eyes rolling*.
I can see the shapes and colours somewhat resemble a lilypad but it's just not a name I want to give this cushion.
I will just call it my first English Paper Pieced Hexagon cushion, which isn't as poetic but right now I'm not in the mood for flowery language (hormones again?!) and, after all, that is what it is!
So here's my first English Paper Pieced Hexagon cushion:
This fabric was sent to me by the wonderful Amanda. I just adore Denyse Schmidt fabrics and Amanda sent me a gorgeous bundle. I picked out the greens and blues and I loved e.p.p.ing hexagons - they go together so fast! It's really nice to have some hand sewing and hand quilting to do because I can hardly sit at the sewing machine for any length of time and it's much cosier on the sofa.
I hand quilted using perle cotton around the hexies (Fluffy Sheep Quilting have some great colours!) - mostly using soft blues and greens so it wouldn't stand out too much, I did do one orange bit though, just for fun.
I chose this divine print for the back and straight line quilted it on the machine:
There is a simple white zip on the bottom and I hope this will stand up to being thrown around by the kids, although they seem to know it's something special and it has been getting lots of strokes and gentle hugs.
**If you haven't already, be sure to ENTER MY AMUSING FABRIC GIVEAWAY HERE!**
giveaway closes 15th Dec.
giveaway closes 15th Dec.
Linking up:

p.s. The midwife appointment went well and things all seem fine but my iron levels have come back low again so I have to up my dosage of iron tablets - yuck! They somehow seem to make me feel even more tired than normal so I might now completely conk out!! I officially only have one more week until I am allowed to have a home birth (you have to be 37 weeks) but only if my iron levels increase. Off to blend a spinach smoothie now...
Post a Comment
I can see lillypads..... Like the Monet painting!!!!
it's so pretty! I hope you get your home birth :-D
Lovely cushion. Ick on the iron. I was hugely anaemic with Helen - honestly that child must be made of iron filings I was taking so much and my levels never changes. Best of luck on the home birth. Well any birth anywhere for that matter!!
That is a lovely pillow, Lucy! I love the fabrics and colors a lot! And that little splash of orange.
I think it´s cute that your husband tries to help you find a name. :-)
Best wishes for the birth, I keep my fingers crossed for you!
oh that is lovely and yes I can see lilypads! a homebirth sounds interesting hope it goes ok xx
Love the blues and green together, Lucy. When we were growing up, we were told, Blue and green should never be seen... don't know why. All the best for the birth!!!
It's gorgeous! Good luck with the iron tablets (yuck!) and the birth plan - hope you get your own way!
Beautiful pillow Lucy. And good luck with the birth!!
I have not made a pillow yet..we have no pillows on our couches either,but I do have an almost 5 yr old that may take to throwing one around if one were present;) Hmmm..what to do,what to do. Yours is so lovely too!!!
Fantastic Finish!! I love hexies! Good luck with the birth of your little one... hope everything goes well.
Your finished cushion is amazing! I love the color combinations. I laugh at your saying "really" to your husband with an eyeroll. I know exactly how these conversations go. Sometimes I just want to say, "thank you, captain obvious!" Haha!
Your cushion looks fantastic and I am so glad things are almost set for the baby to arrive. I hope you don't get too tired from taking more iron. I am so thrilled for you... both for the baby and your new fantastic cushion!
Very very nice Lucy!
Love the pillow is beautiful. Best of luch with the birth of your baby.
Well done, Lucy! My jaunt into EPP hasn't been as successful -- I've got some 60 degree diamond stars that I need to make into something, so maybe a cushion they should become.
Beautiful cushion and the colours are so soothing. All the best with the home birth. Di x
Awww poor hubster! At least it was a thoughful comment not a "'saaright." lol!!! Rest up Luce, do more EPP, and binge on greens! Good luck x
I love you pillow, the colors are great!
How about Schmidty's Revival, not too flowery ;o) Good luck with the iron!
Your pillow is sweet! Poor hubby, I expect he was trying to be helpful! Best wishes for the impending arrival, wherever it happens! Rest up!
It's lovely Leanne. I won some hexies (and a gorgeous bag) from Hadley this week: I can't wait to start epp'ing
So gorgeous Lu (massive blue and green fan here). Have you tried a liquid iron supplement? I used one during pregnancy #2 and it was really effective - and doesn't cause constipation which is a bonus ;o) Floridax or something I think...
Lovely cushion! What great colours!
Ooh it's getting exciting now - not long til the little one arrives! Good luck with the iron thing!
Nicely done! I can kind of see where he's coming from with the lilypad idea, but more of a Monet interpretation as someone said above. :) Keeping my fingers crossed for a home birth!
Your pillow is beautiful - love the blues and greens! And I hope your iron levels improve - I ate lots of spinach (as long as it was combined with fetta cheese) when I was pregnant with my twins:)
Lovely cushion, Lucy. It is so restful and calm-looking. I rather think Lilypad is a cute name. Best of luck with your iron levels, and I hope the birth goes smoothly wherever it takes place.
This is a gorgeous cushion, whatever you call it! Good luck with getting your iron levels up :)
Good luck with the spinach! I do love the cushion, and I can see what your Hubs means, it is a bit Monet-like. How did you get the zip in the bottom please? I've been looking for a tut on that for ages!