Having only been quilting for over one year there are lots of blocks and patterns I haven't yet tried. Most of the quilts I've made are modern. The majority use what I consider modern fabrics and the patterns tend to be more modern looking too, although I do seem to enjoy making classic patchwork squares.
The blocks I really love are very traditional. I adore Dresden Plates, Churn Dash, Bear paw and Log Cabins. I have made two of those four. Sampler quilts and bee blocks have been a great way for me to try different blocks and of course all the great tutorials, magazines and books out there provide so much inspiration.
I love the idea of mixing modern and traditional, playing around with blocks and fabrics and creating a new perspective on something old.
I was recently contacted by Fons & Porter to review their new ebook 'Build Your Best Log Cabin' and (after checking I was allowed to be totally honest) I couldn't resist. Not only do I get more inspiration and insight to these blocks but I get a chance to share the ebook with all of you. All the images are taken from the ebook.
The book focuses on three blocks: the traditional Log Cabin, Courthouse Steps and Chevron. It gives wonderful and clear suggestions on settings for the blocks and I was really surprised to see how many great options there are and with such different results. There are great little tidbits of history and also useful sewing tips scattered throughout the book too.
For me one of the most useful parts of the book is the charts - they give you exact measurements for all the strips needed for different block sizes of various Log Cabin blocks. As I collect scraps from the quilts I make, I have a growing bag of left over strips that would be so perfect for a Log Cabin project.
There are four quilt patterns in the book, I like the 'Woven Log Cabin' by Shon McMain shown above, it looks so striking in solids.
My favourite though is the 'Linked Chevrons' by Marti Michell. The pattern is for a miniature quilt, although there is a full pattern with varying sizes available (I will have to hunt one of those down!!). I really love how this looks interlinked, very clever. I can see this looking awesome in modern prints too.
At the end of the book there are a couple of tutorials, including one by Liz Porter on how to create 'Lumpless Binding', in other words avoiding a bulky seam where the ends join. A simple step-by-step method for creating a diagonal seam.
While not everything in the book was my taste or style (quilts are like buying a house, sometimes you have to use your imagination to see the potential for you) I found it enjoyable to read and will definitely use it as a reference when I'm making these types of blocks. The different ways of setting Log Cabins is also a fun option to have when thinking up a project.
Click the link to get your free copy of 'Build Your Best Log Cabin' - it does require you to subscribe to the Fons and Porter e-newsletter and they will let you know of upcoming features in their magazines.
I think it's well worth the read and thanks to Fons and Porter for letting me review the book.
**There is still time to enter my giveaway - and read the comments, they are hilarious!!**
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Thank you for the review. I have downloaded the book. The chart for cutting is great.
the log cabin is probably my favorite block, because there are so many things you can do with it. Oddly enough though, i haven't made a whole quilt of log cabin yet. Maybe in the coming year? My library has a couple of books devoted to logcabin quilts, showing many antique examples, all of them so different from each other.
Thanks for the free link. I think there is a certain skill in being able to "see" something made in different fabrics. I have a bag pattern made in "country tweedy" fabric...I keep telling myself it would look different "made modern" - but I've still not made it!
Thanks for the review Lucy! The log cabin is a versatile block isn't it?
Thanks Lucy just downloaded the ebook!
Thanks for the review and the link - I have made a lot of log cabin blocks these last few days (converging corner blocks) and it may be a while before I do any more after I have finished this quilt top lol.
Excellent - Eric has been a busy chap!
I've seen this e book popping up , that woven log cabin quilt really catches my eye every time.