I'm making simple things in preparation for Christmas, I really want the house to feel super festive this year!
I had these lovely charms from CeLynn at The Sunflower Patch and this great Christmas fabric from Lisa at The Quilt Jam, which I won in giveaways a while ago, thank you both again for your generosity! I used a few bits of stash fabric and some red solids to make it big enough to cover the table.
The tablecloth was finished the same way as my Tetris picnic blanket. I used some very thin white (possibly lining) fabric that my mum gave me for the backing (I think this is the third time I've used some backing fabric from my mum! She's a goldmine!! Thanks mum).
I sewed the backing and patchwork top right sides together, leaving a gap for turning, turned it through, pressed the edges and then top stitched around each side.
I've packed it away now but, along with my Vintage Holiday tree skirt, this is going to make such a difference and I'm looking forward to December!
This is one crossed of my list for the Finish-A-Long over at Quilter in the Gap!
If you fancy a bit of online shopping this weekend look at what Fluffy Sheep Quilting have just got in! New Kona charm packs, gorgeous perle cotton and new Kona bolts - they will be listed very soon so jump in:

Also check out the sale of the week at Fresh Squeezed Fabrics - I spy some Heather Ross, Nursery Versery in there!!
Linking up:

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You are so nesting! The tablecloth is so pretty Lucy.
Aren't you the clever one! Your house will be so pretty for Christmas ; )
So festive and fun, Lucy! I love those special decorating touches for the holidays. Great job!
Great table cloth - my table is really clear enough to cover with a cloth :-)
Would you ever guess that I just LOVE all the red? Beautiful!
Nice idea for a seasonal tablecloth!
Lovely touch for christmas :-)
I love the house when it is all Christmasy. Your house is going to look great. Fab tablecloth.
Ok, you best have that child soon, all this nesting is quite over the top! I love the tablecloth, I might have to make something like that too.
You're going to be all set with Christmassy things at this rate!
I did have a chuckle at yesterday's phone post too, glad your mum could hook you up ;o)
I love the table cloth - I might even risk a trip to the local christmas-all-year quilt shop, to buy fabric to make one I won't mind getting gravy on!
Great tablecloth! You are a whirlwind Lucy! Christmas will be very special for you this year!
Perfect table cloth for Christmas! Love it!
The tablecloth looks very festive. I like the way you combined the colours and how you put it together.
Yep, nesting was the first word that sprang to my mind too. Lovely festive cloth Lucy.x
Lovely tablecloth. You did good!
Your tablecloth turned out beautiful! I'm so glad you were able to use the fabric. Oh, and I love that tree skirt that you made! That's so very cool...and different. Thanks for the shout out :)
You must be ready for Christmas now Lucy - everything seems done and dusted!
I can't get over how productive you have been. Great tablecloth!
I really love how your tablecloth came out! I hadn't really even though about Christmas bc I have been bummed that Halloween is over, but you reminded me that I have some holiday fabric in my stash of scrap pieces that I think I can use as decor for the holidays!
Love to see that you are so productive! You always inspire me!
I love your table cover too!
I so want, and need to make things for our own home instead of always thinking I need to make things to try to sell.
When we have guests over we have 2 fold up tables that we put out and nice table clothes hand made would be awesome.
Our kitchen table is oval so in my mind I can't figure out quite how to make a cover for it.
Love the table cloth!! S many wonderful Xmas things!
Very fun project and so nice to have it done ahead!