... for several reasons really:
Being the size of a house and with only about 6 weeks until Baby Charm (named by Heather!) shows up; I can't walk very far anymore, or carry things, or do anything useful. I learnt this after a quick trip to the shops the other day to get some fruit etc. and nearly collapsing by the time I got home. It is so frustrating!!!
- Oh and please don't give me any lectures - I already had a big one from my husband and MIL - I promise I will give up attempting anything or doing anything physical and I will have to be accepting of all the help I can (even if it means I have to ask him to bring some milk home everyday!!). I sit down to move the laundry from the washing machine to the dryer so I am already learning new ways :)
My little girl turned 3 this weekend so I feel like I officially no longer have any toddlers, just proper children. That might sound strange but 2 is still so little and 3 somehow seems so different, she'll be going to nursery school next September. I am imagining the baby arriving is going to age me further!
I know all mother's say it but my gosh they grow so very fast.
I have my son off school today because he's poorly - coughing all night :(
We will see how long my patience lasts, although I have high hopes of getting them to work on the kid's project that I've been ignoring - it would be great to finish it together...
I did these embroideries a while ago - they are from the book 'Sublime Stitching' |
I also have a box of Fruit Loops sitting in the cupboard and since no one actually seems to like eating them as cereal I am thinking of making this recipe this afternoon. I was tempted by the yummy looking 'treats' you can make but I have no marshmallows. I will let you know how they work out!
Linking up:

at She Can Quilt this week
and she has great ideas for Christmas gifts for teens!
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Oh I'm with you - three suddenly seems so grown up doesn't it! What a great photo!
Hope that you are getting some rest in these last few weeks!
You may feel old but being 34 week pregnant gives you every reason to feel a bit tired and 'blah'! Rest up and be gentle with yourself!
I love your little embroideries - happy stitching day. Hope you all feel well and young again soon.
You sound a bit fed up, I hope you feel better soon now put your feet up and do as little as possible!
P.S. Would ordering your groceries online help?
I hate it for you. I hate waiting on anyone for anything. Patience is not a strong point with me, nor is dependence. But not much longer and you'll have a precious baby to show for your efforts. ;)
The babies do grow fast. I don't know how I ended up with 2 grade-school aged children when just yesterday I was a 20-year-old in college....
Blessings on you Lucy. You'll soon be holding your wee one. Have a great week.
Hell, I sit down to empty the washing machine and I am definitely not pregnant!!
You are absolutely definitely still a young whippersnapper - just wait till one of them turns 18...then you really do a double take and realize that you are no longer a spring chicken!!
No lectures here! Any of us who have had babies know that you have to keep living your life. Take care of yourself though. :)
Your daughter is adorable!
I was in the same position not long ago. Everyone kept telling me to take it easy but no one was willing to take over the housework for me so it didn't really work :) Hope the next 6 weeks go quickly for you!
Hey Lucy, hope you are feeling better soon! Shouldn't you be asking hubby to bring marshmallows home? ;-)
Yes, three is so grown up. Especially when they say, "I can do it" even when they can't. So adorable. To perk your spirits, the other day, when I was driving our new goalie (18 years old) home, she admitted that "Your team was a lot faster than I thought you'd be." and "I hope I'm still playing when I'm old...er." Not said with any meanness or anything. LOL! :)
Oh I can only imagine how frustrating it must be! Maybe Baby Charm will pop along a little early to give you a break...
You're not old, just very pregnant! My son turned three just three weeks before my baby was born, so I completel understand how you feel. Very soon you'll have another tiny one to enjoy, though!
You are not old Lucy! They grow up too quickly indeed - my eldest is 19! But I am in denial...about my age, about hers, about Christmas and the end on November!
I think you need to let people hep you more - you never know you may get a taste for having servants!
You are going to have a toddler again soon! I know what you mean though, everything is taking ages now. It is ridiculous. Cannot wait for it to be over...
Oh what a fabulous picture of your daughter. There are exactly 3 years between my two too.
And don't talk to me about old......!!
If it is any consolation, I always sit on my little kitchen step to put washing from the machine into the dryer, lol.
and if your recipe doesn't work you could always get the kids t o string them onto some wool (Sellotape the end to make it easier for them) and make some garlands for the tree.
Enjoy having as much done for you as possible, You will have your hands full again soon enough
being pregnant/giving birth and being told to get plenty of rest is like living in a giant oxymoron, isn't it? Do your best to take care of yourself :)
Nice post. No one eats your Fruit Loops? I could take care of that for you! ;-)
awww Lucy ! Just wait till they are all at school! then you will feel very very old like I do! However then you can just immerse yourself in fabric and sewing and creating even more beautiful things! Hope you don't feel too tired I remember the end stages well and just wanting the baby to be born! love Collette x
I hope you can just sit and enjoy the holidays. I can't believe how soon Baby Charm will be making an appearance!
Your embroidery is the best! Don't feel old, just feel magically experienced in all things crafty ;-)