Looking at my WIPs is a bit overwhelming this week! I have so many projects that I've not made any progress on it's a bit shocking. I did manage to finish two makes though...


- Vintage Baby Quilt

- Skull tooth cushion


- totally inspired by Maureen's fabulous crown creations I have started making one for my son's friend's birthday. I didn't have enough felt, or in fact felt in any suitable colours for a little girl, so I'm making it out of cotton. It's working ok so far:

no progress

- braid quilt
- project for the kids
- pin cushion
- retro flowers
- granny blanket
- rose stars - actually have basted a couple so that's some progress!
- Bloggers BOM - still just the one block to do
- HFWYG QAL - ekkk falling so behind
- another baby quilt for a friend

Even writing that no progress list is just horrible. I have been working on a couple of other little things but nothing really worth showing yet. I really hope I can get some time to sew this week and knock a couple of WIPs off the list!

completed: 2
new projects: 1
in progress: 10

baby: The delightful stage of reflux and having to go to the toilet three times a night has started. Plenty of kicking action too! One very tired mummy!
Also the 2 yr old is living up to her age so it's been a trying time.

Linking up:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
