The kids are on half term this week, though we've been hit by a horrible tummy bug :(
To keep things fun we've been crafting a lot and in the spirit of our paper/cardboard makes we've another treat for you:
This is a fantastic articulated papercraft skull by Noah of Skull-A-Day. The kids adore them and had fun colouring and writing on them while I was cutting the others out!
They'd make cute decorations too. It was easy to put together, I've not constructed anything like this since I was a kid making paper fortune tellers and other stuff. The picture was clear and the guide made total sense once you are putting it together. I had run out of glue and had no double sided tape so I just folded little bits of sellotape and they work fine!! I also printed the template on thick paper but thin card would have been better. I could make these ALL DAY. such fun!
And just in case that looks a little too professional... here's some spiders we made yesterday:
The ingredients were an egg carton, some sticky eyes and black Klona cotton from Abakhan. Spooky, fantastic and hours of freaking mummy out!
In sewing news there has been some little bits here and there, I had a blogging break last week and I don't have time to get too much done at the moment or indeed think about what needs doing!
I made a couple more rose stars:
I stitched up this gorgeous Donkey after Erin gave the link to these adorable patterns - I plan on doing some more for the baby's room and displaying the hoops:
Of course I had to make the Donkey purple in homage to the fun that is Donktober! You should definitely check out all the great Donkey projects and you still have time to make some of your own and link up for some really fantastic prizes:

Finally I have been working on some more tooth fairy cushions, all the prep is done at least:
I also managed to finish my friend's baby quilt but you'll have to come back on Friday to see it - I'm hosting TGIFF this week :)
Tonight I shall mostly be totally avoiding the television because I HATE horror films and being scared in general, which is odd since I love Halloween! This is about as spooky as I get, dancing skeletons!! hilarious.
Linking up:
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You knock me out with your workload Lucy! DO you ever get stressed?! Your cross stitched donkey is very sweet!
Love those skulls! My little girl loves craft stuff too (massive mr maker fan) - those spiders are fantastic :o)
Love your stitchy makes too - that donkey is too cute!
Sounds like you are all enjoying half term despite the bugs! Adorable donkey!!
The donkey is adorable.
Love the skulls and the spiders :-) Your wee donkey is gorgeous too.
The skulls are so fun! I cannot get over how cute that donkey is! The colors are all so pretty and vibrant. I hope you all get to feeling better soon!
Okay you ladies with little kids that get so much done are really making us grandmas that are retired and can sew whenever we want to...look really bad! How do you do it? when my kids were little I didn't have time to sew a stitch!
Lovely projects and wait you have a baby on the way?
Oh my goodness you amaze me! Happy Sewing
great stuff! i hear you on the scary movie stuff, I love halloween but the horror films i just can't do! but my guy loves them, so i promised we could watch one tonight while we hand out candy to trick or treaters. happy halloween!
Oh. My. God. I seriously just screamed out loud. There I was happily scrolling through your post, marvelling at your cute kids and drooling the new stars (especially the one on the right with the red) and then... WHAM... out jumps the cutest purple donkey ever. LOVE IT!!!! You are amazing Ms Lucy. xxx
I love those skulls!
The tulips in that embroidery are beautiful
Absolutely love your donkey! I tried some embroidery this week too...but oh your's is so cute!
Wow- great skulls! Ange
Your rose stars are amazing. And you are incredibly talented with embroidery!
Your little embroidery is just too cute! Hope you have some gravol on hand! Tummy bugs are nasty!
you have been busy! I love that little donkey! I am stopping by from the WIP hop :)
You have been busy! Can't wait to see your completed rose star quilt, how many more do you have to do?
I love your awesome little donkey! And I am going to check out the paper skulls - my kids would love those.
I love the skeleton dance! I remember the first time I saw it as a kid. Cute little donkey. Very nice job.
I love that little purple donkey! How lovely and fun! Your embroidery is super impressive to me - I can knit lace and fair isle but hand me an embroidery hoop and anything more complex than cross stitch on Aida and I'll hand you back a grubby tangled mess.
I am in awe of your stitching which is just ridiculously amazing! I love your Halloween makes and your kids are so sweet. I'm a bit worried though that you are looking a little thin in the face! ;-)
Oh I was at least expecting toilet roll makes what with tummy bugs 'n all!
Love the embroidery - did you use the soluble stuff for the cross-stitch?
Sorry to hear about your yucky tummy bug, but you sure did lots of fun stuff over the past week! Love purple donkey a lot. A LOT!
Love seeing your Rose Star progress and your embroidery stitching looks fantastic as always!
YOur embroidered donky is lovely. I might have a go for my great niece! And thanks for the video. It made me laugh!
All of your projects are so cool! And beautiful. Love the play with the kids!
Gorgeous donkey! Everyone needs more donkey in their lives :) Halloween is pretty much ignored down here in Oz but I'd like a half term break though. Hope you all feel
better soon.
The donkey is very cute and thanks for the link as there are lots of other goodies over there.