So it literally just dawned on me that I could use the fabric from the Low Volume Swap to piece the background of my Rose Star quilt...
Here's how they look laid out out the background fabric I'd decided on but guess what, I've not made any of the background shapes yet! Serendipitous maybe?!
So I would use the fabrics from the swap for background instead (the shapes I will make are the same as the spaces in between the rose stars as they are laid out here).
Is it going to be too much? I may make one or two and put them next to the rose stars to get an idea but randomly wondered what you all would think.
If I did use the low volume charms would I use one LV charm for each connecting shape so it was the same fabric or 4 different LV fabrics for each shape (hexie and three 1/3 hexies) or a mix?
I'm thinking one of each LV fabric print between each rose star so it's not too too busy but I'm having a hard time visualising. So each shape would be a different LV print.
Linking up:

p.s. I've been having a horrible, hormonal, crying, feeling low week so that explains any lack of blog comments, sorry. I am reading blog posts though and I'll try to be more chatty soon.
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I quite like the idea of the low volume fabrics in the space between your rosettes (which by the way, I love!). I think the key will be that there is enough contrast in value. If they are light enough, it should do the trick. I don't know if I'd put the same fabric in one small section, however. It's a lot of handwork to piece those, and it would be a shame to do all that work, just to have the same fabric there. I see why you're thinking that, but....I'd have to think about that one! Hope you are feeling better soon.
Using the LV fabrics for the background is a great idea!! I'd go with 4 different LV fabrics for the connecting shapes. Your Rose Star looks awesome, by the way
I love the idea of brights against low volume.
If it were my quilt, I would probably separate out the really extreme low volume from the charm swap and use those so that you don't have colors in your background that are competing with your gorgeous gorgeous stars.
(Also, if you do go with this idea and find that you are short once you get your charms, let me know and I'll make a little care package for you. I've been collecting low volume for a couple months and you're much closer to creating your quilt than I am to mine)
Love the idea, but I'd do 4 prints per connection. Here's my concern, though. How big is your base hexagon? As long as you can get 3 pentagons out of each charm I'd go for it, but if not you'll be wasting a lot of fabric, I think. But I'm weird, I actually move the templates around on all different angles to get as many pieces as i can so I don't waste fabric, if cutting from yardage. I hope your case of the blues goes away!
I think that is a great idea, Lucy! Though I am going to disagree with everyone else and vote for just one print between the stars. Hope those crappy hormones ease up on you soon!
Damn you, you find what you were going to do with your LV charm pack before me! And it is a brilliant idea - of course. I need inspiration now!!
Hmmm I wonder if a 5" piece would give you enough to make more than one shape. It will be brilliant whatever you decide ; )
I think the low volume would look great but you need the fabrics before you know for sure. The blocks you have done look fantastic!
I think that would look really good Lucy! Def. try it out!! If you don't like it you can go back to your original plan, but it could be so spectacular if it works!! :) Your blocks are looking so gorgeous.
Yes to a mix of LV fabrics and I vote for diff fabrics right next to each other between the points. You made so many! Yay! I made 3.... Feel better! Thx for your nice note.:)
Being a scrap quilt lover, I think the scrappier the better!! I would definitely use the LV fabrics. I would use 4 different fabrics for each space (hexie and 1/3 hexies) but I think it would look nice with just one fabric as well.
Your stars are so gorgeous! I hope you are feeling better! Take care!
That sounds like a great idea, Lucy (low volume scrappy). I think there must be something in the air re: horrible, hormonal, feeling low. I hope you feel better soon, my friend. You are loved!
I think it would look amazing! Amanda from made a single girl block with low volume prints as the background and it's to die for!
The low value background is a fab idea, go for it :o)
I like the idea of the low volume background.
I cant wait to see what your sample blocks look like.
I love the idea of a LV scrappy background! Could you make some of the background shapes out of a variety of the charms and see whether one fabric or multiple fabrics looks best? You'd be cutting them anyway so it'd just be a matter of mixing them up and then un-mixing them. (Have I made sense there?!)
I hope you feel better soon xxx
P.S. RS blocks are fabulous!
SOunds like the perfect solution! The low volume fabrics will let the rose stars shine!
I don't think you could go wrong either - I'd probably have to see the low volume charms before deciding. The blocks are gorgeous - now I am rethinking trying this!
Hi Lucy, you know my thoughts for your beautiful blocks. My comment is for my friend you are a talented Artist, a wonderful wife and mother, funny, and awesome hope you feel better soon!
Ahhh this is looking so beautiful. May you feel better soon, my friend!
Your Rose Stars are absolutely gorgeous! I like the idea of scrappiness between them, but I think you need to get the fabric and then make the decision. Your quilt will talk to you and help make the decision. I hope you feel better soon.
I think I would prefer the solid background but like some aged aunt I'm very traditional so prove me wrong and try it out. I expect it will look amazing!
i think it will look lovely either way however if it was me I'd take the leisurely option and just applique them on that plain sheet you've got right there!
Hope all those poxy hormones start behaving soon
Look at all your lovely rose stars. I have made one whole one and am just starting a random Christmas one! Yours look amazing
First of all have to say don't your RS blocks look just amazing! Love them all and they inspire me to keep going with mine!
Love the low volume link up idea - why don't you baste some shapes up and try them out without stitching, take photos and make a mosaic to test how it works for the quilt. How about 2 LV fabrics - one for the middle hexy and the other for the third of a hexy?
YES! Fantastic idea!
Hope your blues disappear quickly, and that the planning of the sewing works well for you.
I think it is a wait and see what they look like, before you decide. I like the idea in theory, but it may just not be right in practice. But, you can always fall back on plan A!
My first thought is the low volume would be perfect but it might be good to lay them your blocks on top of them before you cut to make sure. It may be some work better than others...
Lovely, exciting blocks!
Hi!!! Your blocks are sew pretty!!! I will watch for the finish!!!!
First, I think it would look great with 4 different LV fabrics in each space. Make a few and try it out. Second, I want in on that swap if there is another one! I love your blocks. It's going to be a great quilt.
Your rose stars are FANTASTIC! I love how they all look together. I like the way they look on the fabric right now, but they will also look good on the LV fabric.
I guess I am not much help in assisting in your decision making process.
I love this rose stars, though! Well done, you!
Goodness, that is so so beautiful, loving the prints you chose. Thanks for dropping by my blog x
Been thinking about you with warm sweet thoughts.... Ohhh adore your lovely pieces
It's a great idea!! I love these rose stars, your fabric combos are so fun!!
I am the worst at visualizing, and I just can't figure out if one option is better than the other. I do love, love, love your blocks, though! I can't wait to see the top come together either way! P.S. I hope you're feeling cheerful again. You should feel awesome and happy with your badass sewing self and your wonderful family :-) Tell those hormones to simmer down; you've got a wonderful crafty life to live ;-)
Love your piecing. You must have a lot of patience to do the handwork. Visiting from Really Random Thursday