I had some really sad new yesterday from a friend so things have been gloomy. I'll be back tomorrow to show you my sewing progress since I didn't feel much like blogging yesterday.
The thing about having 2 small kids around is there isn't much time for sadness and we spent this morning creating some more fabulous cardboard creations in order to distract mummy.
**warning, totally rubbish cardboard makes coming up!! please forgive me!**
After a playing a shopping board game we decided to create our own sweet shop...I turned to cardboard and paper creations.
We did sticking, cutting, tearing and scribbling to create some 'sweets' and I made some quick paper bags for them to put them in. Chocolate, lolly pops and fruit salads were the sweets of the day!
Cue lots of hilarity and awesome sweet shop fun!
Linking up:

The thing about having 2 small kids around is there isn't much time for sadness and we spent this morning creating some more fabulous cardboard creations in order to distract mummy.
**warning, totally rubbish cardboard makes coming up!! please forgive me!**
After a playing a shopping board game we decided to create our own sweet shop...I turned to cardboard and paper creations.
We did sticking, cutting, tearing and scribbling to create some 'sweets' and I made some quick paper bags for them to put them in. Chocolate, lolly pops and fruit salads were the sweets of the day!
Cue lots of hilarity and awesome sweet shop fun!
Linking up:

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So sorry to hear you've had sad news, hope things will be okay. Love the sweetshop :-) NEVER apologise for your cardboard posts, love them!!
Sorry about your friend, but great that the kids provided much needed distraction!
Well as long as they cheered mummy up, it's all good!
Sorry to hear about the sad news, I hope your friend is ok xx
P.S. Now I really, really want some fruit salads...my mouth is watering! Wonder if the local shop has any?!!
What a fun project! Yay for the chocolates and all the other goodies!
Sad news will give way to better I hope for your friend!
Shopping is always fun even if pretend! Used to love fruit salads and black jacks! Mmmmm!
Sorry about the sad news. Isn't it wonderful how little ones can help cheer you up? Good thing for cardboard, paper and glue.
Might be rubbish in your mind, but this is much more creative than I ever got with my kids!!
Sorry to hear you've been dealing with sad news. :(
sorry about the sad news - hope your friend will be ok.
Your kids did great cheering you up - such a fun playtime!
Sorry about your friend. And if your kids are anything like mine, they will expect real money for their fake sweets in their shop!
Creative cardboardy time with the children is the best way to keep yourself going. Hey for cardboard!
Sorry to hear about the sad news.
What a fun looking project, children know just how to cheer you up =D
Sorry to hear you had sad news, Lucy. Your sweet shop making looks fun though :)
Kids are the best at distracting you, hey! Huge hugs, hope you're okay lovely xx
Sorry Lucy that you received sad news. I'm glad your kids cheered you up. Take care!