I had to answer Lynne's call for help. Siblings Together is an amazing cause and having kids it just pulled at my heart strings. I haven't actually blogged about making this quilt but it went together so fast there wasn't much to say! I started this before heading to the Fat Quarterly Retreat, intending to take it with me but I hadn't quite finished. The other day I managed to put the binding on and it's all ready to be sent off to 'Siblings Together'.
I got the idea for the quilt from Amy's off-set square block tutorial, I wanted to show off the large prints and this worked really well. The fabric is mostly Emily Herrick's Hall of Fame (and a couple of solids) - I won a fat quarter bundle from her blog. I think it'll be a great quilt for any sporting boy or girl!
There has been lots of involvement in this project, check out Lynne's post to see more great quilts!
I'm linking up to:
I managed another finish because it was my amazing friend's birthday and I got to give her a pressie this weekend. I made her a weighted pincushion, using this great tutorial.
I used some of my precious Blend button box fabric, which just looks so cute! I love that this is adaptable and you can take off the little basket, so useful. Now I have to get on with making her a baby quilt :)
I was lucky enough to get an awesome gift in the post from the fabulously talented Rachael of Blue Mountain Daisy, after I left a rather rude comment on her SMS giveaway. Who knew being crude could get you prizes?!!
I was in love before I even opened her gift, the packaging was even gorgeous!
And inside was this brilliant double sided pincushion:
I love it!!! She is so kind and also included this gorgeous fabric:
Thank you so much Rachael! I assure you I'm usually much more ladylike (although those that met me recently will likely disagree!!).
Things have been a little overwhelming recently... lots going on. My brain is also still coming to grips with all the information, excitement and brilliantness of the Fat Quarterly Retreat.
I have written posts in my head about it but I just can't seem to cram it all in!! I think rather than do one post I'm just going to include things as and when.
What I will say is that it was SO well organised, I ADORED all my classes and I was so lucky to meet and spend time with the most amazing people. Thank you to the Fat Quarterly team and all the great sponsors.
Truly everyone was even nicer, funnier and kinder than I thought possible. I had so many great conversations and can't wait to do it again next year :)... also because I want to talk to Sarah and maybe sit at her end of the table if we go for dinner!
I even got invited to join some amazing ladies in their kitchen quilt guild and we're meeting tomorrow! I'm not sure who invited me exactly but I'm pretty sure they're going to regret it... with no mum on hand to babysit I will have my daughter in tow. Lynne may seriously never speak to me again!! I'm super excited to get to know them all better and I know it'll be great fun. I'm going to take lots of pictures just to prove I was there once!! ;)
I also met my soul mates, Nicky and Emily - who I just got on with like a house on fire. I actually suspect Emily and I would make some genius creations together if we lived nearer, that or just cause total chaos and havoc ;)
I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time!!
If I was a better blogger I'd list all the brilliant people I met but I haven't time and I have a memory like a sieve - just know that if I talked to you I am probably in love with you (especially you Moira, not least because you say amazeballs!!).
I'll show you one thing I got finished... a little stitching from my embroidery class with Aneela Hoey. She was a great teacher, I was happy to learn couching and hear her advice. She was truly lovely, so honest and very helpful. I'm hoping she doesn't think me and Emily are psycho for getting her autograph on some fabric (ok Emily might be a bit, she's already stitched hers!!) ;)
How cute is this little robin?!
Now I have to think what to make this into...
As well as working on getting Katy her own TV show, oh and trying to get my hands on the book so I can join in Allegory's awesome QAL!

Linking up to:

p.s. For those cheeky folks wanting to know the rude comment...
Rachael asked for the answer to 'why did the chicken cross the road?' and without thinking I wrote 'because it was chasing the cock'
I got the idea for the quilt from Amy's off-set square block tutorial, I wanted to show off the large prints and this worked really well. The fabric is mostly Emily Herrick's Hall of Fame (and a couple of solids) - I won a fat quarter bundle from her blog. I think it'll be a great quilt for any sporting boy or girl!
There has been lots of involvement in this project, check out Lynne's post to see more great quilts!
I'm linking up to:
I managed another finish because it was my amazing friend's birthday and I got to give her a pressie this weekend. I made her a weighted pincushion, using this great tutorial.
I used some of my precious Blend button box fabric, which just looks so cute! I love that this is adaptable and you can take off the little basket, so useful. Now I have to get on with making her a baby quilt :)
I was lucky enough to get an awesome gift in the post from the fabulously talented Rachael of Blue Mountain Daisy, after I left a rather rude comment on her SMS giveaway. Who knew being crude could get you prizes?!!
I was in love before I even opened her gift, the packaging was even gorgeous!
And inside was this brilliant double sided pincushion:
I love it!!! She is so kind and also included this gorgeous fabric:
Thank you so much Rachael! I assure you I'm usually much more ladylike (although those that met me recently will likely disagree!!).
Things have been a little overwhelming recently... lots going on. My brain is also still coming to grips with all the information, excitement and brilliantness of the Fat Quarterly Retreat.
I have written posts in my head about it but I just can't seem to cram it all in!! I think rather than do one post I'm just going to include things as and when.
What I will say is that it was SO well organised, I ADORED all my classes and I was so lucky to meet and spend time with the most amazing people. Thank you to the Fat Quarterly team and all the great sponsors.
Truly everyone was even nicer, funnier and kinder than I thought possible. I had so many great conversations and can't wait to do it again next year :)... also because I want to talk to Sarah and maybe sit at her end of the table if we go for dinner!
I even got invited to join some amazing ladies in their kitchen quilt guild and we're meeting tomorrow! I'm not sure who invited me exactly but I'm pretty sure they're going to regret it... with no mum on hand to babysit I will have my daughter in tow. Lynne may seriously never speak to me again!! I'm super excited to get to know them all better and I know it'll be great fun. I'm going to take lots of pictures just to prove I was there once!! ;)
I also met my soul mates, Nicky and Emily - who I just got on with like a house on fire. I actually suspect Emily and I would make some genius creations together if we lived nearer, that or just cause total chaos and havoc ;)
I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time!!
If I was a better blogger I'd list all the brilliant people I met but I haven't time and I have a memory like a sieve - just know that if I talked to you I am probably in love with you (especially you Moira, not least because you say amazeballs!!).
I'll show you one thing I got finished... a little stitching from my embroidery class with Aneela Hoey. She was a great teacher, I was happy to learn couching and hear her advice. She was truly lovely, so honest and very helpful. I'm hoping she doesn't think me and Emily are psycho for getting her autograph on some fabric (ok Emily might be a bit, she's already stitched hers!!) ;)
How cute is this little robin?!
Now I have to think what to make this into...
As well as working on getting Katy her own TV show, oh and trying to get my hands on the book so I can join in Allegory's awesome QAL!

Linking up to:

p.s. For those cheeky folks wanting to know the rude comment...
Rachael asked for the answer to 'why did the chicken cross the road?' and without thinking I wrote 'because it was chasing the cock'
Post a Comment
Thanks for the last laugh! No wonder you won! Missed you!
So glad for an update from you!! Lots of great stuff. I tried that pincushion/thread catcher tutorial and it was a giant fail. Yours looks great!
Great answer to the chicken question. And I think everyone's brain came away from the retreat overloaded. Weird how something so good could have that effect.
Great quilt. I'm going tomorrow too, see you there!
Hello you - love your 'answer'!!
Have fun at the guild xxx
Poor henny... lol Definitely dinner at a shorter table next year too :-) And OMG kitchen quilt guild? Lucky lucky...
Cheeky girl! Rachael is a great girl! Lovely yo have you back.
Love the quilt and the pincushion!
Great goodies to receive in the mail =D
See you tomorrow!!
Lovely job on the Siblings Together quilt! And im so happy to have you back here!
I miss you :-( I am starting s campaign to get Manchester moved into Devon!
Oh yeah, total brain meltdown post FQR! As for the joke, well really!
Your quilts for Siblings together are wonderful! Glad you had fun at the retreat. So fun!
Whoa! It's action central over there. I'm glad to hear that FQR was awesome. Your ST quilt is a winner! It will be loved for sure :-) Super cute pin cushion/thread catcher that you made. Thanks for sharing the tutorial link :-)
Have a great time at the kitchen quilt thingy!
Good answer to the age old question!
sounds like you had an amazing time Lucy!! Definately saving for next year ;)
hooray!! glad to see you back and at it! love the rude comment and have a great time with your girls at the kitchen guild! love your embroidered robin and your other makes.
lots of love Collette x
Your quilt looks lovely. I'm thinking it will be an ideal design for a friend who wants me to make a quilt for her son. You've also reminded me that I downloaded that pin cushion tutorial a long time ago (just checked, it was August 2009!!!) and still haven't made myself one. Must get onto it.
Hey Lucy, good to hear from you again. was just thinking you became real quiet in our bee chatting! Great post! great quilt! Great gift and great win! That robin will look great on a little pouch for me ;-)
Love the quilt and I have a matchy pin cushion from Rachel, although your answer trumped mine by a mile, hilarious!!
I feel I really missed out on FQR now!!! next year, next year... Will have to work on my husband to babysit! Love the embroidery - so pretty!
wow - what alot you have going on!!! LOVELY stitching though! I think you're a natural!
Your little Ouch is fabulous! You're cracking me up over here!
love the quilt Lucy. Hope you had a fab time today
Yep great answer to the why the chicken crossed the road. Great quilt too!
Fab makes and I enjoyed reading about the retreat! Funny chicken joke too :)
Sometimes you make me laugh until I cry! BRAVE girl tell it like it is! Love that quilt!
Oh, That chicken joke makes me laugh every time! I love your weighted pincushion! I've got some of that Blend fabric, isn't it so pretty! Your little stitched bird is so cute!! I bet you had the best time at FQR.
Lol, you're hilarious! Hope kitchen guild was good (so unbelievably jealous, you lucky thing!)
This post is crammed with so many lovely things I don't know where to start...and because my short term retention is shot at the moment I can't remember what was at the beginning of the post. I know I liked it though!!
Thanks for linking up to 100 Quilts for Kids! And I would have loved to go to FQ retreat. Sigh. Maybe some day when I'm rich...