I need to send you on a little journey but first I just wanted to check in quickly...
Firstly I had an amazing time on Wednesday with the kitchen quilt guild. I'm officially in love with Lynne, Laura, Katy, Brioni, Amanda, Justine and Mandy! Such a great bunch of women and a proper laugh! I got no sewing done, ate a lovely lunch in brilliant company and was able to see some of their fabulous creations up close. Even my daughter said 'can we go again next week?'
I took no photos because I'm a numpty and forgot my (husband's) camera. I did come away with this gorgeous stitching from Justine - she'd done one for all of us, she's like Superwoman with a needle!
Thank you Justine!! It's a reminder of the best weekend :)
This week I'm linking up to...

Firstly I had an amazing time on Wednesday with the kitchen quilt guild. I'm officially in love with Lynne, Laura, Katy, Brioni, Amanda, Justine and Mandy! Such a great bunch of women and a proper laugh! I got no sewing done, ate a lovely lunch in brilliant company and was able to see some of their fabulous creations up close. Even my daughter said 'can we go again next week?'
I took no photos because I'm a numpty and forgot my (husband's) camera. I did come away with this gorgeous stitching from Justine - she'd done one for all of us, she's like Superwoman with a needle!
Thank you Justine!! It's a reminder of the best weekend :)
This week I'm linking up to...
because LOOK, I started making my Rose Stars again and, oh my, I'm so happy!!
Stitching bliss! |
So now the journey...
Today I'm being featured on Follower Friday over at Knotted- Thread, so would you please do me a kindness and come and see me there?! You can learn a little bit more about me (so if I ever come to your house you can make me a cheese and marmite sandwich!)
I'm planning to get lots of sewing time in this weekend, hope you do too!
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You are now one of the inner circle. So pleased you had a great time.
I don't know what a numpty is but I'm pretty sure that word should not be used to describe you - you're adorable! Loved your post at Knotted Thread. :) Have a fantastic stitchy sewy weekend!!
Oh and I'm sure you did promise photos! Glad you had fun Mx
Ohhh I love cheese and marmite sarnies :)
oooh, I'm off to read all about you. I think the rose star is going to be my next project, love the look of them
I'm glad you had a lovely time with the kitchen guild - mind you, I'm not sure it would be possible to have anything less than a fabulous time with them! Off on my journey...
Totes in love with you too xxx
Kitchen table guild sounds awesome =jealous. Love your rose star :)
So glad you didn't get lost on the way xxx
Great blog glad I found you on Follower Friday!
I reckon the Kitchen Quilt Guild would make a great reality tv show! Cute little stitchy bird!! I'm off to check out your feature at Knotted Cotton, come and check out who's been featured on my blog this week :)
Clearly I need to come live where you live. Or move the whole lot of y'all to Atlanta.
The kitchen quilt guild sounds great and that little stitched bird is a fab gift!
Ah too funny you got no sewing done!
Love the little birdie and your guest post! =D
Glad you had fun with the kitchen mob, and congrats on the feature... marmite though, really?!
Sewing with the 'grown ups'. Glad that you had an ace day. Di x
Nice feature! Lovely EPP too.
Lucy, Lucy! How special to be able to stitch and spend time with fun people! I love the name of the guild...kitchen quilt guild. It is so perfect! Next time don't forget the camera :)
Love the guest post!!
It was fab to see you and read more about you on follower friday too :)
Oh it sounds brilliant. Totally not jealous!
Ps my little guy is addicted to Vegemite and cheese sandwiches - the Aussie answer to marmite :o)
Lucy! I've missed you! So glad you've been having such a lovely time! I love the rose star block, so many times I've thought about starting some, they are hard to resist!
Thanks for linking up to The Handmade Parade!
so glad you had a great time with the girls! you have inspired me to try a rose star block so I have headed over to the tutorial and got my bits ready! where did you get your cool little sewing case from? I love it with all the little pockets etc x
Yay! What a fun post over at Knotted-Thread :-D
What a cute quickie....and wow, you are soooo busy...
Have a great day!
That was cool. Thanks for the journey. I'm doing some serious catching up right now ;-)
Ok you have been busy Lucy. I love your new projects...way yyyy down there..lot the quilt...love the blocks..your hexes...yes stamp of approval here..lol
ah, rose stars! love the mint center. cute little birdie, too, how nice of her to make those for all you guys. looking good, Lucy!