Panic at the disco!!
31 May 2012
Ok there's not actually a disco but there's loads of panic!!
I've not packed ONE thing for the Fat Quarterly Retreat and I'm getting on a train to the big smoke tomorrow... help.
Actually the best solution is probably to get off the computer and go and pack everything I can find into the smallest case possible... first I want to quickly show you two amazing things I got in the post this week.
Today I went to the sorting office and picked up my beautiful name tag from Sarah (who had sensibly and kindly sent it next day delivery at the beginning of the week but I was out and I couldn't collect it until today!).
I adore it!! It's so pretty, the hexies are awesome and the stitching is beautiful. So neat!
Ok I'm going to go do what needs done and pack my **** up!!
Have a great weekend and if you're going to FQR see you Saturday, I'm the one wearing the cute hexie charms name tag!! :)
Lucy x
I've not packed ONE thing for the Fat Quarterly Retreat and I'm getting on a train to the big smoke tomorrow... help.
Actually the best solution is probably to get off the computer and go and pack everything I can find into the smallest case possible... first I want to quickly show you two amazing things I got in the post this week.
Today I went to the sorting office and picked up my beautiful name tag from Sarah (who had sensibly and kindly sent it next day delivery at the beginning of the week but I was out and I couldn't collect it until today!).
I adore it!! It's so pretty, the hexies are awesome and the stitching is beautiful. So neat!
She also sent a very nice card, some lovely charms and really cute stickers! I love the little maps and text on the stickers and that bunny fabric is so gorgeous. Thank you so much Sarah I love it all :)
She has seriously made me super happy, I've been feeling so anxious I was debating whether to come at all but I can't not come now!!
My other joy this week came from the genius that is Allegory, I am seriously so in love with this girl - she's hilarious, makes truly awesome things and she was super kind enough to send me a version of her amazing Pacman wall hanging!!
It is not at all wobbly or crooked I just took a picture after opening it from its travels and the kids hugging it furiously!!
Everyone in my house loves it and we had to youtube footage of the original game to show the kids (they loved it anyway but a bit of retro education never hurt anyone!!)
This is currently a finalist in the Bloggers' Quilt Festival (the wall hanging category) so you should go and vote for it now... quick!!! (there's also many other brilliant quilts in the other categories you should vote for too!)
Have a great weekend and if you're going to FQR see you Saturday, I'm the one wearing the cute hexie charms name tag!! :)
Lucy x
SMS Giveaway winner!
26 May 2012
There is certainly a lot of smiling people around! Thank you to everyone who left a comment on my Sew Mama Sew giveaway post, I really enjoyed reading all your comments and was astounded by the response.
I really appreciate all my followers and welcome to those of you who chose to follow this week!
Things have been pretty quiet on the sewing front because we've been enjoying glorious weather but I'll be back on Monday to show you the little I've been doing.
So who has won this great bundle?
Mr random generator chose number 613:
Since the posts start from 1 on each page of 200 I had to scroll through to the 600s and 613 (which shows as 13) was:
Congratulations Elaine! I've sent you an email.
I hope you're all having a fabulous weekend. I'm going to try and finish quilting a couple of quilts that need doing and then I seriously have to prepare for the Fat Quarterly Retreat since I'll BE THERE this time next week!!!! Must stop being a last minute Lucy!!
Hopefully I'll have some finishes to show you very soon.
...but the garden and an ice lolly might just distract me again ;)
Lucy x
Hooray for a GIVEAWAY!
21 May 2012
***THE GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED - see who won HERE!***
I'm hoping to spend the rest of the day turning this embroidery (by Imagine Gnats) into a sewing bag, courtesy of this great tutorial
I couldn't wait to show you because I think the girl is pretty kick ass but the bag is on pause while I join the giveaway madness and offer you a chance to win!
Unfortunately I haven't had the time to make anything (try not to feel too disappointed!), so instead I'm giving away some yummy fabric
These are 3 fat quarters (actually they are slightly larger!) of Hex Box from Prince Charming by Tula Pink for Westminster/Free Spirit; Empire Weave from Heirloom by Joel Dewberry for Westminster/Free Spirit; and Daylight Urchin Forest from Marine by Dan Stiles for Birch Organic Fabrics.
I'm also including a few small(ish) scraps, yes there's some bits of Flea Market Fancy by Denyse Schmidt in there, as well as other lovelies.
** All you have to do to win is leave me one comment telling me what is making you smile today!**
** If you are a follower please leave me a second comment telling me so for another chance to win**
The giveaway is open internationally and will close on Friday 25th May at 11pm (UK time) the winner will be chosen by Mr random generator (not sure why it's not Mrs?!) on Saturday 26th May.
***THE GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED - see who won HERE!***
edited to add: I wasn't quite expecting such a great response! It's wonderful but unfortunately means I just can't keep up and have to give in trying to reply to everyone that comments. So sorry!
handy finishes
18 May 2012
Just wanted to quickly share a couple of little finishes...
These are the first two (of four) swaps for the Fat Quarter Retreat.
I have machine sewn them onto the teatowels and put a random lone hexagon on the other edge.
I hope you think they're pretty (just in case you're going and get one)!
So two done and two to go...
Linking up to the fabulous There & Back and TGIFF at Color Me Quilty this week:

These are the first two (of four) swaps for the Fat Quarter Retreat.
I stitched the little embroideries onto some Oakshott cotton, combined them with some pretty scraps and then hand stitched the hexies together.
I have machine sewn them onto the teatowels and put a random lone hexagon on the other edge.
I hope you think they're pretty (just in case you're going and get one)!
So two done and two to go...
Linking up to the fabulous There & Back and TGIFF at Color Me Quilty this week:

Pezzy Quilt - Blogger's Quilt Festival
Last October I joined in the Blogger's Quilt Festival even though I'd only been quilting for 2 months. It feels like I've come a long way and am thoroughly enjoying all this learning, creating and sewing!
I made this baby quilt because I love this Pezzy print fabric by American Jane for Moda. I happened to have a charm pack of it and I saw this great tutorial pop up in the Moda Bake Shop.
The top was really straightforward to piece together and it was fun having all those coloured prints and Bella Solids to work with.
I chose to do straight line quilting, some randomly 1/4" apart. It keeps it modern and doesn't detract too much from the prints.
I was fortunate that my mum gave me this old curtain from the house I grew up in. It's a nice light cotton and just looking at it makes me smile.
There was no intended recipient of this quilt and I've thought about donating it or gifting it to a friend but since I love it so much and the backing is sentimental, instead I'm saving it for if we have a third baby!
I'm linking up to the fun that is:
I'm going to try and check out as many of the quilts as I can and if you've come from there please stay and look around. Comment if you have time, I enjoy making new bloggy friends!
A little WIP and a vintage handbag
16 May 2012
I've had a happy week and some small finishes...
- Bee Blessed blocks:
- Blogger's BOM blocks:
new projects
I joined a Bee!! I'm delighted and there are so many cool ladies in this group, some I have the pleasure of knowing through their blogs and I'm excited to get to know them all better! It's international and scrappy and I love it :)
I'll be working on a block this month for May's queen bee, May - that's how good she is at planning, even matching her name to the month!
I managed to make a little button for our bee and it'll be fun seeing our bee develop on the Flickr group:
- I did finish my last two embroideries for the FQR swap and have basted the hexagons but still not done!
- Stained QAL, all was going well until I ran out of thread. More has been ordered, right now it looks like this:
- Retro flowers... well hold on to your hats I managed to make half a block!!!
I love it already!! ;)
This is going to take me forever but it'll be worth it. I'm using Essex linen for the background and the texture is just so beautiful.
I am sewing my curves without pins but when it came to piecing the blocks I followed the pattern and pinned... this is what happens when I pin (because I'm lazy, hate pinning and REFUSE to take them out!!)
Would you believe this pin won?!! The needle broke! oh well... I am thinking of pressing my seams in different directions so I can butt them up and sew them that way, it might be quicker and less painful for the pins!!
Those of you making these blocks any tips on speeding up the process a little?? Otherwise I may end up with half a block a week and I'll run out of pins!!
no progress
- rose star blocks, I just feel sick about not doing any but I think with all the retreat preparation going on I'll just resign myself to looking forward to summer and catching up with them in the garden :)
completed: 2
new: 1
in progress: 5
I meant to share this with you a while ago but think I forgot...
My mum gave me this beautiful handbag that belonged to my Grandmother. It has no label or make printed anywhere I can see. I think it's some sort of skin rather than leather and it has the MOST AMAZING clasp and fittings.
Look at those pockets and that beautiful built in clasp purse! Heaven!
It's only quite small compared to today's huge bags. It measures approx. 10" x 6" x 4.5".
I adore it, am terrified to use it and it is too dainty and precious for all my crap anyway!!
Maybe just for a special occasion?! And keep it nice for my daughter :)
If anyone has any clue about bags or what they think it was made from I'd love to know!! I'm pretty certain it's pre WW2.
Well back to the grind...
Linking up:

- Bee Blessed blocks:
- Blogger's BOM blocks:
new projects
I joined a Bee!! I'm delighted and there are so many cool ladies in this group, some I have the pleasure of knowing through their blogs and I'm excited to get to know them all better! It's international and scrappy and I love it :)
I'll be working on a block this month for May's queen bee, May - that's how good she is at planning, even matching her name to the month!
I managed to make a little button for our bee and it'll be fun seeing our bee develop on the Flickr group:
- I did finish my last two embroideries for the FQR swap and have basted the hexagons but still not done!
- Stained QAL, all was going well until I ran out of thread. More has been ordered, right now it looks like this:
- Retro flowers... well hold on to your hats I managed to make half a block!!!
I love it already!! ;)
This is going to take me forever but it'll be worth it. I'm using Essex linen for the background and the texture is just so beautiful.
I am sewing my curves without pins but when it came to piecing the blocks I followed the pattern and pinned... this is what happens when I pin (because I'm lazy, hate pinning and REFUSE to take them out!!)
Would you believe this pin won?!! The needle broke! oh well... I am thinking of pressing my seams in different directions so I can butt them up and sew them that way, it might be quicker and less painful for the pins!!
Those of you making these blocks any tips on speeding up the process a little?? Otherwise I may end up with half a block a week and I'll run out of pins!!
no progress
- rose star blocks, I just feel sick about not doing any but I think with all the retreat preparation going on I'll just resign myself to looking forward to summer and catching up with them in the garden :)
completed: 2
new: 1
in progress: 5
I meant to share this with you a while ago but think I forgot...
My mum gave me this beautiful handbag that belonged to my Grandmother. It has no label or make printed anywhere I can see. I think it's some sort of skin rather than leather and it has the MOST AMAZING clasp and fittings.
Look at those pockets and that beautiful built in clasp purse! Heaven!
It's only quite small compared to today's huge bags. It measures approx. 10" x 6" x 4.5".
I adore it, am terrified to use it and it is too dainty and precious for all my crap anyway!!
Maybe just for a special occasion?! And keep it nice for my daughter :)
If anyone has any clue about bags or what they think it was made from I'd love to know!! I'm pretty certain it's pre WW2.
Well back to the grind...
Linking up:
We have a winner!
15 May 2012
drum roll please....
The winner of the Fugly Fabric Party 2 and the gorgeous fat quarter bundle of Blend Fabrics from Prints to Polka Dots is:
Number 4 - Amy of Crafty Shenanigans
Huge congratulations Amy! I have sent you an email :)
Thank you to all of you who linked up and everyone that played along, I hope you enjoyed the party.
I want to say a massive thank you to Claire from Prints to Polka Dots for sponsoring the giveaway and being so incredibly generous. Go and check out the shop! It has a great selection of haberdashery, precuts, patterns and the best bargain basement!
For those of you a little sore that you didn't win I'll be having a giveaway very soon as part of the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day so stay tuned (does anyone say that anymore, I mean you don't tune into anything with digital do you?!!)

The winner of the Fugly Fabric Party 2 and the gorgeous fat quarter bundle of Blend Fabrics from Prints to Polka Dots is:
Number 4 - Amy of Crafty Shenanigans
Huge congratulations Amy! I have sent you an email :)
Thank you to all of you who linked up and everyone that played along, I hope you enjoyed the party.
I want to say a massive thank you to Claire from Prints to Polka Dots for sponsoring the giveaway and being so incredibly generous. Go and check out the shop! It has a great selection of haberdashery, precuts, patterns and the best bargain basement!
For those of you a little sore that you didn't win I'll be having a giveaway very soon as part of the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day so stay tuned (does anyone say that anymore, I mean you don't tune into anything with digital do you?!!)
Could I bee any happier?!
14 May 2012
Over the weekend I finished my last two little stitchings for the Fat Quarterly Retreat swap so just need to get these pretties on some teatowels
I also managed to get my Blogger's BOM blocks done for March and April:
On a roll I just finished these two blocks for charity Bee Blessed:
Hope they're ok Judith! They're like a boy and a girl converging corners!
It was fun making them and I was glad to dip into my scrapbin giant bag because it looks like this:
Serendipitous then that Sana should post about joining a bee that is using scraps and asking for followers! It's called Scrappy? Sew bee it! (great name!!) and is being run by the delightful May over at Confessions of a fabraholic. She is so sweet, incredibly organised and very helpful - I've gleaned all that just from emailing her today so I'll be happy to get to know her and the other bee members better!
If you'd like to join there's still room so go see May and sign up :)
I've never been in a bee before but already I'm enjoying it and so glad I joined on a whim!!
In other fun news, the gorgeous Katie is starting a fun link party each week for hand stitched items. This is such a great idea and I can't wait to see what hand sewing there is around blogland!
Check out her great blog There & Back then get to hand sewing something and I'll see you there on Friday! Maybe with some progress on this:
The icing on the cake today had to be the wonderful news that the lovely Cindy of Fluffy Sheep Quilting has opened her online shop!

I also managed to get my Blogger's BOM blocks done for March and April:
On a roll I just finished these two blocks for charity Bee Blessed:
Hope they're ok Judith! They're like a boy and a girl converging corners!
It was fun making them and I was glad to dip into my scrap
Serendipitous then that Sana should post about joining a bee that is using scraps and asking for followers! It's called Scrappy? Sew bee it! (great name!!) and is being run by the delightful May over at Confessions of a fabraholic. She is so sweet, incredibly organised and very helpful - I've gleaned all that just from emailing her today so I'll be happy to get to know her and the other bee members better!
If you'd like to join there's still room so go see May and sign up :)
I've never been in a bee before but already I'm enjoying it and so glad I joined on a whim!!
In other fun news, the gorgeous Katie is starting a fun link party each week for hand stitched items. This is such a great idea and I can't wait to see what hand sewing there is around blogland!
Check out her great blog There & Back then get to hand sewing something and I'll see you there on Friday! Maybe with some progress on this: |
The icing on the cake today had to be the wonderful news that the lovely Cindy of Fluffy Sheep Quilting has opened her online shop!
I'm in love with this bundle of Metro Living Circles - yum!
Cindy's having a giveaway on her blog, she's offering a discount code for the shop and there are links to three other amazing bloggers hosting Fluffy Sheep giveaways!! So head HERE to get all that!
Yes that is me being lazy and too tired to type all the links myself!! (sorry ladies!) ;)
Off to enter those giveaways and catch up on some blog reading before I drop off to sleep!
Oh and just a reminder that I'll be announcing the winner of the Fugly Fabric Party and the gorgeous bundle from Prints To Polka Dots tomorrow! I have a mad busy day so just to let you know it'll probably be after I've had my tea (dinner!)
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