Easter was a busy family time but I'm getting back on track with my sewing now we're into the normal routine. I didn't manage to link up last week because I didn't do that much, I've got some stuff finished now though so I'm linking up to the fabulous Freshly Pieced
- Two cushions using Hungry Caterpillar panels that my Auntie gave me, my kids are loving them!
I added the fruit to the caterpillar panel using fabric paint and did some simple stitching on both panels.
I have to say a MASSIVE thank you to Helen from Archie the wonder dog - she's been such a great support to me, even having faith I'd manage to sew invisible zips! She kindly sent me some links to help me put the cushions together and gave me much needed advice. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Sometimes I don't even know where to begin doing something and I don't always have time to research things properly - it felt awesome to have someone behind me and spurring me on. I believe I was successful (after nearly putting the invisible zip at the very bottom, knowing I wanted to put binding on - DOH! Only emailing Helen my plan made me realise my mistake!!)...
The zip doesn't look completely invisible here but that's just because the cushion form is so puffy just now, trust me it'll be almost perfect when it's been squished a bit! I adore the coordinating fabric I got (in the sale at the Fat Quarter Shop at Christmas!) for the backing and it makes a yummy binding too! These cushions are huge - about 23"x23". Just look...
They have already been chucked all over the place thanks to these two happy mischiefs! They're saying 'thank you Helen' :)
This is also my first finish ticked off my list for the Finish-A-Long. Yeah!
- Name Swap. I've finished the name tag for the Fat Quarterly Retreat name swap. Unfortunately I can't show you the front at all now it's finished because it will completely give it away. So here's the rubbish back ;)
I promise the front is much prettier!! I managed to put her blog name on as well and I'm so pleased with how it turned out. I chose to leave the paper in the back hexagon, even though I used interfacing it needed a bit more stability (it also makes a satisfying crinkly sound when you touch it!!) but that's why the stitching looks so terrible. I hope my lovely partner doesn't mind! I haven't made a lanyard because I didn't think it would work well with the hexagon shape - it might look a bit too much like a medallion!! She has time to attach one though if she choses to rock the 70s look ;)
It's not the smallest name badge so I also thought she could pin in onto her bag maybe?
- Rose Star, two more blocks complete. I've said it many times before but I LOVE these so much and hand piecing is so wonderful. Huge thanks to Clare at selfsewn for getting me started :) Head over there if you want to find out more about English Paper Piecing and admire the beautiful things she makes!
- Stained QAL - I've only got the 4 blocks to do and then the (dreaded) sashing ;) I'm so excited to see this one come together. It's been a lot of fun to do - I'm not sure how to quilt it though and would love any ideas anyone has?
no progress
- Retro Flowers QAL - not got further than cutting the squares, really need to get going I'm falling so behind!
Also I need to make a start on the FQ retreat swap - I've got it all planned now so hopefully I'll get started over the weekend.
completed: 2
new projects: 1
in progress: 4
I think I'm most proud of what we all crafted together during the holidays. My husband and I (with the kids shouting instructions and requests) got creative with cardboard. I give you a butterfly and a knight...
I'll take credit for the overly sized wings and the slightly flimsy sword but in my defense it was my husband that created that delightful "helmet".
Whatever, we all had fun and it was free :)
Also during the holidays I received these scrumdiddlyumptious fabric scraps from the incredibly kind Susan at Patchwork and Play
Thank you so much Susan, I really couldn't love you more! I'm going to have a lot of fun playing with these :)
The ouch in the post title refers to the fact that I've sprained my ankle :( I stupidly just went over on it yesterday and spent the afternoon in a&e today after a painful night! The up side is I finished the binding on the kid's cushions while I was waiting... I got lots of smiles from the old ladies in the waiting room.
So grateful my mum is nearby and had the little one while I went, I'm also glad I didn't actually break anything! And thank goodness for painkillers.
I'm hoping to hobble to the post office tomorrow and get the name tag sent off, finger's crossed I'll have a happy partner. I've never done a swap before and I'm feeling nervous.
Stay tuned, I'll be announcing details of the next Fugly Fabric Party very soon and I have an amazing (not at all fugly) giveaway to share with you (you're going to want to link up - get sorting through your fabric now)! So exciting!

- Two cushions using Hungry Caterpillar panels that my Auntie gave me, my kids are loving them!
I added the fruit to the caterpillar panel using fabric paint and did some simple stitching on both panels.
I have to say a MASSIVE thank you to Helen from Archie the wonder dog - she's been such a great support to me, even having faith I'd manage to sew invisible zips! She kindly sent me some links to help me put the cushions together and gave me much needed advice. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Sometimes I don't even know where to begin doing something and I don't always have time to research things properly - it felt awesome to have someone behind me and spurring me on. I believe I was successful (after nearly putting the invisible zip at the very bottom, knowing I wanted to put binding on - DOH! Only emailing Helen my plan made me realise my mistake!!)...
The zip doesn't look completely invisible here but that's just because the cushion form is so puffy just now, trust me it'll be almost perfect when it's been squished a bit! I adore the coordinating fabric I got (in the sale at the Fat Quarter Shop at Christmas!) for the backing and it makes a yummy binding too! These cushions are huge - about 23"x23". Just look...
They have already been chucked all over the place thanks to these two happy mischiefs! They're saying 'thank you Helen' :)
This is also my first finish ticked off my list for the Finish-A-Long. Yeah!
- Name Swap. I've finished the name tag for the Fat Quarterly Retreat name swap. Unfortunately I can't show you the front at all now it's finished because it will completely give it away. So here's the rubbish back ;)
I promise the front is much prettier!! I managed to put her blog name on as well and I'm so pleased with how it turned out. I chose to leave the paper in the back hexagon, even though I used interfacing it needed a bit more stability (it also makes a satisfying crinkly sound when you touch it!!) but that's why the stitching looks so terrible. I hope my lovely partner doesn't mind! I haven't made a lanyard because I didn't think it would work well with the hexagon shape - it might look a bit too much like a medallion!! She has time to attach one though if she choses to rock the 70s look ;)
It's not the smallest name badge so I also thought she could pin in onto her bag maybe?
- Rose Star, two more blocks complete. I've said it many times before but I LOVE these so much and hand piecing is so wonderful. Huge thanks to Clare at selfsewn for getting me started :) Head over there if you want to find out more about English Paper Piecing and admire the beautiful things she makes!
- Stained QAL - I've only got the 4 blocks to do and then the (dreaded) sashing ;) I'm so excited to see this one come together. It's been a lot of fun to do - I'm not sure how to quilt it though and would love any ideas anyone has?
no progress
- Retro Flowers QAL - not got further than cutting the squares, really need to get going I'm falling so behind!
Also I need to make a start on the FQ retreat swap - I've got it all planned now so hopefully I'll get started over the weekend.
completed: 2
new projects: 1
in progress: 4
I think I'm most proud of what we all crafted together during the holidays. My husband and I (with the kids shouting instructions and requests) got creative with cardboard. I give you a butterfly and a knight...
I'll take credit for the overly sized wings and the slightly flimsy sword but in my defense it was my husband that created that delightful "helmet".
Whatever, we all had fun and it was free :)
Also during the holidays I received these scrumdiddlyumptious fabric scraps from the incredibly kind Susan at Patchwork and Play
Thank you so much Susan, I really couldn't love you more! I'm going to have a lot of fun playing with these :)
The ouch in the post title refers to the fact that I've sprained my ankle :( I stupidly just went over on it yesterday and spent the afternoon in a&e today after a painful night! The up side is I finished the binding on the kid's cushions while I was waiting... I got lots of smiles from the old ladies in the waiting room.
So grateful my mum is nearby and had the little one while I went, I'm also glad I didn't actually break anything! And thank goodness for painkillers.
I'm hoping to hobble to the post office tomorrow and get the name tag sent off, finger's crossed I'll have a happy partner. I've never done a swap before and I'm feeling nervous.
Stay tuned, I'll be announcing details of the next Fugly Fabric Party very soon and I have an amazing (not at all fugly) giveaway to share with you (you're going to want to link up - get sorting through your fabric now)! So exciting!
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Yay for the finished cushions, they look so pleased with them! The less said about that 'helmet' the better though ;o)
I'm sorry you sprained your ankle! That hurts!
Can't wait for the Fugly Fabric Party!
Ouch indeed L! Try to rest it if you can! Love your cushions btw! No wonder the kids love them! Jxo
Love your cushions (and that I don't have to say pillows!) Hope your ankle gets better quickly!
Oh rest up honey-bun!
Love the cushions, and can't wait to see the front of the name badge x
Those cushions are fabulous and I love the cardboard wings, sword and hat :)
Dude, those cushions are amazing! Your painted fruit are just the finishing touch. And I love seeing kids play with cardboard stuff! My spouse made a full size pony for Chookie when she was 5 - the photos if her sitting on it in the back garden are priceless!
Good job on the cushions - the models do look rather happy (and rather cute with it)
Gotta love cardboard boxes... :-)
Woo you've now joined the cushion planet! They look huge....
Sorry to hear about your ankle! Hopefully you're fighting fit again soon..
How long till the party? =D
Love you cushions...looks live the little ones love them as well.
The huge cushions look so awesome!! The added watermelon is adorable as well.
I wanna come over to your house so I can have wings and a sword.
Those are seriously some of the cutest pillows I've ever seen- adorable!!!
Lucy those pillows are genius! So darned cute! The fruit addition was more genius. I don't have any little ones anymore but I want to make them.
Oh, I need to get sorting. Those pillows are to die for cute!! And I love how they are so big. Speaking of big, I don't think your butterfly wings are overly big at all; real butterflies have HUGE wings compared to their little bodies. :o) Such cute little ones! Love all the photos. xoxo
you gotta give yourself a pat on the back - for a first invisible zipper success!! The cushions look great, but more importantly I can tel they are going to be loved by their recipients for a very long time ;)
Poor you , hope the pain goes soon. Those cushions are superb. Your name tag is very tantalising from the back!
Di xo
Love the Hungry Caterpillar cushions! Enjoy your fabric and I hope your ankle is feeling better soon.
hey thanks for the shout out, I'm up to my eyeballs in sneezes so thanks for directed people my way whilst I'm out of action.
BTW I love those big caterpiller cushions!!
Your cushions are Cute! Cute! Cute! And your cutie pie children look like they LOVE them! I've never done an invisible zipper! Great job! Deborah
I'm in love with the Hungry Caterpillar cushions! You did a great job with the added fruit. I'm ready for the Fugly fabric party, I don't know what I was thinking with my last fabric purchase. I should never shop after 10pm!
love the caterpillar cushions! Can;t wait to see who the name badge is for: I have sent mine off too.
Hope the ankle gets better
Love the cushions and your cardboard creations are just inspired!
Your cushions look fabulous, well done! I knew you could do it! Thanks for the mention (I really didn't do much though, it was mainly cheering!!) Your bairns are adorable and I love the photos of the them being a butterfly and a knight - so cute!! Congratulations on finishing the badge - has it arrived and did she (he?!) like it?!! Hope your ankle gets better soon - you can stitch some more gorgeous RS blocks whilst you're healing!
Your Hungry Caterpillar pillows are so cute. I've never done an invisible zipper. Hope your ankle is feeling better soon!
I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle, but I hope you're on the mend. The cushions turned out adorably. They're almost as cute as those kiddos running around with their cardboard butterfly and knight outfits. So precious!