I have tonsillitis :( The kids are poorly too, although theirs is not bacterial.
So for me there's mostly been this:
I'm in the same boat as Kelli (read her post because I was basically going to say the same sort of stuff!!), I haven't been commenting although I have speed read some blogs but I just don't have the energy to be a good active blogger - so I'm sorry.
I've done the odd bit of hand sewing while lying on the sofa and I'll show you all when I can be bothered!!
There's just a couple of notices I wanted to share.
Firstly there's some great giveaways going on, some I meant to blog about last week so you might need to hurry but please check them all out if you get a chance:
- Duke Says Sew What is having a wonderful giveaway of fabric in one of my favourite colours, as well as some DS!
- Poppy Makes... is looking for a name for her adorable new puppy and giving away a charm pack to those that throw in their opinions :)
- Lori at Adventures in Fabric is celebrating her 50+ followers (now 75!!) by giving away a charm pack
- last but certainly not least the fabulous Canadian Abroad is having a sponsored giveaway from The Village Haberdashery (open to UK residents only)
** In my absence I failed to include the cute and generous giveaway from Suz at Patchwork n Play, so check that out too!!**
Once you've checked those out you might also want to go look at Prints To Polka Dots they have 20% off Flannels, 20% off Riley Blake, and a great clearance on haberdashery items, including felt, buttons and ric rac!
Finally a reminder that I'm having the fat quarter Stale Stash Swap in one week!! So get your fabric ready and think about what you want to offer to swap :) Please help spread the word so we can get as many swappers as possible
Ok as you were, I'm heading back to the sofa to watch more Transformers cartoons

So for me there's mostly been this:
I'm in the same boat as Kelli (read her post because I was basically going to say the same sort of stuff!!), I haven't been commenting although I have speed read some blogs but I just don't have the energy to be a good active blogger - so I'm sorry.
I've done the odd bit of hand sewing while lying on the sofa and I'll show you all when I can be bothered!!
There's just a couple of notices I wanted to share.
Firstly there's some great giveaways going on, some I meant to blog about last week so you might need to hurry but please check them all out if you get a chance:
- Duke Says Sew What is having a wonderful giveaway of fabric in one of my favourite colours, as well as some DS!
- Poppy Makes... is looking for a name for her adorable new puppy and giving away a charm pack to those that throw in their opinions :)
- Lori at Adventures in Fabric is celebrating her 50+ followers (now 75!!) by giving away a charm pack
- last but certainly not least the fabulous Canadian Abroad is having a sponsored giveaway from The Village Haberdashery (open to UK residents only)
** In my absence I failed to include the cute and generous giveaway from Suz at Patchwork n Play, so check that out too!!**
Once you've checked those out you might also want to go look at Prints To Polka Dots they have 20% off Flannels, 20% off Riley Blake, and a great clearance on haberdashery items, including felt, buttons and ric rac!
Finally a reminder that I'm having the fat quarter Stale Stash Swap in one week!! So get your fabric ready and think about what you want to offer to swap :) Please help spread the word so we can get as many swappers as possible
Ok as you were, I'm heading back to the sofa to watch more Transformers cartoons
Post a Comment
Ouch, that just sounds painful! Hope you and the kids are feeling better soon, Lucy!
Oh bugger! There's nothing worse than feeling crap when you've got kids to look after too... Enjoy trasformers (strangely addictive cartoon, isn't it?) Hope your antibiotics work quickly and you're on the mend soon xx
Are we leading parallel lives? That exactly what I'm just getting over! Poor you -- it's absolutely sucks to be feeling so poorly. Hope you start to feel better soon!
Crappers. Hope you feel better soon!
Crappers. Hope you feel better soon!
So sorry you are sick!! hope you are feeling better soon!
You poor thing. I'm sending you some virtual chicken soup(homemade of course!) and some chocolate cake. Hope you feel better soon. x
Tonsilitis is the most horrible thing! Poor you. Hope all those medicines kick in soon x
Oh, get well soon lovey.
I didn't have boys so I don't know if watching Transformers is good or not. I do know being sick is such a bummer. I hope you feel better soon. At least you are not watching Spongebob Squarepants. I like the cartoon, but it gets on my nerves so quickly!
Aw sorry to hear you are poorly! Lots of TLC & lemon & honey. Get well soon. Jxo
I was wondering why it seemed quiet from your corner of the world. It's interesting how we start to care about our bloggy friends. Hope you and your family are getting better and better fast!
I do hope you and your family recover real soon.
Horrible thing tonsilitis. Hope the medicine works quickly for you.
Hope you are feeling better soon my dear -poor you!
I've been wondering where you've been. Feel better soon Lucy.
Ahh, I was there about 4 weeks ago :o/ Hope you feel better soon!
Look after yourself, keep in the warm and get better soon. Di xo
What a bummer that all of you have been sick, Lucy! I hope you get well soon. Such nasty bugs going around right now. Thanks for the giveaway reminders, even when you're sick you're sweet and thoughtful!! xo Take care!
Sending get-well wishes to you and your family. I hope you get better soon! In the meantime, just rest, read blogs and think healthy thoughts. Miss you...
Feel better soon xxx
You poor girl! I felt awful most of last week and finally went the the dr on Saturday. I had strep throat. UGH.
Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon!
Jennifer :)
Hope you feel better soon, Lucy, am looking forward to the stash swap!
Look after yourself and feel better soon! BTW I have a little giveaway happening too!
hope you feel better soon Lucy
Come on Lucy we need you back in action again! Chase those horrid germs away from the house and return to us soonest!
Get well soon honey-bunch xxx
Awww no you haven't been well at all lately! You need to go find some sun!! Still need to take pics of my swap fabrics O_O......
Hope you feel better soon! Just amazed how much you can write when you feel crappy ;-) I dont get posts like this done even if I am feeling absolutely great ;-) Thanks for the giveaway hints!
Poor Lucy, get well soon!
Take care!
Hope you are all feeling better...and enjoying Transformers. Thanks for dropping by my blog...loving the new machine
Feel better, thx for the mention!
oh yuck, I hope you are all feeling better soon - I don't think there is anything worse than having sick kids when you are sick also :(
So many people in blog-land are down with a lurgy of some sort. Could it be that germs spread through the internet??? I hope you make a speedy recover, its so boring being sick.
Get better soon Lucy!! x
Thanks for the boost to my giveaway. And I do hope that you are on the mend very soon.
Hope you're recovering, Lucy :)
Hope you feel better soon Lucy, I feel a bit iffy today myself and i'm never ill, I cant remember last time I had a cold!
yuck....I haven't had that since I was a kid...but I remember how sick I felt. Sorry. I hope you feel better soon.
get well soon x
Please feel better soon. Tonsillitis is so depressing!
Gargling with aspirin may also help.
Oh my, I hope you are all feeling better soon. We have all been passing a flu around. So I feel for you. Get better real soon friend.
Hope you get better soon!
Feel better soon but in the meantime enjoy your cartoons.
Oh no! Feel better!