I've managed to do quite a bit this week, largely thanks to my new machine :)
- sewing machine cover and 2 sewing cases (read more about them here)
- I finished my first paper pieced block :)
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I love those little squares, thank you again Heather! My sewing space looks better already, the zips have their own home!
- I've cut out for my next rose and star block, if you haven't already you definitely should come and join the party!
Here are some basted, looking like a string of little goldfish (it was late last night I was going a bit mad!!):
points if you can spot my teeny tattoo! |
- Also managed to make a block for the Charming Rainbow Stars quilt after doing some cutting. These are charms from a swap, some are fugly but it's going to be ugly cool!!
I was a little disappointed to find that some of the charms still had edges on :( Good job I hadn't planned to use them all or there would have been little holes everywhere!
no progress: - Secret quilt
future projects:
Did you see the exciting win?! I didn't until some of you pointed it out to me (that's what sewing and no blog reading does!!). I was so thrilled to see I'd won Maureen's giveaway over at Maureen Cracknell Handmade. A wonderful Just Wing It layer cake :) generously offered by her sponsor Angie at The Little Fabric Shop.
I love this fabric and had seen some lovely projects made with it, I also have two pregnant friends so I'm hoping one will be a girl!!
Regardless I knew I wanted to pick what to make with it straight away!! I have an odd disorder I think, I really have to know what I'm doing with my fabric. I love organising and have everything separated into projects (total has now hit 13 quilts!!). I asked Laura's advice about what to do, she has great taste (is not afraid of expletives) and she's so good at knowing what patterns are out there. Thank you very much Laura :) She made a few suggestions but her initial one had me hooked straight away! So this:
source: http://www.thelittlefabricshop.com/Products/just-wing-it-layer-cake.aspx |
source: http://www.modabakeshop.com/2011/02/hexagon-park.html |
Sorry that has been a long post already... hope you'll stay for Part 2 below!
(That line right there is how I'll be separating WIP and Weigh In Wednesdays!!)

exercise: jumping around and dancing madly like a crazed woman :)
Not sure how that's happened with all the birthday cake last week but it must be the boogying!
This is the BEST way to lose weight!! I can't stop watching this, dancing around like I'm re-living the early nineties ;) It is SO fun to dance too. Yes I look like an idiot and not Beyonce but I dare you not to move around listening to this :)
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Oh my goodness, you are a quilting/sewing/dancing machine! Great job this week!
Well done again! You might shame me into it one of these days... maybe...
Love those sewing wallet. Yep. And that pouch is adorable. Love the squares on side a... and the minimalistic side b. Gorgeous fabrics. Sorta, kinda, maybe reminds me of another pouch I once loved... ;)
Congrats on the awesome weight loss! Very happy for you. Go girl! x
Well done on your weight loss and your win - looking forward to seeing that quilt in Just Wing it.
oh I adore your patchwork zippy - SO darn cute!!! And I'm really a fan of your machine cover & travel sewing kits....like them alot!
Fantastic progress! Love those little sewing cases!
your WIP are gorgeous Lucy! The paper pieced star looks amazing, so techno color! Have a great week!
EVERYTHING looks fab!!! That new sewing machine was a good fit!!! Congrats on the 3 lbs. you lost...I think I may have found them :)
YAY, the zippy pouch looks amazing. Wish I had thought of that. ;-)
Mary made me laugh - funny woman!
Sounds like it is congrats all round Lucy - are you making a quilt from rose star blocks!? So looking good ....and your pouch is too!
And if you were dancing like Beyonce we'd all like to watch that video!
Oh yay! I'm liking your rose star block so much better than the one I've basted so far. That ikat print is cool. I think I'm going to baste more and then swap the pieces all around before committing and assembling the blocks ;-) I'm chicken.
Yay you! Great job on the projects and on the 3 lbs!
Great projects on the go, a win and more fabulous weight loss. You are on top of the world!
Awesome week Lucy! You rock girl! Very nice quilty stuff and -3 on the scale. You are my hero! :-)
Well, all of it's fab but that red and white needle case is the best! I just love it! Thanks again :)
Just plain to exhausted from reading all that - must be about 200calories right!?
Wow, that was a seriously productive week! WTG on the 3lbs after a birthday and everything! I have a sneaking suspicion last weekend's big birthday celebrations for my dad did not help my first weigh in today :o/
Wow! You've had an amazing week. I love that little pouch you made.
Way to go with the weigh-in Lucy and congrats on the win.. that is a really cool pattern! You've also made some really cute things with that new machine whirring away!
Great job with the weight loss! Love the dancing - I'm going to have to try that for sure.
wonderful projects, love how your sewing machine cover turned out.
Congratulations on the loss, you're doing really well! And congratulations on the win, I can't wait to see your version of hexagon park! Disappointed that someone left the selvedge on their charm squares, that's just plain cheeky!
WOW! I just love your little zip pouches! I wish I weren't so afraid of zippers.
Also, I'm the exact same way when it comes to fabric. I don't have much of a stash because I like to know what I'm making ahead of time. Of course I do have fabric from the projects that I never get around to. :)
Congrats on the loss!
Michelle (LemonadeGal)
~visiting from Freshly Pieced
How gorgeous are those finished projects Lucy??????? Loving your fabric combos! You are on fire girlfriend!
Congrats on the loss too! I went back to uni in my late 20's and I used to take dance breaks from my study. So once an hour I'd get up and blast a song out and dance like mad to take me away from the boredom!! Have a great weekend mx
I have no idea what you mean by paper piecing---maybe I will learn about that along the way. I have so much to learn.
That block looks very cool.
Looove that patchwork pouch, both the front and the back! So cute! And I'm impressed by all your hand-piecing. Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday. : )