I'm recovering from the horrible vomit bug that totally kicked my a**e and had me exhausted last week.
I haven't been able to keep up with blog reading, so sorry for the lack of comments but I'm back on track now!
It is officially a week (right?!) until the Fugly Fabric Party kicks off!! If you don't know what I'm talking about click here.
Thanks so much for all of you who've given it a mention on your blogs and there's been some great button grabbing!
Here it is again, just in case you missed it!:
So with one week to go:
- Collect some fugly or unwanted fabric to rid yourself of!
- You might want to think about how you're going to offer it on your blog (giveaway, postage paid, etc.) and let people know via your blog that it's upcoming.
- If you're super organised (unlike me) you could even get your post written in preparation.
If you're not sure what a link party is or you've never done one before, head over to the The Barefoot Seamstress and check out her easy guide to linking up so you can play along!
Remember there's a bribe involved ;)
I need to get the house cleaned and boring stuff like that today but hopefully I'll have some actual sewing to show you tomorrow!

I haven't been able to keep up with blog reading, so sorry for the lack of comments but I'm back on track now!
It is officially a week (right?!) until the Fugly Fabric Party kicks off!! If you don't know what I'm talking about click here.
Thanks so much for all of you who've given it a mention on your blogs and there's been some great button grabbing!
Here it is again, just in case you missed it!:
<div align="center"><a href="http://charmaboutyou.blogspot.com/p/fugly-fabric-party.html" title="Charm About You"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7009/6723225913_dc59644156_m.jpg" alt="Charm About You" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
So with one week to go:
- Collect some fugly or unwanted fabric to rid yourself of!
- You might want to think about how you're going to offer it on your blog (giveaway, postage paid, etc.) and let people know via your blog that it's upcoming.
- If you're super organised (unlike me) you could even get your post written in preparation.
If you're not sure what a link party is or you've never done one before, head over to the The Barefoot Seamstress and check out her easy guide to linking up so you can play along!
Remember there's a bribe involved ;)
I need to get the house cleaned and boring stuff like that today but hopefully I'll have some actual sewing to show you tomorrow!
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Glad you are finally feeling better.
I'm going to go through my stash today and figure out what fugly things I am going to offer up. I might even have an idea of how I want to do it. But that will have to perculate a bit more before I am sure.
Have a great and productive day.
Arrghhh I need to think about how I am supposed to do it!!! Glad you are much better though!
I'll see if I can look something out! Glad you're starting to feel better too :-)
Glad you're beginning to feel human again!
I'm pretty darn excited about this - I hit 50 followers recently, so great timing for a fun fugly giveaway! ;)
Fugly fun - I have lots but can I persuade anyone to take it off my hands...?
I started going through my stash and there is some stuff too fugly to offer!
I think that I will pull stuff that I know that I won't use and offer that. I also think that I will do mine as a swap. If you are interested in my stuff, just send me a package of scraps in return.
So glad you are feeling better! And thanks for the reminder...I need to hunt down that Fugly Fabric!!!
Sorry to hear you've been ill. I was wondering if you were ok. I'm glad you feeling better now. I'm off to search of fuglies!
I have the day off tomorrow (except the dentist), so I will have a route about!
Yes, a week to go. Sorry for being such a picky biatch. ;)
glad you are feeling better it's the pits when you can't sew! I will have a wee look in my cupboards too. x
Am definitely going to join in. Have blogged about it a bit today:
Glad to hear you are feeling better!!