It's not too far from the truth of what I look like and is how I feel! I've been overweight before and lost it but after having two kids and using it as an excuse to eat I've put it nearly all back on. It's gradually coming off and I've lost at least a stone (probably more) but now it's time to get serious and physical ;)
I'm joining in with the marvelous Erin at Missy Mac Creations and you can too! We're going to kick some butt and get fit and healthy together!

Across the ponds we may be but there's no way I can do this on my own and having to keep a check and report in each week is going to be a big motivator for me. I always hated getting told off at school and want to do well - even if I procrastinate a lot!!
I have other reasons for wanting to lose the weight (possibly including putting it all back on by having another baby!!), I need to be stronger and also I have some lovely clothes that don't fit in my wardrobe!!
So Monday night I ate a big pizza, last night I ate chocolates and from now on there'll be
I'm not going to announce how much I weigh but I'm overweight by about 28lbs! So I have some work to do.
Even if you're not joining in because you're already healthy (good for you!!), a happy weight or it's not something you need - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can you support me and others.
I intend this blog to remain about quilting and sewing and not much else but occasionally life takes over (a lot of it, wobbly life, muffin top life) and I want to make a change. I'll be reporting each week about my weight loss (because I will lose weight!!) and exercise - it may just be in some sort of code at the end of the post if I've not done too well!!
Stats right now:
Weight: see pig above
Hopefully you'll be here to cheer me on :)
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Good for you Lucy & good luck, of course I don't have this problem, me being perfect in everyway (that's a joke by the way)
Hilarious aren't I, I have been told I should be on the stage...sweeping the bugger!!!
Good for you and I am here to cheer you on!!! Actually, I need to do the very same....when I saw what you ate Monday night, I thought this was a diet I could wrap my arms around!!! NO such luck....I guess pizza and chocolates are still not on the diet menu. Durn!!! Best of luck - you will do it Lucy!!!
Of course we'll be cheering you on, Lucy! Good for you for trying to make changes and I have no doubt you'll be a smashing success!
Good for you lucy! You go girl! Unfortunately I can resist anything but temptation, so I will continue to wallow in my piggy sty. No really... I should do something about it too really...!
Looking forward to cheering you on! I know you can do it.
Oh, Ms Lucy, you do make me laugh! I nearly wet myself when I clicked the email link and saw the pig. Too funny. Of course, I KNOW you are NOT a piggy and will do great at this little challenge. Go girl! Let's get physical... physical... ;)
Good for you! I started my diet yesterday. I'm doing the P.I.N.K. Method that just came out.
Good luck!
Good for you Lucy, I'll be following and cheering you on!
Good for you, Lucy!! I'll be following along with your progress, of course. :) xo
Oh good luck! Give me another week or so to finish ALL the remaining Christmas chocs and bad things, then I'll be with you!
28lbs is about what I wanted to lose too (well it was, BEFORE Christmas! probably about 82 now), I will avoid the scales until the end of January then I'll start owning up too xxx
Good luck with your goal! I will be joining in in a couple of weeks (it's my dad's 60th in 2 weekends time, and I'm not going to kid myself there will be anything diet-friendly in my parents' house that weekend!)
I have the same problem: all my work clothes shrunk over Christmas, so I have gone straight back on to my slimming world diet, which works well for me. So I will definately be following and cheering you on
Well, Lucy, I came to your sweet blog via Sew I Quilt and Madame Samm's sidebar. It must have been my divine appointment or wake-up call because I HAVE to get this weight off before I blow-up beyond the point of no return. Like you, I've lost as much as 55 lbs 8 yrs ago and then my mother passed away and within 2 yrs. I had gained it all back plus 10 lbs So I need to lose 60 lbs but would feel better if I lost 20 lbs. I'll start small and work toward that goal. I'll put it up on my calendar and we'll have a little "Across the Pond" Weekly Wed. Weigh-In (WWW) LOL
I'll become a new follower of your blog and I'll invite you to do the same at my blog. We'll get to know each other and hopefully get healthy together.
Gmama Jane
Alabama, USA
You read my mind, girl! I am overweight by a lot more than you and have been using my kids as an the youngest one is 1.5 years old...I don't think I can use them as an excuse anymore. So it's time to change that! Thanks for the motivation and for keeping it real.
Good luck, I weighed in today, post- Christmas not TOO bad. Have lost 21 lbs so far, 21 to go!
Good luck!!! I'll be cheering you on (and trying to eat less biscuits!), I'm sure you'll do wonderfully well!
Of course I'll support you. GO LUCY!! That wasn't too loud was it??
I'll be joining this!!! but can I sit down and catch up on three weeks of blogs first???
Good Luck! I am back on weight watchers... It worked until I did my 'own' version, hoping to have more results - and start running (in the dark so no one can see me!)again..
I'll be cheering! I gained about two pounds a year after the girls were born so you didn't really notice until one day it just was not pretty. I lost most of it this summer. I'm far from perfect but at least when I look in the mirror now I don't mind what I see - other than the grey hairs!! Best of luck to you and I am positive that you will achieve your goal.
Yeah Lucy ! I guess our sewing doesn't count as exercise does it? You need to put the ironing board further away and iron every seam!
Well done and keep going!
Hahahhahahaaa omg for a moment the pig threw me off. But I love it. Oink oink as Miss E would say. Let's kick some fatty tail baby...I'll cheer you on from afar...