Fat Pig

It's not too far from the truth of what I look like and is how I feel! I've been overweight before and lost it but after having two kids and using it as an excuse to eat I've put it nearly all back on. It's gradually coming off and I've lost at least a stone (probably more) but now it's time to get serious and physical ;)

I'm joining in with the marvelous Erin at Missy Mac Creations and you can too! We're going to kick some butt and get fit and healthy together!

Weigh In Wednesday

Across the ponds we may be but there's no way I can do this on my own and having to keep a check and report in each week is going to be a big motivator for me. I always hated getting told off at school and want to do well - even if I procrastinate a lot!!

I have other reasons for wanting to lose the weight (possibly including putting it all back on by having another baby!!), I need to be stronger and also I have some lovely clothes that don't fit in my wardrobe!!

So Monday night I ate a big pizza, last night I ate chocolates and from now on there'll be none as little as possible of that naughty behaviour!!

I'm not going to announce how much I weigh but I'm overweight by about 28lbs! So I have some work to do.

Even if you're not joining in because you're already healthy (good for you!!), a happy weight or it's not something you need - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can you support me and others.

I intend this blog to remain about quilting and sewing and not much else but occasionally life takes over (a lot of it, wobbly life, muffin top life) and I want to make a change. I'll be reporting each week about my weight loss (because I will lose weight!!) and exercise - it may just be in some sort of code at the end of the post if I've not done too well!!

Stats right now:

Weight: see pig above
Exercise: Moving from the sofa to the kitchen Ok not just that, I also walk about 30 minutes a day and general running around after kids. I'm going to make an effort to do more :)

Hopefully you'll be here to cheer me on :)