Not big challenges, just fun sewing ones!
I saw this over at Amy's Creative Side:
I've noticed a lot of people in blog land posting about a word for the new year - I wasn't going to but it has been on my mind and after discovering the sewing challenge I'm going with Challenge as my word for 2012. I want to challenge myself to do more, learn more, lose more (!!!), move more and enjoy more. I want to think about things as a positive challenge and see what I can do!
So with that motivation, my challenge for the week is to do English Paper Piecing for the first time using the tutorial and joining in the rose and star block party going on at My Selfsewn Life.
After yesterday's post and thinking about the comments I went and chose some more fabric to add into the blocks (Nicky was totally right!). I wasn't going to use solids at all but after thinking about it and realising how vibrant so many of these prints are it makes sense. Also wanted to put in some more colours. I'm still going for a crazy mix and I want to make some different combinations with these:
I began my epp challenge last night and following the block party I made patterns. I actually already have some templates given to me by my Auntie in the hope I would quilt the 'proper way' (her words NOT mine!!) - she must have seen this coming!! I used a hexagon template and ruler to make the patterns and then photocopied it so I didn't have to do it again!
I then spent a while cutting up little bits of paper, then fabric and got on my merry way:
I got this far!! Realise I've gone overboard with the tacking and will hopefully get the rest done quick so I can get on to sewing them together :) Already though this is proving addictive and now I know why so many bloggers talk about having a project you can take around and do while chatting, watching TV etc. My sewing is pretty limited to nap time and evenings, so this project might take me a while but I love it already and am having so much fun! It's also nice to be able to not be using the machine but still do something productive. Huge thanks to Mary for leading me to the block party and Clare for creating it! :)
I have to say Christmas was sometimes challenging and I'm so glad I linked up to Making Christmas at Rainbow Hare Quilts to keep me on track :) It's the final this week and I'm pleased to say I made everything on my list and more (because I crossed off toys and replaced them with other things!!). I've done mosaics of 2011 (only five months of sewing for me!!) so much of this is familiar but here's everything I made that was for Christmas!
Any one else challenging themselves this year??
My little girl is! And she already knows that real spools are better than toy plastic ones :) - don't you love the vintage, wooden one I just finished using the thread from!

I saw this over at Amy's Creative Side:
I've noticed a lot of people in blog land posting about a word for the new year - I wasn't going to but it has been on my mind and after discovering the sewing challenge I'm going with Challenge as my word for 2012. I want to challenge myself to do more, learn more, lose more (!!!), move more and enjoy more. I want to think about things as a positive challenge and see what I can do!
So with that motivation, my challenge for the week is to do English Paper Piecing for the first time using the tutorial and joining in the rose and star block party going on at My Selfsewn Life.
After yesterday's post and thinking about the comments I went and chose some more fabric to add into the blocks (Nicky was totally right!). I wasn't going to use solids at all but after thinking about it and realising how vibrant so many of these prints are it makes sense. Also wanted to put in some more colours. I'm still going for a crazy mix and I want to make some different combinations with these:
I began my epp challenge last night and following the block party I made patterns. I actually already have some templates given to me by my Auntie in the hope I would quilt the 'proper way' (her words NOT mine!!) - she must have seen this coming!! I used a hexagon template and ruler to make the patterns and then photocopied it so I didn't have to do it again!
I then spent a while cutting up little bits of paper, then fabric and got on my merry way:
I got this far!! Realise I've gone overboard with the tacking and will hopefully get the rest done quick so I can get on to sewing them together :) Already though this is proving addictive and now I know why so many bloggers talk about having a project you can take around and do while chatting, watching TV etc. My sewing is pretty limited to nap time and evenings, so this project might take me a while but I love it already and am having so much fun! It's also nice to be able to not be using the machine but still do something productive. Huge thanks to Mary for leading me to the block party and Clare for creating it! :)
I have to say Christmas was sometimes challenging and I'm so glad I linked up to Making Christmas at Rainbow Hare Quilts to keep me on track :) It's the final this week and I'm pleased to say I made everything on my list and more (because I crossed off toys and replaced them with other things!!). I've done mosaics of 2011 (only five months of sewing for me!!) so much of this is familiar but here's everything I made that was for Christmas!
Any one else challenging themselves this year??
My little girl is! And she already knows that real spools are better than toy plastic ones :) - don't you love the vintage, wooden one I just finished using the thread from!
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Oooh, look at your little hexies! So cute so far. And you know I liked your fabric stack yesterday, but today I like it even better. I'm not good at making useful suggestions for that kind of thing but I'm glad that others are!
So cute, your little girl with the spools. Reminds me that I have some of those old wooden spools in one of the drawers of my grandma's vintage singer cabinet that I am now proud owner of. :)
Love your fabric choices today! Much more variety will give you more options! I look forward to seeing how the Rose and Star progresses! I am doing a similar one but I don't have to cut out the papers-yippee!
Very cool hexies. I've been mulling doing one as a hand work project. I've got to finish my Stained Glass Lilies first though. Love your word! Definitely something to be inspired by!
Sweet photo! reminds me of always asking granny for the button tin to play with :-)
Excellent additions to your fabric stack, Lucy. Those rose and star quilts are so beautiful. Can't wait to see more of yours!
Lovely fabric choices Lucy, I must have a go at the Rose Star, that's where it all started for me...paper piecing.
When your daughter gets a bit older you can bang some nails into that spool and make a knitting nancy for her yourself. I love old wooden spools. I also love the blocks you are workingon!
It looks so pretty! I am challenging myself just to tidy up my sewing a bit more so that points match up etc. I would also like to experiment with more modern material designs.
Sounds like a great challenge to master for the week (although your Auntie is clearly barking ;o) ) Looking forward to seeing that fabric heap turn into something!
well done...they are addictive arn't they!! Loving your fabrics xx
WTH I am still not getting your blog updates. I am seriously writing a complaint to blogger. What gives.
Anyway, I feel like everything is a challenge right now. But we all have them right? Why not celebrate them...good idea!!! I am loving your hexagon in the "proper" way of quilting...hahahahhaaa...
Looking even better - and wouldn't be surprised if you add a few more Lucy!
Cute wee hands - I still love it when my daughter (11 now) puts her small hand in mine! Awww! Welling up just thinking it may not be for much longer! Boohoo!
Your paper piecing looks great and I love your mosaic. 'Challenge' is an exciting word for the year and I see you're off to a flying start already!