it's all I can think about... mostly the marmite variety:
This is about the only thing I can eat that the children don't try and steal away from me!! I'm sure one of them will develop the marmite loving gene eventually :)
Maybe I'll make something from this (and yes I actually own it, the chef at my old work gave me a copy when I left because it was all I would eat for lunch!!):
Totally nothing sewing related to report today so I'm linking my own pathetic post to Thursday Think Tank ;)

This is about the only thing I can eat that the children don't try and steal away from me!! I'm sure one of them will develop the marmite loving gene eventually :)
Maybe I'll make something from this (and yes I actually own it, the chef at my old work gave me a copy when I left because it was all I would eat for lunch!!):
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Totally nothing sewing related to report today so I'm linking my own pathetic post to Thursday Think Tank ;)

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What does Marmite taste like? It looks like jam. Is it sweet or savory? I don't think we have anything like this in the U.S.
Oh dear. Marmite. My hubby grew up with this in his family (his parents are from Europe), most people around here don't know what it is. I think I tasted it once. Blech. :) I wish I had something that I loved that my kids didn't. hehe You're fortunate there, even if it is Marmite. ;)
Sorry Lucy, I'm a vegemite it on toast and believe it or not it's great on a base of your pizza before the tomato base goes on....But I do like the look of this book...looks very interesting!
I have yet to find anything that my kids won't try to take from me. Maybe I should develop a taste for this. Though from what I've heard about it that isn't likely!
Wow I haven't had marmite in so long. Mmmm...I don't think we can get it here. Sad.
I love marmite! With cheese it is sublime, and on toast it is heaven. Luckily Kirsty hates it and never touches it, so it is mine, all mine!
I believe marmite is similar to vegemite. You either love it or hate. There's no in between. I love vegemite!!!
There's a marmite cookbook?! Yummy!! I like to accompany my marmite and toast with a glass of milk ;o)
Vegemite all the way and with cheese and Milo please! This book cover would make an awesome kitchen wall quilt or you could just frame the book!
I love marmite too!
I hate Marmite, and my husband love it... This is the only thing he will never forget when he goes food shopping but will never appear on the list. What is it with Marmite??