I've actually done some sewing that's not a quilt!! hehehehe!
I wanted to make some oven gloves as a Christmas present so it was a great coincidence that Sara at Sew Sweetness is hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner Challenge. It gave me a deadline so I would actually get it done. I ended up making two, both patterns were suggested by Sara so that took some of the guesswork out for me!! Thanks Sara ;)
This is my first attempt at oven gloves but I'm pretty happy with them:
This one is my mullet oven glove, business in front.., party in the back :) I used this great tutorial from the highly entertaining Raechel Myers.
I did fmq spirals on both and while I like it I didn't do a great job and next time I think I'd stick to straight lines!
I've also taken some pictures of my Drunkard's Path Quilt to show you. I'm sticking to a pretty layout I saw on Kate's blog Needle and Spatula, while you're there go and take a look at the Drunkard's Path Quilt Along and join in the fun! I chose this layout because the quilt will be a gift for my mother-in-law and I think it goes nicely with the fabrics:
I am enjoying making these blocks FAR more than I thought I would!! Honestly I thought Drunkard's Path would be so difficult and I would hate it but I fancied a challenge. So glad I decided to join the QAL, it has given me confidence and all the posts have been fantastic. The button is on the right over there so have a click and if you can't join now bookmark it for the future, you'll be so glad you did!
I know I've already babbled on to a few of you about how much fun this is but it is!! Easy too :)
I have been thinking about how much quilting is changing my life (dramatic?... maybe but true). It's so lovely to have found a hobbie that I enjoy so much. I love having the ability to make stuff, tangible things that I piece together! I have been pinning the binding on my Dead Simple quilt ready for sewing and as I sat (watching Bones - oh boy do I love that show), I was thinking I actually love doing this. I love pinning on binding. I love sewing it on (I do machine sew it, so shoot me!!), I love making patchwork, I love constructing blocks, I love choosing fabric... get the jist?! I'm trying to think of something I don't like about it (other than the odd fmq pattern). Sometimes I'm overwhelmed at the thought of cutting 200 squares or whatever but once I get in the swing of it I always enjoy myself.
Also it's less dangerous than my last hobby, Rollerderby - once I broke my elbow I had to rethink my priorities, changing a nappy one handed was not fun!
I'm one happy quilter linking up to Thursday Think Tank when rebecca is ready, if she's feeling well enough - maybe you could all go show her some love :)

p.s. Clearly I'm not PMSing anymore!!
I wanted to make some oven gloves as a Christmas present so it was a great coincidence that Sara at Sew Sweetness is hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner Challenge. It gave me a deadline so I would actually get it done. I ended up making two, both patterns were suggested by Sara so that took some of the guesswork out for me!! Thanks Sara ;)
This is my first attempt at oven gloves but I'm pretty happy with them:
For the oval one I used this tutorial from buggspot. I realise the binding I used doesn't really match but I could not be bothered making any and it's what I had lying around (you may well see more of it in the future!!). I have to say I actually already made square sandwiches (as in the tutorial used below) and then cut the oval shape out, so I didn't follow the tutorial exactly. I had initially planned on making two like the one below but then changed my mind and thought I'd try the oval because it's a bit different! The tutorial was very easy to follow and it was fun to make!
This one is my mullet oven glove, business in front.., party in the back :) I used this great tutorial from the highly entertaining Raechel Myers.
I did fmq spirals on both and while I like it I didn't do a great job and next time I think I'd stick to straight lines!
I've also taken some pictures of my Drunkard's Path Quilt to show you. I'm sticking to a pretty layout I saw on Kate's blog Needle and Spatula, while you're there go and take a look at the Drunkard's Path Quilt Along and join in the fun! I chose this layout because the quilt will be a gift for my mother-in-law and I think it goes nicely with the fabrics:
I am enjoying making these blocks FAR more than I thought I would!! Honestly I thought Drunkard's Path would be so difficult and I would hate it but I fancied a challenge. So glad I decided to join the QAL, it has given me confidence and all the posts have been fantastic. The button is on the right over there so have a click and if you can't join now bookmark it for the future, you'll be so glad you did!
I know I've already babbled on to a few of you about how much fun this is but it is!! Easy too :)
I have been thinking about how much quilting is changing my life (dramatic?... maybe but true). It's so lovely to have found a hobbie that I enjoy so much. I love having the ability to make stuff, tangible things that I piece together! I have been pinning the binding on my Dead Simple quilt ready for sewing and as I sat (watching Bones - oh boy do I love that show), I was thinking I actually love doing this. I love pinning on binding. I love sewing it on (I do machine sew it, so shoot me!!), I love making patchwork, I love constructing blocks, I love choosing fabric... get the jist?! I'm trying to think of something I don't like about it (other than the odd fmq pattern). Sometimes I'm overwhelmed at the thought of cutting 200 squares or whatever but once I get in the swing of it I always enjoy myself.
Also it's less dangerous than my last hobby, Rollerderby - once I broke my elbow I had to rethink my priorities, changing a nappy one handed was not fun!
I'm one happy quilter linking up to Thursday Think Tank when rebecca is ready, if she's feeling well enough - maybe you could all go show her some love :)
p.s. Clearly I'm not PMSing anymore!!
Post a Comment
Great oven gloves and I love your DP blocks - superb!!
The oven mitt looks great! Love the "mullet" theme :)
Thanks for giving me the link to come and visit!
I love how your pot holders turned out! And what a creative way to use a drunkard's path block, I have never seen one put together that way. Way to go!
I love your fabric choices for the potholders!!!
Good that you got some FMQ practice in before tomorrow Lucy - am expecting great things - of Cindy with all her gadgets - and BTW of you too! Grin!
Lucy I love your DP!!! Man, I really need to get on that project. Ah yes, one of the many on the To Do list. Tsk tsk...
Beautiful pot holders Lucy! I really like the fabric you used. I feel the same way you do about quilting. For me, quilting has become a way to relax, disconnect from the hectic, crazy work week and something that allows me to make beautiful things for the people I love.
Excellent mullets, dear! Your DP arrangement is great, too! And you made quite a switch going from rollerderby to quilting, didn't you?
Roller derby sounds like such fun, dangerous for a klutz like me but fun. Totally with you on how you feel about quilting and Bones. I love the science/interaction between the characters but man Booth is HOT!!
I'm glad your so happy sewing and quilting :) Your oven gloves look great - well done for fmq spirals. I'm trying to psyche myself up to fmq on a 'real' project! Your drunkard's path blocks look really pretty. I'm nervous about all those curves but you're encouraging me to give it a go :)
I'm so glad that you are enjoying the QAL and are finding that it isn't as hard as you thought! Your purple blocks look great - lucky MIL :)
Great oven gloves! Will check out the tutorial. Oh and I love Bones too, great TV!
Your DP blocks are lovely! This is definitely on my (mile long) "to do" list.