**If by any chance you are my mother, stop reading and LOOK AWAY now!!**
My son says it every time he finishes or wants to show us something, so to borrow his current favourite phrase...
Ta Da!
Here is my finished Dead Simple Quilt!
I thoroughly enjoyed being part of Lynne's Dead Simple Quilt Along over at Lily's Quilts and I learned a lot about solids and palettes, so thank you so much to Lynne for running such a fun and different QAL and thank you to everyone that took part for the inspiration and encouragement!
I did some organic straight line free motion quilting and it's not bad for a first attempt, although far from perfect!
And the little girl couldn't keep her hands off it!! But this one is a Christmas present for my mum!
I'm very excited by this finish, I loved working with the solid fabrics (with a few patterns on the back) and really enjoyed putting it together. I'm linking up to finish it up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts, Finished It Friday at Stitching by Starlight and TGIFF, which is over at Bending Pins this week!

I'm also linking up to Leah at The Free Motion Quilting Project because she's exploring modern quilting and I think this is a modern quilt!
Yes I am that proud!! ;)
That's it on the making front, apart from my aforementioned son's school were raising money for Children In Need today so they were allowed to wear spots to school! This is easily done with hair accessories for a girl, but a boy?! So this is the result:
Lastly but most excitingly (what??!!!)... I had a good post and news day!
This gorgeous fabric arrived from the very kind Kaelin over at The Plaid Scottie, she knew I couldn't get it here in the UK and I just adore her Sweet Caroline Quilt. Thank you so much Kaelin! It makes me smile so much :)
I also won 2 giveaways and found out today!! One is 8 products for my sewing kit from Korbond, I'm really looking forward to getting it (partly because it will be a nice surprise, can't quite remember what I picked but I spent ages choosing!). I entered this competition on the sewing directory and it's well worth checking out if you're in the UK, there's so much cool stuff on there!
The second giveaway was from Crazy Old Ladies, I was one of the winners of ten fat quarters of Emily's newest line for Michael Miller 'Hall of Fame'. It looks gorgeous and will be available to buy towards the end of January/February:
Just look at those plaids, stripes and hoops, I adore the numbers too!! I hope she doesn't mind me using the pictures but I had to share!! You can read more about it and Emily's design ideas here, she also has some great patterns so you should check it out :)
I've never had anything so new before and I'm super excited to receive it!! I loved her Going Coastal collection but haven't got my hands on any yet - those prints (esp. crabs and bottle caps) are calling to me though - maybe a treat to myself after Christmas?!
Oops, how could I forget... I did one more sewing thing, here's my fmq practice for Free Motion Friday at Fluffy Sheep Quilting:
I thought I would hate this but I actually had a lot of fun, all the encouragement you guys gave me last week meant I felt more relaxed and wasn't bothered about being perfect (good job too!!). I suck at travelling, whether it's straight lines or curves, I can't seem to go over myself properly - I'm sure I can get better though. I like the pattern, they are like little aliens (rather than water molecules, which they're meant to be!) but I enjoyed doing it and this could be fun on a kids quilt in a small area (unless you have a mountain of thread you need to use up!). Honestly I'm really looking forward to next weeks superstar, it looks amazing! If you've not tried free motion quilting this is a great way to try it and join in the fun, please go and take a look at Cindy's post to find out more about Free Motion Friday!
If you're still reading well done and sorry for the ramble, I'm so excited about all the goodies and I think that the universe is showing me I'm on the right path! I'm on my chocolate comedown now but I was harking on about how much I love quilting yesterday!! I've never been so lucky but then I've never been so grateful for finding a hobby that I love and bloggy friends who give me so much support. Thank you.

My son says it every time he finishes or wants to show us something, so to borrow his current favourite phrase...
Ta Da!
Here is my finished Dead Simple Quilt!
I thoroughly enjoyed being part of Lynne's Dead Simple Quilt Along over at Lily's Quilts and I learned a lot about solids and palettes, so thank you so much to Lynne for running such a fun and different QAL and thank you to everyone that took part for the inspiration and encouragement!
I did some organic straight line free motion quilting and it's not bad for a first attempt, although far from perfect!
I used Kona Charcoal for the binding and a grey thread for the quilting because I wanted to give it a modern feel and make it a bit more masculine so my step Dad can use it too!!
It's really hard to show the colours of the solids so I also took some pictures indoors to get an idea of how it changes in the light:
And the little girl couldn't keep her hands off it!! But this one is a Christmas present for my mum!
I'm very excited by this finish, I loved working with the solid fabrics (with a few patterns on the back) and really enjoyed putting it together. I'm linking up to finish it up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts, Finished It Friday at Stitching by Starlight and TGIFF, which is over at Bending Pins this week!

I'm also linking up to Leah at The Free Motion Quilting Project because she's exploring modern quilting and I think this is a modern quilt!
Yes I am that proud!! ;)
That's it on the making front, apart from my aforementioned son's school were raising money for Children In Need today so they were allowed to wear spots to school! This is easily done with hair accessories for a girl, but a boy?! So this is the result:
Lastly but most excitingly (what??!!!)... I had a good post and news day!
This gorgeous fabric arrived from the very kind Kaelin over at The Plaid Scottie, she knew I couldn't get it here in the UK and I just adore her Sweet Caroline Quilt. Thank you so much Kaelin! It makes me smile so much :)
I also won 2 giveaways and found out today!! One is 8 products for my sewing kit from Korbond, I'm really looking forward to getting it (partly because it will be a nice surprise, can't quite remember what I picked but I spent ages choosing!). I entered this competition on the sewing directory and it's well worth checking out if you're in the UK, there's so much cool stuff on there!
The second giveaway was from Crazy Old Ladies, I was one of the winners of ten fat quarters of Emily's newest line for Michael Miller 'Hall of Fame'. It looks gorgeous and will be available to buy towards the end of January/February:
Just look at those plaids, stripes and hoops, I adore the numbers too!! I hope she doesn't mind me using the pictures but I had to share!! You can read more about it and Emily's design ideas here, she also has some great patterns so you should check it out :)
I've never had anything so new before and I'm super excited to receive it!! I loved her Going Coastal collection but haven't got my hands on any yet - those prints (esp. crabs and bottle caps) are calling to me though - maybe a treat to myself after Christmas?!
Oops, how could I forget... I did one more sewing thing, here's my fmq practice for Free Motion Friday at Fluffy Sheep Quilting:
front |
back |
If you're still reading well done and sorry for the ramble, I'm so excited about all the goodies and I think that the universe is showing me I'm on the right path! I'm on my chocolate comedown now but I was harking on about how much I love quilting yesterday!! I've never been so lucky but then I've never been so grateful for finding a hobby that I love and bloggy friends who give me so much support. Thank you.
Post a Comment
Your Dead Simple quilt looks great, you're getting some lovely new fabric and your fmq looks brilliant this week! Have a great weekend :)
your dead simple quilt looks great!
Congratulations on a fabulous finish, Lucy! I'm sure your mom will love the quilt. I like your aliens too -- you're right, perfect for a kids quilt. Glad to see that you are sticking to the FMQ -- it will get easier. :)
Yay, the quilt looks fantastic!! Love the backing.
Congrats on the wins! I won a charm pack this week and that thrilled me to bits. :)
WOW,WOW,WOW!!! Everything from the dead simple quilt to the FM H2O looks fabulous. Your mom is going to love that quilt!
Love,love your quilt,gorgeous!!
congratulatins on the wins!!
So much great stuff packed into this little post! I hope I don't forget anything...First, huge YAY!! to you for the DS quilt! It looks fabulous and I love your quilting! No doubt your mom will love it, too! Congratulations on your winning streak! That fabric looks so cool! Ummm...Oh, FMQ! Your water looks great and I'm so glad you're having fun with it!
Your Dead Simple Quilt is awesome! Great color choices! And even better that it's been "little girl approved"!!
The quilt looks fantastic.
You did good on straight lines in free motion.
FANTASTIC finish! You should be proud!!
I love the colours in your DSQAL quitl!
Yippeeeeeeeeee! Congrats on the awesome finish. Love, love, love that palette. Yummy. Your mum is one lucky woman. :)
Yippeeeeeeeee! Congrats on the awesome finish. Love, love, love that palette. Yummy. Your mummy is one lucky woman. :)
Yes, I wrote that twice. Doh! ;)
Lucy, you have had one busy week and how fantstic is the FQ you won....can't wait to see what you make. H20 looking good too....I have to go and do mine now.
Yay congrats on your wins! The dead simple quilt looks fab! And your FMF quilting looks great too! :)
Your DSQ is stunning - I love the texture that the quilting has added and your mam is going to love it! Congratulations on the wins - eeeek! Oh, and the FMQ is definitely improving - I like the double lines the travelling has created!
That quilt is fantastic! I love it!!! I really like your FMQ'ing, it looks like the molecules are running :) Well done!
Oh wow I love your DSQ so much and Love that you are giving it to your mum for Xmas!
Whoa what a post! This one has a little bit of everything Luc!!! Congrats on the DSQ finish - wooot wooot... Ah and FMQ, man, go you. I have really dropped the ball on that one. Maybe one week I'll catch up and do them all at once. Hahahahahaa!
Beautiful finish Lucy! Good job on the quilting. And congrats for the great wins... How cool! :-)
Wow, you've been a busy girl! I have enjoyed catching up :)
Ta da...... :)
Ficou um encanto....sua mãe vai amar!!! :)
Ta da.... :)
Ficou um encanto... Sua mãe vai amar!!! :)
Ta da indeed! I love your DSQ, great work. You've been so busy making and winning stuff I'm a little jealous ;) but totally happy for you. I on the other hand need to get my act together...
Congrats on the finish and win! Lucky Mum too!
Great FMQ - glad you are more chilled and enjoying it! Well done for not being too self critical !
Lovely! But why must your mum not look? Are you meant to be doing housework instead of quilting? Because that is what I am doing, if my mother asks...
Love it - and your colors are fabulous. Great job! Thanks for linking up!
Such an action packed post!Your Dead Simple Quilt is wonderful. Great colours! And lucky you winning those great prizes. I really like that new Michael Miller range. The spotty jumper for your son is fun too!!
One awesome quilt. Love the colours and the quilting so modern! Well done you! x