On a good note my order from Above All Fabric has arrived :) I won a $25 gift certificate from the lovely Carla at Sew It Up, Baby! I got a couple of Terrain charm packs and I also ordered some extra, white solid and fabulous pink and orange Ta Dots!
I'm going to use these making quilts for my nieces but boy, oh boy do I have a lot to do before then. I almost don't know where to start?!
I've been cutting for the Drunkard's Path QAL
Once I'd done a bit of that I thought I should actually do some practice:
See those bottom right seams, yeah not good! So I kept trying and got better (this has not been pressed!):
I'm at least confident I can do it now and I actually had a lot of fun doing the practicing. I think I'll be able to get into a rhythm of sewing them. I went on to do a couple but realised I wasn't really concentrating so I halted for the day after doing this:
I mean honestly, it's not rocket science. Maybe not enough coffee?! I plan on doing more tomorrow when I'm focused!
I'm way too tired to do stats this week and right now I have to finish this:
And then contemplate whether I've bitten off more than I can chew before Christmas!! I'll be so upset if I can't finish everything I want to... plus I'll have no presents to give!
Feeling a little lack lustre and hoping for some gentle support (not a kick, just maybe a nudge!) so linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced, who has been running this wonderful linky party for a year! Congratulations and thank you Lee!

I'm going to use these making quilts for my nieces but boy, oh boy do I have a lot to do before then. I almost don't know where to start?!
I've been cutting for the Drunkard's Path QAL
Once I'd done a bit of that I thought I should actually do some practice:
See those bottom right seams, yeah not good! So I kept trying and got better (this has not been pressed!):
I'm at least confident I can do it now and I actually had a lot of fun doing the practicing. I think I'll be able to get into a rhythm of sewing them. I went on to do a couple but realised I wasn't really concentrating so I halted for the day after doing this:
I mean honestly, it's not rocket science. Maybe not enough coffee?! I plan on doing more tomorrow when I'm focused!
I'm way too tired to do stats this week and right now I have to finish this:
And then contemplate whether I've bitten off more than I can chew before Christmas!! I'll be so upset if I can't finish everything I want to... plus I'll have no presents to give!
Feeling a little lack lustre and hoping for some gentle support (not a kick, just maybe a nudge!) so linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced, who has been running this wonderful linky party for a year! Congratulations and thank you Lee!
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Don't feel disheartened! Little by little, you'll get there! The purple quilt you are basting looks stunning!
Love those charms! Good choice.
I'm working on sewing some curves, too. :) It's interesting. I am also starting a quilt with some Terrain charm squares. :) I plan on turning them into a plus quilt. YAY for Terrain!
Ahh circles. Scary! Loving your Dead Simple quilt. Laughed at those dots. Add some black... and you've got a great colour scheme. ;)
you are coming along great with your DP QAL. I haven't tried piecing any of mine yet, I'm a bit nervous about it :) I wish you the best of luck meeting your Christmas crafting goals. I'll be here in the comments gallery cheering you on, ok? :)
Lucy, you can do it! Good on you for doing machine curves -- they totally scare me. Your dead simple quilt is looking awesome. :)
No kicks from me, promise! Great choices for your fabric and I can't wait to see your DS quilt!
That is a lot of curve cutting you've been doing. A tip for curves, is to make a few snips on the outer curve once its sewn. Not thru the stitching just to it as it offers flexibility to the curve.
Practice will make perfect on those curves, you'll see. I made the Curlicue Crush pattern and the first ones were really difficult for me. I was flying through them in no time though. And I'm sorry, but I had to giggle at the one where you sewed the wrong side down, totally something I would do!
The Drunkard's Path - one I want to do but skeer away from. Good for you!! I can't sew late into the night like many people here do for the very reason of the one photo you showed. It never fails - once it hits 9:30, 10pm, if I try to keep sewing, THAT stuff happens. So no Friday Night Sewins for me!
I have only ever hand stitched curves! Don't feel down I think you are intrepid doing them on machine! You will get plenty of practice in this QAL - go for it! Love your farbric and those colours are good enough to eat! YUM!
Oh, I really want to try a drunkard's path quilt. Very cool.
When I'm stitching DP blocks I always have to lay it out like it's supposed to be and then flip one section over otherwise I'd have a photo to match yours! I think you're doing great with the curves and I'm looking forward to seeing what you make! Love all the purple in this post and your charm packs are lovely!!
Love Terrain! Gorgeous collection. I have totally been there on your DP, except not with DP blocks. I am afraid to work with curves. I am finally working on hexies, and found those to be easy, so maybe someday I will get over my fear and piece some curves. After I install a zipper first. :)
Love the Terrain charms!! Your DSQAL quilt looks lovely too:)
You can do it! Just keep looking at the Terrain charms for inspiration!
yikes. That drunkard's path is kind of intimidating - good for you!!
Aw, I love Terrain, too! Good for you for mastering those curved seams, they sure do take a lot of practice!
LOVE Terrain.. can't wait to see what you do with it. Fabric is sooo much fun to get in the mail! Good luck with all of your Christmas sewing. You can do it! (gentle nudge) :o)
I am so in love with all of the Drunkard's path quilts I am seeing out there. How was cutting the pieces - that is the part that scares me the most - I don't think my cutting would be accurate.
Thanks for your comment on my post too. (The overwhelmed one with vintage pics)
Oh, and I forgot to say that I love the dots! Are you planning on using them with the Terrian?
Don't get stressed about Christmas. It will only make you, well, stressed. And I love your vintage plate quote on the header. :)
Love Terrain so much and your DP blocks look great to me!
Your projects are lovely, those purple squares look great. Just enjoy the process of learning and getting better at this, don't sweat the mistakes you make along the way. I totally piece those DP blocks like that when I am tired too.
The terrain and the dots are adorable - it will make a great quilt.
great way to spend that gift certificate! terrain is fabulous!
Good luck conquering those drunks!
Those purples look beautiful! Is the entire quilt solid charms?
I've just started a drunkard's path quilt myself - handsewing project, mostly - and, uh, yeah: my piecing is not very precise!
But it does look pretty spectacular! :)
I've sure been reading a lot about this Drunkard's Path while going through the WIP's.
I hope some day to find the time I need to take part in an exchange or a QAL.
Are you using the dots with the Terrian? I really like the two paired together. Good luck with your DP. I am doing one too. One I got into a flow they became a lot easier.
I love that Terrain. I have 2 layer cakes patiently waiting for me! i have to finish wips before then - so many projects, so little time! good luck hun!
Terrain is going to be fun to play with. And good luck with your drunken blocks.. I so want to give these a try!
Lots of pretty purples. Good luck with the drunkard's path. I'm scared of curves, myself.
Oooh, love that purple! And I'm a sucker for anything with Terrain. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )
Mmmmm..terrain. I've yet to try and piece a curve so you're braver than me!
I always bite off more than I can chew in regards to Christmas projects, oh well, I guess that is what us crafters do! Those Terrain charm packs are amazing!
I understand the nudge linking up does for one's project list! I really hope you are able to accomplish all you wish to do by Christmas!