I'm linking up to the wonderful Cindy at Fluffy Sheep Quilting :) for the great experiment that is Free Motion Friday!
I love doing this, I do but honestly I'm despairing. I'm getting worse. Fmq is not my friend right now *pouts*
Here's my go at pine needles:
I mean really. I can't even follow a line!! The first 3 lines are not even going in different directions because I was concentrating so hard I forgot that bit!! The 2nd column I did backwards (away from me) hoping that might help - clearly not. Here's the back:
Huh?? I've not had anything to drink (maybe that's the problem) but no matter how I tried it it wouldn't work!
I do really love this pattern so it's a shame this is crap but I tried and I think I'll call this pine leaves ;) Not one I'll be using though!
Nor will I ever use stomach lining because I simply can't do it. Last week I said I'd try again (why??!) so I did:
It's like a carnation made of jelly! oh well.
After that failed attempt I thought I'd have one more shot at doing straight lines and pine needles. I sewed a solitary pine tree:
Am I better at lines or curves?? Neither but I'm hoping to improve and next week will certainly be a challenge. I've got so much to do but this week I really want to take some timeeach day when I can to practice rather than leaving it until the last minute. I did this at 2.00pm today!
I wore tights while I did this fmq (yes I realise that may be a lame excuse but I'm taking anything I can!!) so I'm going to take them off now and try to do more fmq lines on my Dead Simple quilt :)

p.s. Honestly I think I'm usually quite cheery and positive, this might be a little too much information and I really apologise but want to explain that I think I'm PMSing really badly so sorry for being grouchy the past few days. Sometimes it's hard to be a woman.
I love doing this, I do but honestly I'm despairing. I'm getting worse. Fmq is not my friend right now *pouts*
Here's my go at pine needles:
I mean really. I can't even follow a line!! The first 3 lines are not even going in different directions because I was concentrating so hard I forgot that bit!! The 2nd column I did backwards (away from me) hoping that might help - clearly not. Here's the back:
Huh?? I've not had anything to drink (maybe that's the problem) but no matter how I tried it it wouldn't work!
I do really love this pattern so it's a shame this is crap but I tried and I think I'll call this pine leaves ;) Not one I'll be using though!
Nor will I ever use stomach lining because I simply can't do it. Last week I said I'd try again (why??!) so I did:
It's like a carnation made of jelly! oh well.
After that failed attempt I thought I'd have one more shot at doing straight lines and pine needles. I sewed a solitary pine tree:
Now I think this one is kind of cute!! The answer may lie in me sewing outside the box.
Am I better at lines or curves?? Neither but I'm hoping to improve and next week will certainly be a challenge. I've got so much to do but this week I really want to take some time
I wore tights while I did this fmq (yes I realise that may be a lame excuse but I'm taking anything I can!!) so I'm going to take them off now and try to do more fmq lines on my Dead Simple quilt :)
p.s. Honestly I think I'm usually quite cheery and positive, this might be a little too much information and I really apologise but want to explain that I think I'm PMSing really badly so sorry for being grouchy the past few days. Sometimes it's hard to be a woman.
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LOL - yep too much info. Jeez you make me laugh. So, if I'm a grouchy bitch constantly what excuse can I use?
**chuckle** You make me laugh with your commentary on FMQ! I think you are being to hard on yourself! I don't think they are meant to be "perfect". It give a quilt texture!
You crack me up, Lucy! I love your honesty - just don't beat yourself up to the point that you won't do it anymore. A couple of things that helped me keep FMQ in perspective that may help you -- you probably won't be using such high contrast thread when you quilt so the little wonkies won't show as much. Also, I noticed that once I washed my quilts some of the little wonkies disappeared completely into the quilts crinkles - love that! In my book, FMQ is supposed to be a little wabi sabi. Lastly, each design will always have your own signature on it and won't look exactly like someone else's. It may not be stomach lining, but when you need a chrysanthemum design, you've got a great one there. ;)
LOL, dont knock yourself, you did far better than me and I cant blame me tights...
FMQ'ing does take practice. But honestly, I like the ones you've done. I think they would make great artsy/fartsy pillow cushion tops or mug rugs. Seriously! :) Some people make their stitching look like that on purpose.
Keep at it.. and yes pms can affect us all... my solution.. chocolate... lots and lots of chocolate! *hugs*
Yes, eat lots of chocolate to combat the PMS and don't do any housework! Your FMQ looks great, I really think you're being too hard on yourself...good luck with the DSQ FMQ, you can do it!!
If I had done that I would be pleased with it. The pine needles look more real because the lines do not exactly coincide. I think you did ok. And you should ease up on yourself, you are great!
Ps I have 'lost' google at present,(and all the other search engines??) so cannot blog, and cannot even comment for some folk!
So if you wish to respond email
I am just wondering where you are wearing the tights?? Hahaha!
Lucy - you are still too picky - you did perfectly fine! Just relax a bit and don't stress! Don't compare yourself to Leah - none of us are that good! Just look for an improvement from last week!
Oh and go have a stiff drink!
you are adorable, even when cranky, pmsing and wearing tights! I agree, don't be too hard on yourself, just stuff those fmq samples away till next week and then check them out, you'll probably have a change of perspective and you'll see how good they really are!
you're so hard on yourself. if it looked absolutely perfect, a boring machine would have done it by itself and with no love. and whats the point in that?
Well I think it looks great! And guess what, I still haven't tried it at all, so there! You're many miles ahead of me, so don't be too hard on yourself! ;)
haha Lucy~thanks for making me laugh. You should definitely ditch your unlucky tights if it makes you more confident, but I don't think your FMQ looks bad! I'm actually impressed and thought it looked pretty good. :)
p.s. I think the scientific cure for PMS is chocolate.
Oh I know how you feel Woman!!!
I think your pine needles are great and so what if they are all upright...it's your interpretation. You can do it any way you like. Saying that I think I prefere straight stitching too.
Oh, Lucy! I think one of your needle branches is even pouting :( How is next week's pattern suiting you? Curves/circles AND lines!?!? Feeling any better?
I think your needles look great - you'll see you're right on par with everyone else. Please don't feel so sad :)
Lucy your flower and your pinetree are great. You are very determined!! Keep on Quilting:) you will see !!love you-- going to see all my family in town tonight to watch Josh's band perform here at home YAY so excited:)
I don't care what you say, I think they look great! That pattern was surprisingly difficult for me. I especially like the lone tree :)
You make me laugh! Your quilting looks good to me, but all the commentary was really funny. I never thought of blaming things on tights. I like that. Can I borrow that excuse? You are doing great with the fmquilting and the little tree is very sweet.
Yes - sometimes, being a woman is hard! :-) I think your FMQ looks just find. Quilting is supposed to be relaxing, so don't stress over it!
Lucy, you are so funny! I really don't think your needles look bad at all! But I love your excuses. Tights AND PMS? I'm surprised you even turned on the machine!!
lol! tights! okay................ from my experience pms and sewing don't mix for me. I just sit like a heap on the sofa and eat chocolate and moan. Your FMQ is looking good and I am missing having a go (just not got the time just now:() keep at it and don't lose heart! x