Having cut all my pieces for the Dead Simple QAL, the next step was to lay them out. Here's my pattern, no sewing yet but soon!! (sorry for the late night picture)
I've not got round to sewing yet because yesterday we had a trip to the seaside. What will follow now is a lot of lovely photographs that my husband (mostly, a couple were me!!) took, if you're only interested in the sewing you can go read something else now :)
This is the lighthouse at New Brighton on the North West coast
The boy jumping into a hole in the sand!
We were lucky it was such a beautiful day. Cold and VERY windy but really sunny! There was a hilarious moment where the girl's bucket got blown away and was travelling at 100mph towards the sea, I've not run that fast ever (really why was I running?? It was a 50p bucket but not worth the upset child!!). I couldn't catch it so fabulous husband saved the day by running much faster than me and catching the escaping bucket :)
Following the fun of the beach we took the kids to the fairground and let them go on the kiddie ride, the girl's first one! They loved it and they basically laughed the whole time. So cute!
Initially I was slightly worried she wouldn't enjoy it, I think I was put off as we went in because this was the compassionate sign as you entered the ride!

I've not got round to sewing yet because yesterday we had a trip to the seaside. What will follow now is a lot of lovely photographs that my husband (mostly, a couple were me!!) took, if you're only interested in the sewing you can go read something else now :)
This is the lighthouse at New Brighton on the North West coast
The boy jumping into a hole in the sand!
We were lucky it was such a beautiful day. Cold and VERY windy but really sunny! There was a hilarious moment where the girl's bucket got blown away and was travelling at 100mph towards the sea, I've not run that fast ever (really why was I running?? It was a 50p bucket but not worth the upset child!!). I couldn't catch it so fabulous husband saved the day by running much faster than me and catching the escaping bucket :)
Following the fun of the beach we took the kids to the fairground and let them go on the kiddie ride, the girl's first one! They loved it and they basically laughed the whole time. So cute!
Initially I was slightly worried she wouldn't enjoy it, I think I was put off as we went in because this was the compassionate sign as you entered the ride!
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I really like your colour palette and layout, looks fab! And what a great day out you had :-)
I don't care what tyoe of day it is, the sea always calms me. I love the sound of the waves, and the wind. Maybe I should have joined this dead simple quilt........very nice.
When I first saw the pictures of the beach, I thought you were showing your inspiration for you quilt. Love the colors. Sounds like a wonderful day!
What a beautiful day! Wish I was there. :) Love your colors for the new quilt.
Love your layout. Looks like a lovely day out, well, except for that sign!
Your quilt top is going to be lovely.
Your day out looks great too. We live at the beach (west coast of Canada) and love it too. The sign you show at the bottom of your post reminds me of one we saw in a shop at the beach in California this summer, it said "We refuse service to all children who refuse to listen to their parents." hehe I, too, took a picture of it!
Looks like a perfect day out. The sign certainly leaves you in no doubt!
Like the palette and layout you've chosen! The day at the seaside looks great!
Those are great pictures! Really helpful sign there too! *rolls eyes*
You've chosen a lovely palette for the DSQA :)
totally love that sign!!! lol really made me laugh today.
your colour scheme is beautiful,really really gorgeous. It is going to look amazing. x
The trip to the coast pictures are wonderful, I especially had a real giggle over the "crying is not an emergency" sign at carnival.
Love your beach photos. I use to live by the water and miss it so! AND I am loving your quilt. Those purples and blues and lavendars are gorgeous.