** update, I've switched to pop up comments because I know some people have trouble commenting (and I just worked out how to do it!!) - hope that's ok! **
I didn't link up to TTT with making rebecca lynne yesterday because if was a very sad day for me personally. I so love the concept though and her idea this week of a pouch-along is fantastic! I'm linking up a day late (better than never!!).
For me I'm still thinking what to do with these beauties that arrived from the lovely Barb at Bejewelled Quilts:
All the thinking about applique started me off on yet another project. My step-dad is retiring in a couple of weeks so I decided to make him a gold watch!! A quilted mug rug version obviously :)
I've just cut out some of the pieces:
So on to the free motion quilting or experiment number one. I realise now that I'm going to have to find some solid fabric so you can see the results better but I just used up some of this left over sheet I had lying around, I apologise for my thriftiness! I decided to try using the feed dog cover I found the other day:
Not too shabby but wait:
The back looks horrible!!! It started off ok but then I could not for the life of me get the tension right and the whole process was driving me bonkers. I'm sure with time I could have got it right but I don't have that much. So I took the bloomin' thing off. This time I got a bit bored of the waves and started outlining and doing patterns of my own:
That's when it dawned on me that I'm not so good at following instructions and I decided just to make my own waves rather than copying the video exactly:
It looks more like worms (all that playdough is seeping into my brain!!) or the pattern in the sand left by waves but, whatever, I kind of like it and the stitches and tension seem much better to me. I had fun trying! I need to work on getting the waves more 'wavy' and less 'wriggly'!!
I'm love rain and raindrops so I'm excited to have a go for next Friday! Check it out at Fluffy Sheep Quilting

I didn't link up to TTT with making rebecca lynne yesterday because if was a very sad day for me personally. I so love the concept though and her idea this week of a pouch-along is fantastic! I'm linking up a day late (better than never!!).
For me I'm still thinking what to do with these beauties that arrived from the lovely Barb at Bejewelled Quilts:
All the thinking about applique started me off on yet another project. My step-dad is retiring in a couple of weeks so I decided to make him a gold watch!! A quilted mug rug version obviously :)
I've just cut out some of the pieces:
So on to the free motion quilting or experiment number one. I realise now that I'm going to have to find some solid fabric so you can see the results better but I just used up some of this left over sheet I had lying around, I apologise for my thriftiness! I decided to try using the feed dog cover I found the other day:
Not too shabby but wait:
The back looks horrible!!! It started off ok but then I could not for the life of me get the tension right and the whole process was driving me bonkers. I'm sure with time I could have got it right but I don't have that much. So I took the bloomin' thing off. This time I got a bit bored of the waves and started outlining and doing patterns of my own:
That's when it dawned on me that I'm not so good at following instructions and I decided just to make my own waves rather than copying the video exactly:
It looks more like worms (all that playdough is seeping into my brain!!) or the pattern in the sand left by waves but, whatever, I kind of like it and the stitches and tension seem much better to me. I had fun trying! I need to work on getting the waves more 'wavy' and less 'wriggly'!!
I'm love rain and raindrops so I'm excited to have a go for next Friday! Check it out at Fluffy Sheep Quilting
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I love seeing everyone's free motion quilting. They say when it is a mess on the bottom that it is your top tension.
Thanks for the shout out!!
I think your sand worms look great and just because it doesn`t look exactly like the example doesn`t mean it looks good! Did you remember to reduce your stitch length to 00...if you don`t do this, you get what happened to the bottom of your practice sheet. In the first video on Cindy`s initial post last Monday, she explains that you need to do this. Just a thought!
Lucy I love your version. How beautiful! OH and now I am reading Annabella's comment - what? I missed that whole stitch length to 00 thing. Hmmm...Who am I kidding though - it wouldn't have made a difference! Ha!
Your worms look like mine! I had tension probs too but did enjoy. Hope today is a little better for you xx
I like that you've been creative! Your worms are cool:)
Your waves turned out great, I stopped worrying about doing it exactly like the video...cant think what happened on the back of yours, did you have the same thread top n bottom?
Hi Annabella and Lynn! It was definitely my tension and I used the same thread. My machine only has three stitch length options! I just seem to prefer doing it with the feed dogs, I feel like I have more control or maybe it helps me with rhythm, I don't know! Now I just need to practice more!!
Your worms are fab - closer to the pattern than my map lines ! Hoping we will all look back on these first efforts in time and laugh our heads off cos we will be so much better!
awesome, you made it work! I think the end result turned out nicely. yay! I've been practicing FMQ myself, lately! On my summer sampler blocks, individually. I was gonna try out that whole quilt as you go thing. Maybe I'll join in on this FMQ Friday business! thanks for sharing :D
Love your sand worms Lucy. It looks really good.
How lovely to have pretty worms!
At least you had a go. I'm going to have a try tomorrow. Hope you are feeling happier tomorrow, and please do tell me how you changed to a pop up comment page.
I giggled at the worms comment! Also, I love your outlining attempts--they make it look like you've been doing FMQ for a while now :)
Wow, you did great! :)
We are all learning, and all learning our machines as well. I think your waves look great!
Your worms look fantastic! FANTASTIC! The videos are there as a guide, just a suggestion. The point is for you to learn and practice and it seems you're well on your way. Great job!
Lucy~Sorry you had a rough day, but I hope you're doing better! Your FMQ looks so much better than what I would do! Nothing wormy there! I'm totally going to have to jump in on this project when I get some more time. And your gold watch mug rug idea is fabulous!!