On Monday I managed to finish the 'Dotty Simple Stripes Quilt' and it was given to my friend on Wednesday, happily she loved it :)
I'm linking up to TGIFF which is being hosted by the wonderful and brave Erin this week despite the fact that her sewing machine is kerplut :( Go show her some love!

Also linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts, Finish it up Friday!
Even though my machine is working I have a confession! We've had lovely family come to stay so I've not done any sewing since Monday. What with all the lists I've been making and all the fun and frivolity round here there's been no time! Today, though, I was determined and got down to some fmq practice.
I'm linking up to the wonderful Fluffy Sheep Quilting for the Free Motion Friday. This week it's Slate Tiles, so here's my first attempt:
Not totally horrendous but no where near good! I started on the left (shocking) and got a bit better as I went on. If forgot to set my stitch to small so the length was all over the place, it's still so hard to stay consistent.
I'm also really bad at straight lines! See how these 'slates' looked more curvy at the corners?
I tried again and got them a little better:
Then I had a second attempt, this time my area was much smaller so the whole thing was a bit tricky but it's not totally awful:
There's still lots of room for improvement, clearly!!
I tried going much more slowly but I find this very difficult - I tend to race along!! Must resist the urge for speed!
The fluff I'm referring to in the title is not the sheepy kind (although I must admit I have a deep rooted fear of the little blighters - don't ask and NEVER baaaaa at me!) but the fluff in my machine. Inspired by Helen giving her machine some TLC over at Archie the Wonder Dog I thought, after having it for over eight years, I should give it a good clean - I know, I know, I'm very lazy!!
Here is the fluff monster:
Honestly, it wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting but it's still pretty gross. Here's what I gathered:
Since I'm not sure he ever really reads this I'll share that this looks like what often accumulates in my husband's belly button!! Hahahahahaha!! *oh dear, I really hope he doesn't read it now!!*
The only thing I have managed to achieve quilting wise was some cutting for the Dead Simple QAL. Finally! As I was doing it I have fallen more in love with the palette:
Now I need to get to piecing, tonight me and A Boy Named Sue are going to get reacquainted!

I'm linking up to TGIFF which is being hosted by the wonderful and brave Erin this week despite the fact that her sewing machine is kerplut :( Go show her some love!

Also linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts, Finish it up Friday!
Even though my machine is working I have a confession! We've had lovely family come to stay so I've not done any sewing since Monday. What with all the lists I've been making and all the fun and frivolity round here there's been no time! Today, though, I was determined and got down to some fmq practice.
I'm linking up to the wonderful Fluffy Sheep Quilting for the Free Motion Friday. This week it's Slate Tiles, so here's my first attempt:
Not totally horrendous but no where near good! I started on the left (shocking) and got a bit better as I went on. If forgot to set my stitch to small so the length was all over the place, it's still so hard to stay consistent.
I'm also really bad at straight lines! See how these 'slates' looked more curvy at the corners?
I tried again and got them a little better:
Then I had a second attempt, this time my area was much smaller so the whole thing was a bit tricky but it's not totally awful:
There's still lots of room for improvement, clearly!!
I tried going much more slowly but I find this very difficult - I tend to race along!! Must resist the urge for speed!
The fluff I'm referring to in the title is not the sheepy kind (although I must admit I have a deep rooted fear of the little blighters - don't ask and NEVER baaaaa at me!) but the fluff in my machine. Inspired by Helen giving her machine some TLC over at Archie the Wonder Dog I thought, after having it for over eight years, I should give it a good clean - I know, I know, I'm very lazy!!
Here is the fluff monster:
Honestly, it wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting but it's still pretty gross. Here's what I gathered:
Since I'm not sure he ever really reads this I'll share that this looks like what often accumulates in my husband's belly button!! Hahahahahaha!! *oh dear, I really hope he doesn't read it now!!*
The only thing I have managed to achieve quilting wise was some cutting for the Dead Simple QAL. Finally! As I was doing it I have fallen more in love with the palette:
Now I need to get to piecing, tonight me and A Boy Named Sue are going to get reacquainted!
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Your quilt is so bright. I love it.
That's an impressive collection of fluff, whether it came from your machine or a belly button ;o) Can you tell the difference now you've cleaned it? Love the quilt - such great colours! Must apologise - I'm convinced I've been following your blog but I can't see my photo in the array or your name on my blog roll so have rectified that and I'm going to read back a few posts to see what I've missed!
Lucy, I love the fabrics in your quilt. Great job on the FMQ! It does get easier with practice. The fluff is pretty gross eh?Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!
Lucy your slate tiles are lovely and the stitching so even. I'm hopeless at getting the stitches even.
wow thats a lot of lint, LOL! Good effort and the quilt is fab :D
Oo, I love your palette for the dead simple QAL! And I have definitely been there with the lint in the sewing machine (and ahem, DH bellybutton too ;) )
I'm impressed with the FMQ. I confess to lack of time to do more than sewing a few hours a week, even though I really want to learn to FMQ! Isn't it shocking the amount of lint that can build up?? One time there was so much in my machine it had compressed itself into a little piece of felted wool. Seriously. I could have used it in a project.
Wow! Thanks a lot of lint. I love seeing it though. That way I don't have to feel bad about mine.
Lovely even stitches. I love your tiles!
This looks awesome! I like your tiles a lot and think your stitching looks great actually. The fluff is funny because I tried getting mine out last night (machine not belly, ha!) and could not figure out how to get off the plate. I'll have to try again...
I like your quilting this week, both the straight line and FMQ. I love to free motion, but I can never seem to stitch a straight line. Great job.
That reminds me I need to clean out my machine!
Your last lot of tiles are looking great! And that quilt finish is fab!
Love the post. Will we get husband commentary? In the last couple of fmq photos, I can see your stitching would make nice windows. Very nice.
Jodi B
Awesome job on the tiles! You crack me up;)
Your tiles are brill, well done
Don't sell yourself short Ms Lucy - your FMQ is great. I'm definitely impressed. :)
Your friend is so lucky to get this pretty and colorful quilt!
; )
Great quilt Lucy - love the bright colours! Don't know why you are being so picky about your FMQ it looks good to me!
If we are going to use these designs on a quilt no-one is going to look at it that closely remember - they will be looking at the texture and the effect - talk about navel searching!
The Dotty Simple Stripes Quilt is adorable! LOVE the colors and fabrics.
Really? You're not into sheep? But they're so fluffy! :) I joke - I really am scared to death of cows. Most relaxed animal on earth and they make me want to run!
Anyway...onto your quilting. I think your tiles look great. You can clearly see that you get better with time and practice, so there's progress with your effort. Well done and keep practicing :)
Your tiles are looking great! I am scared to look in that part of my machine but she is really due a wee bit of a service I would imagine :(
Your tiles are great. I also did a machine de-fluff at the weekend. I can't believe where it all comes from!
your dotty quilt is cute!
keep going with the free motion quilting. it DOES get easier! i like the pattern you were working on. i haven't seen or tried it before. i'll have to play with that someday. it's fun!