I'm from Manchester, part of the reason I live here is because I love rain so when I saw this weeks Free Motion Friday's Challenge at Fluffy Sheep Quilting was Drop Art I fell in love! I also left it until last night because I was putting it off in case I was horrible at it...
There is something wrong with me... free motion quilting should NOT equal WORMS!!! And yet look:
Somehow I managed to even make drops look like worms!!!
So I had a little talk to myself. It went like this, 'Lucy, you love rain, you talk about it all the time, you're happy when it does, you smile when you hear the sound. You KNOW rain. Think about rain. Think about those big drops of rain and sew RAIN DROPS!!'
I tried again...
And you know what, I am pretty happy with it. It looks like drops!! I even showed it to my husband, said 'what are these?' and he said 'drops'! That's good enough for me :)
Some are a bit wiggly, sometimes I still end up in super-speed and have to tell myself to slow down but all in all I think it's not bad. I love this design for free motion and will definitely use it (in fact I even have something in mind but there's no way I can start another quilt yet!! Current count is 5 and that's enough at once for me!). Drop Art was a brilliant choice so thank you Fluffy Sheep Quilting!!
I also have a couple of finishes this week so I'm linking up to TGIFF at Quilt Matters.
My step-dad retires next week so I'm going to give him this mug rug (although my mum told me it's too nice to put coffee on!!):
I'm pleased with how it turned out. This is the first bit of embroidery I've ever given someone and I've never appliqued before (you can totally tell hahahahaha). This is also my first bit of hand quilting. That's actually a lot of firsts for one project isn't it??! Oh well I had a vision of what I wanted to give him and I'm glad I had a try. I know he'll appreciate the handmadeness of it :)
I also finished the second half quilt earlier this week and am having a vote (poll on the right) to see which one to keep - please read about it here and vote if you haven't already!
The poll finishes in a few days so I'll shut up about it soon!!
I have to finish that baby quilt this weekend so wish me luck :)

There is something wrong with me... free motion quilting should NOT equal WORMS!!! And yet look:
Somehow I managed to even make drops look like worms!!!
So I had a little talk to myself. It went like this, 'Lucy, you love rain, you talk about it all the time, you're happy when it does, you smile when you hear the sound. You KNOW rain. Think about rain. Think about those big drops of rain and sew RAIN DROPS!!'
I tried again...
Some are a bit wiggly, sometimes I still end up in super-speed and have to tell myself to slow down but all in all I think it's not bad. I love this design for free motion and will definitely use it (in fact I even have something in mind but there's no way I can start another quilt yet!! Current count is 5 and that's enough at once for me!). Drop Art was a brilliant choice so thank you Fluffy Sheep Quilting!!
I also have a couple of finishes this week so I'm linking up to TGIFF at Quilt Matters.
My step-dad retires next week so I'm going to give him this mug rug (although my mum told me it's too nice to put coffee on!!):
I also finished the second half quilt earlier this week and am having a vote (poll on the right) to see which one to keep - please read about it here and vote if you haven't already!
The poll finishes in a few days so I'll shut up about it soon!!
I have to finish that baby quilt this weekend so wish me luck :)
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You are definitely getting it on the second go! Great Job!!!
Doodling rain suits you Lucy - obviously works for you to think it! Do that next time too!
Love the comparison and the second is brill. I know what you mean about speed! x
Well I think your FMQ looks great! I've still never tried it so I'm always just so impressed with other people's first attempts!
I love your drops and how you wrote about the rain. I, too, love the rain....so why do I live in the desert? A question I can't answer. The mug rug is great. And, he gets a gold watch for retiring. Thank you for sharing your projects.
haha your better half sounds as daft as mine, you definately got better at this "drop" one,
I enjoyed it, I will deffo use it too...not sure about next weeks, straight lines free motion and me dont mix...eeek
Lucy! Your second one looks awesome! Not saying your first one doesn't, but you really got it on the second one. Silly you, worrying about worms! Looks fabulous, and I love how the watch mug rug turned out!
You are hilarious, Lucy! I tried that drop fmq too and it went so-so. Good on you for having another go it -- it definitely looks like drops the second time. And as far as I'm concerned those worms work just as well! Loving that mug rug! I have a thing about clocks and timepieces. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!
Oh the Drops turned out great - I am rather jealous!
Love the pocket watch - he will love it!
And I just voted xxx
I think your mum is right. That clock is far too nice to put coffee on :) Your drops are great too!
Hey, that second go looks great! The watch mug rug is very cool, I love that u had so many firsts on one project! Yay for finihes :D
I LOVE rain too...your drop art looks great! Looks like the pep talk worked.
Great job on the FMQ! Your mug rug is over the top :) Bet your dad cherishes it always.
Those drops are great!
I do the same thing! A good talking to myself...."get it together, Cindy". Look at how well it worked for you. Your drops look great! Well done.
I love your drops, I must definitely try again!
Love your gold watch too. Super.
That mug rug is amazing, Lucy. I think it looks fantastic. I love the quilting lines. This is such a thoughtful gift.