I made this quilt for one of my favourite couples new baby boy. They are dear friends and I wanted to make them something special. She gave me a gorgeous bundle of fabric to work with and I chose this fabulous Anna Maria Horner pattern, which I kept a surprise. I handed it over last weekend and I'm pleased they loved it! My friend is a very talented knitter so I know she appreciates hand made.
This is the very first quilt I've hand quilting and I loved every minute. I used Anchor pearl cotton and used quite large stitches to outline the circles and star shapes. I adore the look it gives the quilt.
I had a good friend make me the templates, since I knew I'd want to make it again (she actually makes the most amazing jewellery, check out Wonderhaus). I used Lynne's awesome tutorial to get the points matching nicely. I made a label and attached it with a blanket stitch.
I almost called this quilt 'The one I didn't want to give away' but my husband nixed that idea. Seeing their gorgeous baby made me feel glad to make them something so special :)
As if by magic, Katy is currently having a Spinning Stars QAL so if you want to make one of your own hop over and join in!
There's a lot of lovely inspiration over on the Flickr group and it's always nice to be able to ask questions as you go along.
This is also the baby quilt listed on my FAL post so that's another one checked off!
Linking up:

at the fab Quokka Quilts this week!
Post a Comment
It's fabulous! I can't believe how much you're making at the moment though!
that's so lovely! I'm nit surprised you wanted to keep it!
I just love the hand quilting - ace :) (for some reason, I'm commenting like a teenager from the 90s today - my bad ;))
This quilt is gorgeous. I love the design and fabrics and the hand quilting suits it perfectly :)
Oh you are brilliant. Popping out quilts without warning!
Love the Spinning Stars! Just not the template - I still have 3 of these to finish!!! Haha... Beautiful gift Lucy!
Very cool. I think you must spend your whole day at the machine! ha
It's lovely! The hand quilting is a fantastic personal touch, too. :)
It's gorgeous and hand quilting it makes the quilt even more special!!! Beautiful work yet again, Lucy!
Cool, love the random wee farm(?) bits in it
Great job on the piecing and the quilting ; )
This is so cute. Beautiful stitching. Lucky baby...
Very nicely put together. I hope they get much joy from this gorgeous quilt!
Lucy, this is absolutely fabulous! I knew it was going to be a great quilt when you shared a short bit about it. Your stitches look so perfect!
You really are an inspiration!
It's lovely. Congrats on the finish
It's lovely, Lucy! Fab hand quilting too!
You are unstoppable Lucy and inspired!
Such a cute quilt! Hand quilting is so awesome to do =D
I love your hand quilting. I'm sure your friend will treasure this quilt!
Oh its brilliant Lu! The handquilting is the perfect touch :o)
This is so perfect for a baby boy - I really like the solids and your handstitching.
That is amazing, brilliant for a boy without being babyish! Love it x
Aren't you just the loveliest? A beautiful quilt Lucy!
What a lucky little baby boy to be getting such a gorgeous quilt!!
I love this quilt :-) That hand quilting is stunning. I wouldn't want to give it away either ;-) I like how you edited your label so that you could still post it, too. I'm so following your lead on that one! Ok, now I'm caught up on your blog.
How wonderful, Lucy! Such a fabulous baby quilt - great colors and your quilting is perfect! Whoop whoop!!
I really love the pattern and colors you used on this quilt! Your hand quilting looks perfect! Spaced evenly and stitches all the same size, awesome job! Yes a Whoop Whoop is in order!
I would have a hard time parting with this great quilt too! Love your stitching!
What a great finish! Isn't it fantastic to see something you've made go to a good home? I love that.
Ha, you're ahead of Katy. Well done! :)
Wonderful! I can see why you wanted to keep it. :-)
Oh, Lucy! I love love LOVE it!! I have a thing for dots anyway so you can imagine how I'm drooling over here. :) Love the spinning stars. xoxo
Um, arent you meant to be pregnant and have 2 little ones already? You're putting the rest of us, well me anyway, to shame! It's a lovely quilt, with great stitching. You have a lucky friend.