no, not just to fabric! But foundation paper piecing. I am going to blame Lynne and Mandy because I can ;)
I actually don't think I can stop myself, I'm even dreaming about it!
After completing the Postcards from Paris, I've started another of Lynne's patterns - the ET phone home block (go and look at hers, it's fabulous!).
Now I've seen a lot of blog talk of low volume quilts recently, well I guess this would be high volume?!!
I didn't intend it to be quite so jumbled, I thought the prints (all School Days by American Jane Patterns, Sandy Klop for Moda) had more contrast. I kind of like the hidden pattern, although I do sort of feel like I've made an awful mess.
I was so bored of using solids for backgrounds I thought I'd try something different.
Yeah 'different' it is!! Maybe I won't be quite so bold next time!!
I shall chalk this down to experience, keep going with it because I do kind of love it anyway, make it a cushion and then move on.
What do you do when you make a 'mistake'?
Linking up to:

My lovely friend Nat decided to move on from her old blog and has created a super stylish new one! It's full of beauty, gorgeous makes and she is also preggers :) Please go and visit her at Made in Home.
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I spend my life jumping from one mistake to another. Maybe you can use quilting to help bring out the pattern somehow. Not sure how, but you could try. Can't wait to see what Hadley says about this!!!
Hahaha glad you are diving in with both feet! It will be lovely all finished I think, busy can be good sometimes...
Wow, that's funky! In a good way, I mean! I agree with Susan, maybe it needs some bright hand quilting to bring out the pattern.
And my mistakes have gone in the bin.... In my defense, they've never been very big!
My mistakes usually end up in the scrap bin, to be pulled out and repurposed at some later date. :)
I normally try to push through my mistakes as well. Most often, the end result still turns out, even if it is not what I had in my head. I love paper pieces as well :)
This is a very vibrant beginning to a block! I really want to make a low volume quilt, too!
I am the queen of making mistakes. Sometimes I just suck it and see and go with it. Sometimes I start over and chalk it up to experience and sometimes I throw a big old pity party and feel very sorry for myself and then go do something else! :-)
hmm. that's too bad. and an awful lot of work to go through just to loose the pattern completely. might as well finish, though, and maybe use some really big, thick (the chunkiest you can find!), bright red pearl cotton to hand quilt in the ditch around those lost triangles. That's what I would do. Good luck!
I make it work with what I have! Otherwise that is a lot of fabric waste:( Good Luck with your project!
Never think of them as mistakes, more, learning opportunity. Welcome to the FP club - it opens many doors.
Yeah I'm doing a lot of paper piecing this year too weirdly enough.
I've received a block in a bee I do that is busy like this, my advice to the girl who made it when she gets it back is to embroider around the main design in a backstitch with black perle. For your I think you'd need something at the other end of the spectrum round the triangles- maybe a white or bright yellow?!
Mistake is my middle name....I either just go with it, give it away, or trash it.
I Love paper piecing-it was Sheila that first got me started with the mystery quilt. I have done the ET block too and it is very very addictive!!
I really like your block (maybe I'm biased because I'm using a dot for my ET quilt...) and I like the busy-ness. And look on the bright side - at least it'll be harder to spot any mismatch on the centre seams ;o)
When I make a mistake I just swear a lot then make another to keep it company....
Lynne's UJ at the FQ Retreat made me a paper piecing junkie too. So you have learnt about lack of contrast. Brilliant. You know for next time. Di c
Mistake what mistake? Ok I am a bit of a solid addict, but I should really experiment with pattern too. It is really hard to know sometimes... Thanks for the mention by the way!!
Ha, another one sucked in... ;o)
That is a rather good addiction to have! They have so many great paper pieced patterns out there =D
I think as a cushion that will look great - as a whole quilt - completely bonkers!
I don't make mistakes - yeah right! xxx
Mistakes? I never make those! haha, I wish :-)
This is FANTASTIC! I think the details look great. The various patterns make it look more complex. I think it's wonderful!
Off to check out Nat's blog... Thanks!
Personally I like your High Volume block ;)
I love paper piecing too, and your block is not a mistake. It is just in progress. Quilting could be used to create some additional contrast. My view is there are no mistakes, just design features.
I learn most from my many mistakes! I just try not to make the same one more than once or twice!
It will be great Lucy - I love vintage quilts which have hidden blocks through less contrast - I think every quilt should have at least one! Makes it interesting to look at! Keep going!
I adore those fabrics so I say keep going and a cushion would be lovely. I think you could bring the pattern out with outlined quilting. Mistakes happen to me all the time! I just try to push on through them and not get downhearted. It is like Sheila said all about learning! xx
I think it will make a great cushion! I hope that in general I learn from my mistakes and move on - that hardly ever happens though ;-)
No, it is not a 'mistake' it is an experiment. As such you intended to learn something from it, and so it was a success!
And I am sure you can find someone for whom it would be perfect? and do something with it for them?
I like it! Definitely keep going with it. Plus, it's so helpful for a gal like me to see how the prints you picked play together in this pattern. I'm terrible at visualizing things, so this helps my brain learn things it doesn't know on its own ;-)